Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1937, p. 44

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for TF Luncheon Members will gather froni aIl parts of the ýcountry ifor lunch'- eon Friday, June 11, at 12:30, o'clck inthe: ballrom'of -the Orrington - hotel in Evanston when ýTau Chapter of Kappa Al- phia Theta at.Northwestern uni- versity. celebra *tes ýthe fiftieth anniversary of its foundiing. The: reunion is ,sponsored by Tau as- sociation, of which. Mrs., Donald E. -Nichols of Highland Park is president. Genevieve Forbes. Herrick, uoted * newpapercorrespondent, who is ani alumna of Tau chapter, is coming it'omither homneinuWashngton, 1D. C, * to be toastmnistress. Mrs. D. Biigb Grasett of Winnetka, grand president of Kappa Alpha Theta, and a gradu- ate of the Northwestern chapter, will be another guest. Miss Eva R. Hall, of Sycamore, Ill., one of the chapter founders, will cut the birthday cake. An amusing historical sketch wilI be presented hy- Mrs. Lawrence E. Mitten of Kenilworth, assisted by girls from the college chapter. who will be Town House Photo Miss Gretchen Onderdonk, 190 Linden avenue, Winnetka, (lef t) and ,Mrs. Wallace D. Mackenz-ie (righ t), also of Winunetka, are among the menm- bers of the Junior board of Northwestf rn University' settlement actively participcsting in the arrangemnents for the bene fit Bargain. bal which the board zeill hold at the Stevens hotel oit Saturdar evening, lune 26. Miss Onderdonk is serving oit the /'ublicity cmmittee,. and Mrs. Mackenzie is. assristing u4th the .qeneral plans for the part y. Tickets to the' gffair inay bc obtained from. any meinber of the Junior board. Betty Mulford, mBefore Wedding These last three weeks be- flore her wedding, Mi'ss Betty Mulford'of ýWil.mette is being entertained by her. friiends. The first of« the evenits wasý the kitchen shower given, Friday,evening, May 21, by Mrs. Francis C. Varney of JEvanston andM Miss Geraldine Hanidley of Chicago at.Mrs. Varney's apartment in Evanis-, ton. On .May 26, miss: Mulford's. cous i n, Mrs. Burnhamù Curtis, of Chi- cago, and Mrs. John L. Sybrandt, Jr., of Evanston, were hostesses at a lunch- con and batbroom shower. at the "Curt is residence.. The following day another cousin of the bride, Mrs. A. G. Zulfer of Chicago, entertairred at luncheon at the Lake Shore Athletic club, and thé evening of Wednesday, June 2, Mrs. joseph N * Cordeil of Chicago gave a closet shower. Other .entertaining is yet to corne. On Saturday of this week Mrs. Percy B. D. Idier and be r daughter, Miss Eleanor, wili be hostesses at a lûncheon, bridge, and linen shower. Suinday a buffet sup- per for ail of the famiiy will be given by Miss Mulford's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Mogg at their borne ini Piano, 111. Mondav, of 'this next week. Mrs, Mrs. Ericsson F. McLaughiin oi Evanston is general chairman of tht affair. Mrs. Duncan O. Weity; jr.. ,of the. same city, hâs charge of reser- vations, and Mrs. Walter J. Goettscli ef Keniiworth, invitations. Mrs. Wil liamn C. Henning of Winnetka head. the decorating comnmittee andi Mar3 Alsted, a member of the active chap- ter, wili plan the music. 11 a h r d4u. n nàn r tn Q"" fSkokie Country club's dinner dance e scbeduie for the sumrner and early fail lists eight parties to be held on the terrace. The dates of these af- h fairs are june 12 and 26, July 10 and -24, Atxgust 14 and 28, September 18, Sand October 9. -y The opening 'of the 1937 golf sea- son at the club took place Monday, with special events for hoth morning Mrs. John Hubbeil is expected to arrive tonjorrow from dýambridge, Mass., to be the maid of honor for the wedding of Miss Loretta Wh'Iite and Charles Peter Jaeger on Satur- day, june 12. Mrs. Hubbell is the formier Ruth Seanor of Evaniston. The ceremony will take place at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Thomuas C. White, 310 Richmond i-oàd, Kenilworth, and wilI cago will oe nostess at a tea. .The members of the wedding party who are coming froxu out-of-town are arriving the day before the wedding in time for the bridai dinner whicb Miss ýMulford's parents; Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert *B. Mulford of 835 Lake avenue, aàre giving that nigbt at the Georgian botel. Miss Mulford returned Tuesday ai ter 6pendiflg the Memiorial day holidays ini m,~ Aiad.). an1s Il4Lr terniy. ru later, Tau chapter. It now has siixty- ix bundred initiates.' ters, fifty-fotxr alun fraternity of Kappa fifty-nine alumnac chap- ýrs and. 7, at the home of Mrs. D. C. Kemp, Membrs llî Miss Margaret Johnston of 1320 1030 Ashland avenue. Mmeswl Grèenwood avenue arrives home june sew in the morning, and luncheon 12, froxu the, University of Indiana 'and bridge will follow in the after- to spend the summer with her par-, 'noon. Mrs. R. J. Pellingham of Ev- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. anston is chairman of the, group. Johnston.

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