Junior T-M Sports M.Ngr.-Paul Eiden Letter, iBeIn Richards,' Ltter; Jim AI- Senior l-M Sports .Mfgr.-HIaroid Wilder. brecht,, Certificate ; Carl Rennekar, Sports Club Medals Letter; Lawrence Schuber, Certifiéate. for graduating seniors with bpi ur Rifle Teain mçorÏ- points.) -.An n Musson, Ade-laide Koenen, Bill William Brarnum,,John Dunhill, Paul: Lukens,_RýuddLippineOtt, Dave Kendrick. Teais3par. agerBob Dormani, Bill Dundas; Bill Howard. TeiocManaer Barbara Lukens, Don Garretsofl, Cor- Fred Jfnshel . iss Nugent, Richard Kenit, Jimmy Doane, VARSTY TNNISBurt Offir, i McKee* Ted Rockwell. LetterqG. Ai A. Awards <rovser Daiy, Jr,)hn -Deaco(,)n, Jack Ri- Patsy Roche, 1165.; Patici.a Cloiigh, 'day. Certifies-tes J)avid Early, Co-Capt., Arthur- Niel- se n, ('t-('apt., Dick Wade, Capt.-Elect, Dan Krcer. VARSITY -GOLF Letters Scott C ampbellI, >Tom .Harring'ton, Howard Keefe, 1Leonard laàwrence,Go don Sibley, Van Horne Smith. Certifies-tes Je Franco, (Capt., Tom MacMorran, Cýapt.-Eieet, Jack Brigham, Philip Greer. JR. BASEIBALL 31ANAGERS Letters' Clifford Goodman, Howard' Keefe. FRESU-SOPH BA8EBALL - Letters Jim LDewey, Capt, B 2ill A-ppel, Leç-,)ar4, Bell, 'Earl Borre, Ralph Bowers, AI Blru.,iehini, Bob Davis., Jack Davis, Pick Purr, Marvin Hiarms, Dick Hirsch, Pob) Hlorn, Stan Jorgensen, Rigo Marchini, John Miller, Erwin Moeller, Reglnald Rounisfuli,. Art Russo, Dick Sauer, Vine Smedfley, Bob Stahl, Bud 'Yo)unglo-ve. SR. BASEBALL MANAGEVR Letter Lbwell Petersoin. VARSITY BASEBALL * Letters Ray Burnet, Earl Gray, Kenneth Her- man, Irving Jackson, Marshall Mundee, Ray Scheid, .Dave Skilin.. Memorial Tennis Tropby Robert Misch, Jr. Track Manager Letter Rex Rathbun, Fresiî-Sophi Traek Letters Arthur Adair, Paul Casterline, Don' Cushinan, Roger Dailey, Bill Dathan, Calvin Hill, Henry Jurgensen, Frank Knopp, Bob MeNitt, Gordon Osterstrorn, George Simon, Roy Whittington. 811. TIACK MANAGER - etter Debate A wards Solon Reily, memorial 'debate trophy for most outstanding work., in debate- Richard Lehman and Chîfford Gondman, joint -winners; Robert Gruhn, epecial mention.> ElmnerBaker Award for student Rhow- inig, greatêst pe-rseveranice, cooperation and loyýalty: Warren, Cornîng. Certificates of excellence (award. to student participating. for more than one year in debate) :'David Early, Clifford Goodman, Richard Lehnian, Debate Letters: Warren,Çorning, Bill Dr-ucker . Robert Greenberg Robert Gruhn, Clarence H4ubhard, Garrett James, Robert Matthews. C'harles McFarren, G eorge Putnam, Herbert Stelnberger. BanetBird -Prizes Albert Vatter, first prize.; Carl Hotze, -second prize.- Barnett Civies and Econonties Prizes First prize, William Lukens; second prise, 'Macklin de Nicktolis. League of Nations Contest First prize, Louis Melchior; second prize, Jini Rothschild. D. A. R. (lood CltIzensblp Award Margaret Stein. Americanism Awani (Best record in examinatioi: on Amer- ic.an History, given by D. A. R.) : Flrst prise, - Lawrence Kýoerber, Jr.; (To outstandlngby in t e- junior class) .John Dix. Harvard Bookc Prise (To ranking junior boy) Clifford Good- man average for junior year stralght ','A"; honorable mention Bill Hayt. Publie Speaklng- (Excellence in cratory) Richard. Leh- man. 1Honorable, mention to Charlés Perey. Publie Speaking Cia-ss Cup (In oratory) (This. is the lSth year this cul) hias been- awarded.) Frank Broad. ' ernebl Cup (Ranking boy. in senior class) Robert the recentiy completed natatorium, One. of the largest indoor pools in the country. 'The comnpetë scWèdule, as an- nountced this. week follows: 9 :5-2 :0-Gils,12 tri 14 years.- 1015-11 :00-Girls, 9 to il years. il1,:15-12 :00-Boys, 6 o 8 years., TuesdaY- 9 :15-10 :00-Boys, 9 tià1l years. 10:15-11 :00-Girls, ý6 to 8 years:> il1:15-12 :,00-Ladies, (instruction or rec- reational swimMing). Wednesday- 9 :15-10 :00-Famnily groups and special hèlp group. 10 :30-ll :5-Splash parties and special Shelp group. 1h :15-12 :00-Boys, 12 to 14 years. 8 0-9.*3-(At night.) Aduits (men and womren)., Recreational swimming. NOTE: Theeveninig class for adults on Wednesday although primarily, a rec- reational &roup, one may receiv-e in- struction by speaking to the director. -9 :15-10 :06-Girls, 12 to 14 years. 10 ;15-11 :00--Girls, 9 to il years, il :15.q2 :00-Boys, 6 to 8 years. Friday-. 9 :15-10 :00-Boys,, 9 to 11 years. 10 :15-11 :00-Girls, 6 to 8 years. il :15.12:0-Ladies (instruction or rec- reational swfmîuing). Saturday- 9 :15-10 :00-Boys and girls, splash parties. 10 :15-11 :00-Boys and girls, s pl1as h parties. Il :15-12 :00-Boys, 12 to 14 years.. brooni ing. polo, intermned te,. and il I TE Jorie aMitcell £UewII Shirley Pearson, Frances Pierson, Judges at the show will include Grace Plerson, Maxifle Philhps),orn, Ger- Mrs. Hill Blackett, Lieut. Robert trude Rapp, Lois Rosen, Betty Rugen.*BweadW oe alr Janet Scofleld, Ellen Sedgwlek, Marcia BTohe es, tnan dHo e Ty lor.d Smlth, Ruth Steiner, Kathryn Wagner, Teeet stnaieyl'tdti Mary Jane Woods, -janice,-Yeoman, Vir- week include: shuttie1 relay, inter- ginla Yerkes1. B ad Awards mdaerdr;seat and haiids class, Jimn Itosenow, Letter;- Bert 'Sinon, jumping grotlp costume race, begin-' over the .400J mark. He playd sec- -ond base- for Coach Clyde Grater. ,Woody Wilson took this pic ture wvhich shows hit ready, willing, and able to chatk uP one more bingle. for *himslelf. UMDRILLAS Pli and Fncy L avg ýi ir., lue Brown tictum'aI Red Green CROCHET G LOVES w STORE~ i I i