SHQRE-TOWN S REAI<TY CORPORATION' 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 WiI. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 111LTN3-ltc KENILWORTH IF INTERESTED IN A MODEST brick homüe .located in a very choice section of Kenilwortlh, drive byr 124 RQsart. Road. A stylish 4house ln a pretty setttng. At a price that is inter- estlnË. Part cash & reasonable terms. Shown onlyby.appointmient. INDIAN HILL SECTION CHOICE 4, BDRM., 2 :BATH HOME. Air, conditioned., Ex. lav. 2 car ga- rage. Large wvooded and landscaped lot.. An outstanding value for thils section. OWner anxioué to sell. Asking $ 13,000. Inspect and. makeoffer.. CUSACK REALTY. CO. 795.Elm St. Winn, 715 For .Discrimiiiatinig People, HANDSOME BRICK RESIDENCE IN, the popular Hill Road section. Here is a. homne of flexibl.e plan-it wil suit admltably the average size family. or by the development at smaîl cost of a third floor (ail 'roughed in") wihI nieet the requireménts of a large household._ Out-of-towfl owner la anxlous to seli and invites your consideration. Cali us for full details. SMART & GOLEE, mnc. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS' 1564 Sherman Ave., Evans. WiI. 2486 ILTN3-ltc 4 BDRMS., 2 BATHS Master bdriii. witbi bath and slp. pcb.,' also. 3 otfier 'bdrms. & bath. 'Large liv." rm. with open scr. pch., att. gar., eil lit. A charrning colonial in an ex- cellent Hubbard Woods loca- tion.. Mrs. Starnes. IfHE BILLS REALTY, Ilic. 529 Davis St. Evanston Gre. 1166-Wil. 3740 11ILTN3-ltc ENTIR ALl Over 43' 530. Davis, 'IRE & ORR, lue. ars of' Dependable 'Service It. 'Evanston e1080-Wil. 228 il 1LTN3-ltc OWNER. BOUGHT LARGER HOUSE OFFERS AT' GREAT SACRIF. CHARM- in olonial, 'green, shutters, iron trlrnfr.. New Orleans. 6 bdrMs., 3 bths. Libr. Marble firepi."G.E.' heating unit. Stoe, 'refrig., Venetian blinds lnfcluded >in sale. Céeît. EDvanston. Fînest residen- tial section. Conven . to schlé. and transp.. Sttlng -of lovely ôld trees. Owner bas- over '$30,00 ln property. Op)en to offer.. Phone MsFUller & Wrn.Piekard 1618 Chicago Ave.* Greenfleaf 7220 lllLTN3.ltc IT'S THE BES T BUY. O N'THE NORTH, SHORE THIS ENGLISH .H-OUSE on 2 acres beautlfully land- scaped overlooks and adjoins Skokiip Country Club. 5 blks. to C. & N. W. 6or êeèrie.'2 bllks. from .schools. Has lnsulated tule walls, 2 fireplaces. new heating plant, oi'.. 5 r4ýister, bedrooms, 31/2 baths. $34,500, well,financed. Look It over. E. M. Kimbail, ownet'. 770 Bluff St., Glencoe. 1i LTN3-Il ilREEN - SHUTTERED fi RM. frame resid. in Wilmette. beaut. remod. with Ige. liv.' rm. white kitchen, 3 Ige. bedris. 2 baths, huge' slp, pch. Oas ht. Att. garden. Close to tralisp. & schools. Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 513 Dàvls Street 'Greenleaf 1617 1llLTN3-Itc CASH SACRIFICE; 7 RMI., 2 BATH- SHINGLE RESID- ence, Near Barrington. Lge. porches. 2 fireplaces. AIl bedrooms have cedar- lined closets. Attached gar. 1 acre land. House needs decr. and some repairs. $5,800 buys. Mfust sell for cash. 1Heniry G. Zanider & Co. f10 S. Pearborni Rand. 2300 flarrlngton Office: County Uine Rd., 1 mile west of Barrington. Phone' 6213 111LTN3-Itp uen, s a 0.. i.eniiwrT n .fl*2 »MC ________________ 1'1LTN3.ltc REAL BARGAINS New 6-room colonial........... $12,600 6-room brick, siate roof, 2% .baths. ... ..... .... ..........$15#000- 8 roomns 3% baths, large lt..