Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1937, p. 46

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Elizabeth Schwarm Will Be Bride of E. J. Koza -in June Saturday, june, 19, bhashen set, as the date -for the mnar- riage. of Miss Ei.zab)ethi Schwarm and Endward. J. Koza, the son of E. G. ýKoza of, Leland, Ii.The ceremony WUl akre place at 8 :30 o'clock in the eve- nipg at the home of the.bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Artliur C. Schwarmi of 925 Ashland ave- nue, with..thé' Rev. Amnos Thofii-. burg of the Methodist church reading the service.' A rece-1ption wiIl follow. Mrs. W. E. S tarr of Decatur, the twin sister of the bride,. will be ber matron of -j-onor, and Miss Alice Stewart of Springfield, a sorority sister, is serving I as bridesmaid. The flower girl will be Mirs. Starf s small daughter, Elizabeth Caroline. Many friends of the bride have been feting her at parties and showers and some of these have taken place in De- catur. Mrs. Schwarm, Miss Carnie L.ouise Douglass of Wilmette, and Mrs. Robert A. Schwarm of Rogers Park arivdhume Sunday eveninoe (rom De- 4 *UC~ Wedding to Take Place Saturday, The wedding of Miss Lucile. Stailey. aid'George Howard Kraft will- take place Saturdav evelng, l. liue,5, at .8.:30 o'clock at the. resideiice of thle 'bride- grog1li's l)aréiits, Mr. ai-là 1rs. Charles ilerbert. Kraft, 1236 ireenwood. a-venute, -Xýilinmet te. Tlhe Rev. Geore P. Magili Nxvill performi th e ceremion.y. T'he bride's 'ttendants wvil-1 be the bridegroomn's sisters, Miss H-azel Kraft,, and Mrs. Aldo E. Nessier of Ev- anston. Mr.- Kraft %%vil1 be attcnded by. -Mr. Nessier. as best Mian. Miss' Rutth Truska, whowill p)lay tli wedditngtnitic, %vill'agsist at the rueui- ti.~Q T Thle bride, th~e daugliter of Mr. anId MIrs. Claude Stailey, forinerly of E'v - anston and now of the East End Park hiotel ini Chicago, is a member of Alphia. Gamima Delta sorority. Mr. Kraft's fra- ternity is Sigma Alpha Epsilon. .Both lhé and bis fiancée are graduates of Northi- western ufiversity. Entertaining during the iveek pIrtcccd- tig the wedding inéludes the sp)inster dinner tonighit (Thursday), at the homne of NMrs. Nessler! in Evanston1, and thé May 15, Dy ner busnessau'Isce. iis Stewart entertained et a teaon. May 23, at hier home in Springfield, and Tuesday, May 25, Mrs. Starr gave a buffet diii- ner at ber home in Decatur for her sis- ter. Mrs. Ford Dickerson was hostess at: a bridge-luncheon and lînen shower at the Decatur club on Thursday, May 27, and Friday. evening, May 28, Mrs. Har- old Holmes, Mrs. Flqyd Birt and Miss Lois Holmnes were co-hostesses at a Burchet PhotO. Mi-;. Walter A. Strong, Jr., has returned with Mr. Strong f romo their w~edding trip to Virginia. They are now at home at 561 Hill terrace, *Win-, nctka. Their marinage took place May 15, in Beloit, the home of the bride>; par~ents, Mr-. anzd Mi-;. Idward P. Salmon., Mr. Strong is a sont of Airs. ttýaIter A. Strong of 1377 Tower road, Winnetka. lnotel. Mni. Kraft and his bride arc'sailing. on thie Quen Mary on june 4), goilig, first to England on a trip which wil last fronm six Nveeks to two mioi.tli,., Kathleen Harvey Is. fo Marry, Evansionian Paper Shower Mrs. E. Honace Cook of Niles Center, the former Miss Donothy jane Orr of Wilmette, gave a 1 paper shower-in bher home Wednesday afternoon of Iast week.in honlor.'of Miss Evélyn. Totman of Winnetka, ed fnrom whiose marniage, to. Robert Mc Donald, will t.ake place Jue .25. Ntrs. N'.. J. Mvergenthaler, 210 Catalpa place, was thé guest of honon at a surprise handkerchief shower given for hér at lier home on Tues- day eveni.ng, May 25, by District No. 3 of' the Wilmette Rebekah lodge.. Twenty-.five, guests were 'present. Mrs. Mengethaler is a ps officer of the,'organization. twenty . guests in their homie at 854 Sheridan road, Wilmett, i honor of Miss Peggy Geer, daugliter of MVr. and Mrs. Isaac Geçr, of Chicago, whose marriage to john Henry'Kleineý, Jr., so.iof Mn. and Mrs. john H-enry Kine ls f , hicago, . will take place june 23.

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