trn interestingly of tus experientces lu 14ewfoundland, *where lie i; at- tached to Grenfell's hospital. After ><ý,completing bis -mçdical course an& iiiterneship at te s byterian h tl, Dr. Burge lefCý' ie Julyof n36wa yer at the.~ fell hospital, located,.at St.c nhn~ It was, a part.,of bis duty to "ride circuit," to borrow. a terni from the' ministerial profession, visiing mn'ny of the Grenfeli1 stations throU4,ut that part of the. bleak -and .,rren country whose climate, people a-nd topography, are littie known to tlf- average American. The,. genéra idea of b i is perhaps bestf expres se 'd by a quotation referring to its neighbor, Labrador, but equally 'ap- plicable to, Newfoundland: "'God madle most of the world in five days, Labrador on the sixth, and spent -the -4eienth- day t4irowing stones at Lette,.. Tei Expevi.nce Dr. B urge arrivecl at St. Anthony on Sunday, July 12, and began his series of letters on the following Wednesday. White it is impossible Ao publish these letters ini full, the following second instailment of ex- cerpts (the first instailment appeared in last week's issue) will reveal in' some measure the kind of life the young physician is leading in the far trip (by boat, ot course) up to Kir- pou (pronouniced Carpoon, for no good reason), at the very northern tip of Newfoundland, on an inspec- tion of certain. settlements for t-y- phoid-one case had corne here froni there. Went in the 'Jessie Gold-; thwaite.' donated* by a wealthy- Bos- tonian in memory of bis wife. The -skipper, one Commander Graham, Royal Navy retired, bas been ail over the world with the British na-v. ini- Above: Wistter's Wood, very important item ini the northern, reg ions. *Right: A 4ha;rd-uorkipeg ,dog team enkjoys a brca7thini speil nowv and. then.. can't begin to tell you how niuch I'm Iearning. Here I cani go just as far as I arn able, and yet always have Dr. Curtis t0 step in with advice or physical help. On almost every operation lie asks nie if I'd like to do it, and more often, now, 1 accept. On medical treatment lie interferes only where hie cati add something-or subtract, of course. There are miany . Shotgun Haiidy, Too jThat a shotgun plays an important p~art i-n the life at St. Anthony is shown by this brief. excerpt: - "Just returned from two, hours' shooting on the sea at 'tickelouse,', or 'tickelice.' I suppose, ini the plural -a kind of guil whikh is good eating (founid it's a kittiwake). Three of us got 19, ail by the time-honored customn of calling thien," xvhich mnethod he describesnminuiely. saved some money and continue to wrestie a livéiihood from the sea anid soul, but ini Red Bay I fouind only two.. or possibly three families who could really greet wi-nter iii a fashion. Otie of the best fixed famnilies had put up 9,000 pounids of hay. "After completing niy calls I ne - turned to the station to find that the dentist liad finished tulling teeth .andý I upit LIme jaintliap i4j t 1e Ltiie co ing ini and the easy - rhythm of 'squeak-Ibump' as the hand-fashioned oars slide between the thole pins. Wreclcs "HeIp Out" "'Contiuing our journey on Mon- day, we cruised on. to Forteau Bay frorn E. St'. Modeste. Forteau had been vi.sited and wl attended by doctors and dentists, so there was flot mnucli to be donc, and the coin- Above: The "konatik" (dog iled toyouý) ie noue too. comiortable., but af- fords good transportation. spirit, or of means for giving il (- pression. Entertainment, gifts, music, dancing, ganies-not excepting tur .- key dinners with ail the trinmmings except cranberries., for which a su!-. stitute was found in native squash berries. The Labrador doctor dou- lled for Santa Claus, and the holidav season was auspiciously openied. (Conciuded) Tuesday, June 8, wilt be a red fetteýr' day in the lives of some hundr(,d youngsters from the Mary Crane Nursery school in > Chicago when they Will I)e transported to the campus of the National College of, Educd- tion for an afternoon of fun as theý geuests of the college students. Each year these underprivi leged chuidren corne from crowded city di.i- tricts to have their day of fun on the playgrounds of the Children's Denion- stration schooi. After several hQurrnf, andexlaüedth -rp - unonWEK-ND WJEST andcxpa~ed heharoo gu ~ on dole-as one native put. it,' 'en- arestories of play, including, hazard- Mr. andi Mrs. Iioyt King of 711 the bew, the rnethod of blôwing up titling one ta $2 a month anid beri ous trips by dog teani and 'komatik,' Forest avenue had as theîr guest thbe whale with air after it is alon - beri.' But they have ta take brown skiing parties, ýskating, çxciting par- over Memorial Day week-end, 'Miss side, and then towing it back to the flotir now, andc there is much less of leys with ýnatives for jrecious- skins, %~th Vincent of Wheaton, Ill. Mrs. rendering factory at. Hawk's Harbor it. Tea, molasses, flour, home canned to read of which wou d arouse envy Fking's mother, Mrs. Charles *lunter on the Labrad or." - cabbage and sait fish make up thie in the hearts of ýevery woman. The and her brother, C. Kenneth Hunter, I..pII.G...t Edutin entire diet of hundreds of people iu narrative leads up ta the holiday sea- who also make' their home at 711, Wn-itingsu a more serious vein, wiuter. A few have no cabbage, a son, and its observance in the far Forest avenue, left last Thursday for Dr. B r 3e Peaks of the value of his- few grow potatoes ta last part ,of ail north. There was, accrùgtD.UnoCiyPa Thyeptt b work i the hospital. He s ays:1winter.,-Them etrrsn ave Bren lack of the Christmnas gaone a monho i ek,