$1,0 L.C dh Realty Co.., Winnetka 115 111L3-ltp 4BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS, 'ES WIN- netka., In poor repair. $9,000 includ- ing :architectural services.* Lot wbrtb $6,5006. F alk Jr., Kenilworth 2016. 111lLTN3-lt-p GLENVIEW 7 room hoouse, garage on lot,' 100xl75. Near, churches,- stores, stations, schools. 1761. Dewes Avenue. 111LTN3-741p BRICK DUTCH COLONIAL. 6; RM.- Slate roof.. 2-car gar., oil ht. Like .new. 3 blks. Kenilworth R. R. $12,750. Kenil. 5540. i11LTN3-ltc ANSWER'YOUR REN4T ?ROBILEM 6 room, hot water heat,. brick. Part cash,, 10-year payment pla.n*. Phon e Davis 7632. :111LTN52-4tp *WANTED TO. BUY-I4OUSES lui-IH-EdLI 'We have several' definite needs, -a modern 5 bedrm., 3 'bath, brick house under $20,000. A man wlth $13,000 cash 'for down payment waflts modern 6-room home ln Lincolnwood. Not over $18,000.00. 1~ll~ïfrIr~ C& Tys~irni Sheman INC, 1571 SemnAvenue Rog. 2616 Uni. 2600 Evanston Wil. 2602 113LTN3-ltc FOR SALE-VACANTr "BRJARWOODS" DEERFIELD, LAICE COUNTY Adjoins Highland Park and is ten minutes froru the lake. It offers every attractive feature of N.ýorth Shiore suburban comrnunities but on a lower tax and price lvl :Beauty, comifort and convenience are combined ln a restricted park- like area close to scbools, stores and depot. Attractive prices inlu de al I1564 Sh4 erinan Ave., Evans. Wil. 2486 ONE, ACRE WINNETrKA 200'x233'.. LOCATED IN ESTABLISH-. ed estate neighborhood:second to none. Convenient*'to scbools and, .transporta- tion. No speclal assessmients. Re.. stricted. Yoôu can't' make a mistake by buying tiis at the Iow price of. $8,600. SMeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 530 Davis St., Evans., Gre. 1080, W11, 228 SUNSET RIDGE SECTION HOUSE & 10 ACRES ONLY $l&2,500. A DESIRABLE SMALL. MODERN bouse,, hot..water heat, bath, large, en- closed living porch. Several smrall out bulidings-with 10 acres -nfine, loca- tion at a price much below, Market value. Must be sold at once. E. SAWYERU SMITH EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 725 Elm St., Wlnnetka Ph. 3500 114LTN3-ltc Unusual Opportunity FOR YOU TO OWN A FINE 'LARGE lot in Glencoe overlooking the Skol'e Country Club at a real bargain. 71x182..............$5,000 . 82xl7,5 ..... $6,000 100x175 $6,500 SIMART & GOLEE, Ime. 1564 Sherman Ave'., Evans. Wil. 2486 114LTN3-ltc Lake Milis, Wisconsin' SULMMER HO'IE SITES A F'EW VERY F'INE WELL WOODED 'lots, shelvixig sand 'beach;' clear, edean wýater; good fishing; golf 'course adja- cent; suitable for, individual or group location: fully restricted. Shown by appointment. Rlobert P . Ferry, Lake M i1lîs, Wi S. '11 4LTNI-Stp OVERLOOKING LAKE IN WIN- netka. Wooded lot 100x300 near New Trier, grade school arid- trans. ExcI. agent, Mrs. Hyman. HARKNESS & LLOYD 584 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 177 114LTN3-Itt \%MI . ACRIFICE 4 WIDE', BEAUTI- IN EAST -%NILMiÊITTE, NU'r far from lake, convenlént to schools & transp., a dandy 6 rm. qhome, sun rm., screened pch; Ige. wooded lot. Price is less than former first mtge. Mr.. Mead. THE BILLS REALTY, Ine. 529 Davis St. ' Evanston Grei 16-I.3740 111iLTN3-ltc WINNETKA, NEAR'LAKE. LOVELY 14LTN___________________ hom, eat.grounds. 4 bdrms.. 2 FOR THE LAST PNWTR IHGN bath, lib.,,breakfast room. oil ht.. Fr- GôdV an room cottage. 'Furliisbed; Facilng Lake dai.,2-car att. gar, $20.000. Will 4ýent Bsns Michigan. Four bedrooms; running furn, or unfur. for $150. Mrs. Lange,-Sýee F. Pavllk, Jr. Kenil*ort.h 2016 water. 5722 Kimbark Avenue, Chicago. p il -