Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Jun 1937, p. 34

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"Temnporarily relieved fromn the duty of acquiring an education, a major portion, of this veritable army of youngsters wiIl play in streets and roam the, highways in search of pleasure,, thus' placing added re- sponsibility on theshoulders of the moôtoriists," Secretary, Hughes pointedj Out. "Careful drivers will bear iin' mmid that, even if flot 'playing directly in streets, chiîdren will bedarting back. and forth over roadways at ail hours of the day." Mr. Hughes said that throughout the nation Iast year a total of,1,,410 chikiren were kild afnd more -than 41,500 were injured while playing.iii streets. "'The appalliig, number of innio- cent children killed or. maimüed each year- by motor vehicles must be, re- duiced.!" Secretary Hughes declared. "When it comnes to, protecting the, lives of our ittle ones," he continued, "there can be no compromise or evasion of this duty on the part of either parents or motorists.~ "Parents, older brothers and sisters are moraliy obligated to cooperate with the motorist by forbidding chli- dren to play in streets and by urging them to use the utmost caution while crossing roadways. Smaller ch 'îidren sliould be instructed as to the proper niethod ini crmsing streets." * kudolpiz Ganz, (upper le! t) noted pianist., zwi/ li tuegest condiictor of t/he M/inoais synsphony orchestra ~.rei ft resclits1 its final Pro6gram of the year ;icxt Monda- v evening in the aulditorium of -Newz Trier Tozcpship 1kig/iscitool. MIiss Olya Daije, drama tic con- tralto, ( 'uppez righ.t) zoill appear on t/he pro gram as soloist, siflgiflg Saint-Sacns aria, "La Pia>scce dut Oscar CI;auson, 22-year-old violin- john (. Iiiuy, Mriniister Of the First Congregational churcli, offi- ciated at the rites. *Born, in Utica, N. Y., she *oved to Chicago with lier father's family in 1896. She- Was graduated from North- western ýuniversiîty in 1900, where she was' a member of Phi Beta Kappa,ý natinal onorscholastic, group, and Kappa Alpha Theta, social sorority, Orga«nized P. T. A., Mrs. King, w-ho had been a resident Of flic. comnmutiity since 1908, M'as' active- in the work of the Con grega. t ional chùrcli, and tauàht ini the Sun- day 5sclolShe'ivas a member 'of the Woman's club., and Was one of.the orgaîtizers of the. Parent-Teaciier as-_ sociat.iti at Central' school serving alsýo.as president of that organization. She vvas also president of the Cook Couint% Suhuirban P. T. A., and was dlelegate.,to several national convleni- tin.Shie ias a mnember *of the Wihinettc League of. XoninVoters and of the Old Settiers' organization. She wvas president of the EIvaniston Alumniii chapter of hier college sor- ôritv, and liad served for miany years as a .meml)er of the public ibrarv boardI. Mrs. King, wlio had been i ifor several vears, had benifrcedb-, failing health to gie.pler various ~'\Iebersof lier ....--......- 4£. J Vitu- Quinin and Tony -Willman, contest- etits in the 500 mile race at Indianap- .olis Monday, expec'ted to compete, the nidget auto race at Riverviev. Speedway, Addison street. near West- ern avenue, wiIl be somewhat of a reunion of- the stars this Sunday ,night. Others listed for, the nine-event card, which will be featured by- a 40- Iap contest, are Duke Nalon, Emil Andres. Shortvr Srwor ,i - nl. 7..le Evanston Fine Arts Academy Has Exhibit-ion of Students-' Work' Urge P( s and toof work done by 'aluni silice lea'ving Ischool. Museum Expedition Goes to Bering- Sea, An expedition to the Pribî,lof Is- lands ini the BeringSea, off RIe Coast of Alaska, the -object of whiclÉîis .to obtâin more than thirty 'speclunens. of fur seals of, both sexes and of varions ages for a.new habitat group planned at Field Mtaseumi of Natural History left. Chicago Wednesday, -...-~ '.4~'~ 111 CIIUi wuunethe 3nYer, neten Sweeney, Marjorie PLANS HOUSE PARTY go. Qne-.year scholarships : Miss drawings andpaeiintings)ldonellbyechli- Weiller, Evelyn, Youngquist. Mrs. 0. P. Wesfphal of Evanston lice Bender., Our Lady of Lourdes. dren and young people in the Satur- Gleuco. 'has invited the menibers of her Ken- icago,; Miss Norma, Langen, St day morning classes. Another part of Jane Carlson, Carolyn Farr, Willa ilworth card club to attend a bouse regory, Chicago; Miss Bonnie the exhibit that was of u nique inter- Feakins, Katherine Hillinger, jean party at lier home on Diamond Lake, :hwid, St. Andrew, Chicago; Miss est last year wlien it was presented Levy, Eleanor Howard, Janne Seidel, Mich., Monday, and Tuesday of next hirley Thinnes, St. Henry, Chicago. for the first time will be the showing Emelyn Waltz. wek I v who 1 1

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