..EUGENE PERMANENT ESTHER BEAUTY SH OP 1213 WILMETTE AVE. WILMETTE 696 nas beelii niolit toi Ids of th(e en, D. -r,). s.iaa -Lu i L-LIlayA gi L Those to receive diplonias are the fol!- accommodate the speaker., oigTeMissCa Bkrlun Mr. Pullen, Who 'is also weulowlaing:ueisses aCoreBa r u known as lecturer on lanid eco- Blarneu se irin a iCot,Baar noniics at Northwestern univer- Ceo.*oehn rsoI Catherine sity, Will discuss the subjec t Feilen. Agiies Garich, Lucille Geinmer. "Wht' Ahadjn ea Esat?" H elen Gibbons, Gloria Gonzalez' Nancv The ustmar buines meti~.~ HigZins. Lorraine H1illineer, Bette Jant will be omitted next T uesdav. , HtnahctCahiie ssan arî annot>nced by board officiais.1nLdg aqeieLwy ge ____________________________Lynik.- Sophie Majewski, jeannette, Mar-, tell. Hope Mil1ler, Catherine Nanzig, Edith Pcrozzo,',jean Reeve. Dorothv North Shore Golf Club -, Schweitzer, Aurelia Sesterhenn,. Xirý Entertains Japanese ginia Spra.ytz, Evelvil Thalman -.- raine \TerpIancke. A: distinguished japanese Econornic TeprraifrJî 1isat- mission, composed: of the leaders i nws finance, industry and comm.erce of 1. asfrgaîa~s hrdvn<xr Japan, consistingoftwýenty-fiv e iwant.rli e enhA ritegn .V bers1 now visifing the United States, "ine~*î~,tfrca of which Chokyuro Kadono, presi- Prqresional, . Gran'd'Chorus.. cilmair- dent-of theChamfber of Commerce andrt Industry of Japan, is- the chairmnani res The' Most*RvîndW . was tendered a golfing- tournaiiient, Olir'iîen. r). ). followed by a cocktail party and dli;a Ave Mati!a.. P.Sne1* ner the afternoon and evening of May Irsiahncf(rdae:IeevdJ 27, y M. ad Mr. Crl . ~A. Neiumann 27, nfeMr. andfMrs. Carl M. Wvnnc, ()f 548 Michigan avenue, .Evanston. The 'Most vend .D.O-r'. At the dinner an address of WCl fheuahCou rn corne, was delivered by Hierbert j. ý IW esiah Hi a'1 Lorber, president of the North Shore BNEI<iO Golf club. Mr. Wyrxne awarded prizes stollutans Stoh j,-.. Tantùm Ergo Mur- to the Japanese' guests ini each four- p11-iyei of Thanksgiving Kr' mqse' some who turned in the Iowest jnet JéesoaToccata Dho score for the foursome. Onie oi the 1WNOLE1MN foursomes included Mrs. '-ozui ingiig Mallinckrocdt 0ke 'ni Kadono, wife of the be-ad of the cieîe- l1>,igeeto: r>fessoî' O ,,itto eneig ý,aio . ho ',»ql e t1lli;ýti ç l i- l elgo 1Ward.Gîft o RT _ Q-11-r ing uts iew uays'.Stay in Lulcago.,l A'fter completing. the tour. of the U {nited States, the mission will go to Europe. It constitutes the Japaiese delegation tc> the Ninth Congress of the International 'Chamber of Comn- merce iii Berliri, June 28-July. 3. RETURNING FRQM SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Oison of 514, The Field Musetm Archiaeologica) Expedition to the Sotutliw,ýest w'IIl leave Chicago Friday,- june, 44.- for its fifth season of excçavationis on prehistoric. Indian sites in' Colorado, Dr. Paul-S. Martin, chief cuîrator of anthropology, Who directed oper- ations. in, thé previous s easons, 1930. 1931, 1933 and 1934, will again bie the -leader. and will go to Colorado in the expedition's officiai car. Upori arrivai at the scene- of operations. he ,wiIl organize a crew of- several. men for the "dig." Operations will (on- tinue until autui. Exclusive wii Stevens in Evanston ý'e*AR A. STEVENS, Inç. Evnson SAVINGS +4% compound dividends* *C,rrent rate paid siflcC Jan~. , 1935 Aphone call brings pur bookiet Whafte1st assures FRESMNUSS in BUTTER? Se. luside bock page. g99 * e