*an avearge temperature of 72ciegrees and 'thoroughly cools and humidifies the dining room, it.is explained, The net resuit, Mr. Dallas points out, is that the Wilmette Cafe. wili be pleasantly cool and .comfortahle throughout thc sumimer season. WVhile expensive to instali and operate, .Mr. Dallas 'asserts the ex- ( at the New) (PATTY SHOP .BAKERY i - Friday OnlyI Lemon Pi e g.2 k I Whie T/ey:Last! ( ~ Saturday Only Assorted Square Reg.) Layer Cakes 35e c ( JF'Mie They Last!) Try Our OId Counary RYE BREAD ) F 1REE. DELVERIES .t-arry .Leis,, 829 Sixteentfl street. Mrs. Clarence Scott atid mothers of the tiny graduates. The tables were decorated to rep- resent various countries oftheworld., Ireland, Sc otand, Holland and others. The menu included, dainty, viands sôo muÛchappreciated. by childish diners. Fo.llowinig the. banquet there was a short impromptu program by mem- bers :of the graduatinùg class,. None of the numbers had been 'prepared iii advance, but -the children gave splendid accounts of themselves, re- flecting credit upon their traiinng. The few aduits honIoredý by the priyilege of being present.joiincd with the graduates ini declaring the party "6a great1 success, P as the verdict was %vritten on the blackboard. HAVE FIRST CHILD Mr. and Mrs. D. Drake Older of' Chicago Heighits became the parents of their first child, a daugliter, Pris- cilla, Monday, May 24. The baby's> paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Clîfford Older of 1026 Elmiwood avenue,. Wilmette, who recently re- turned home froni a three m-onthis' trip to Hawaii and the west coast. United States Se>,ator Gerad P.. .V3e of. North Dakota itill speak in a, series.of lectures sponsored by the MIidîwest Institu.te of Internation al Relations~, in, Evanstofl, on- Sitnday even i ng, lune 27. I-is tub ject 7îill be '<Prepare'dness For Peace." STUDY CATHOLIC ACTION The regular meeting of the Cath- olic Acti.)n group of the .Woman's Catholic Club of Wilmette will be held Monday at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H.: G. Dalton, 1029 Since lier appearance at the Holly- wood Bowl, Miss Dane bas become well known to concert audiences throughout the west and middle west and is a member of the Chicago City. opera company. Oscar Chausow Mr. Chausow:has appeared as solo- ist with the Chicagoý Symphony and Civic orchestr'as, with the: Gary phul-- harmonic, as well as many recitals, in Chicago and vicinity. I n 1932 lie won the Chicago Womi- an'es Musical club scholarship con-' test in -which there- were 28 finalists, and on Jankuary l18th of this& year - *on the Society, 1of AeicnMu- sicians p rize. H1e has beeni concertmeister of the Gary philharmonic. orchestra and wvas the. leader of, a stringed -quar tet at thé Unïversity of Chicago. The- pro gram follows:- Symphony No. 2, In A Minor 'Aria, "La Fiancee du Timbalier" Saint-Saiens OLGA DANE Concerto. In El Minor.... ... Nardini OSCAR CH.AUSOW INTERMISSION Minuet ........ ..... Haublel "Eln Jager aus Kurpfalz," Opus 45.. No. 3.. .................. Hindemith "Bethlehem" ................. Tuthili Waltz, "Volces of Sprlng" .. ., Strauss> "'Malaguena.".........Moszkowski VISIT IN INDI ANA Complete Variety Cakes - S read - Cookies ) Mr. and Mrs. Karl' Freedberg of. )'Chicago visited recently at the home of C. F. S. Peterson, 639 Cumnor road, Kenilworth. / 11Suits ide ta 8I I ervative styles. patterns. For y4 eveing ,ppoii the program tea will bc served. mIn., for ivemoriai Day Nweek-etiiu. GROWTH OF.LIBRARY I k - ALMJf4l ARUUM-1133JJ Lcntralftven1ue Open Daly (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wè4neuday 9 A. M- ta 7:4S P. M.- Saturday 9 A. M. ta 9 P. M. 11w Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and al ther authorized Chi Science Literature may be read, .borrowed or purchased at the Reading P TUS PUBLIC YS CORDIALLY INV1TED TO ATTEND THE CXURC11 SEVICES AND VISIT TUEE READING ROOMi ristan Room. Hozv the Wilmette public library has grown in cdrculation and book col- I lection as compared with the growth of population of thse village in the past I25 years is shoumi in this Une 9>raph, drawn under týAIéedrction of Miss Ann JWhitmack,"libraÉian. . Note the high interest in, reading .(chigfly uorks onl eç,oiomics) during the dépression years. k ( ~.1 OMM ,goal -.Mi- > ia*i 1 f-