Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1937, p. 55

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W.Frank Nf(Clure, 219 taUuwa. Mr. and Mrs. Hlerbert B. Mulford, 83ý Elmwood. avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Pottr, 92;- Chestnut stfeet. Mr. and Mrs. Elmrer echram, 1120 MlIchlgan, avenue. Mr. and .Mrs. (hr, W. W%%riglvy, 16 Ceinterb-ury court. M.and Mrs,>Edmardl A, Zirnmernati, 219 Slxth. i3treet. Mr. and Mrs. NIlamM Katz, 410 WashIngton avenue. ..Mr. and Mrs. mir'ild Mul.r 325 Ceni tral avenue. M'r. and Mrs. i,.r 104El6, O Sheridan road. Mr, and Cr~.(harles T. ftIpl,-v, 631 Linden, avenue. Mr, and Mrs. fi'd.à W. Eckhardt, 1 _2 8 Grmenwood avenî.t-. NIohawkc rciad. Mr. and Mrs. Franîk M.L Fr,ëml 94.5 Mliehiga.n avenu.. -Mr.. and ,Mrs. Hernard Ii.Mul, 720 Ashland a%+,.nufý. Mr. and Mm. C. 1;. Dubs 1OOî 011h- Kan avenue. Mr. and %Ir.,. Trhoýma C V . Moulding, 10)4Greenwvood avenue. 11r. and Mrs. Hlarv..y Bumh, 721 Gen wq(Yd avenue. 'Beehive of Àctivity Following.the first general announce- mIent luncheon given by the Festival committee for committue chairmnen and press at the Arts CJub, Chicago. Iast WVednesdiay, the Ravinia Festival headquarters is a veritable beehive of activity. Coupon books are biciig maile.d by the gross to the north -shore village chairînen to fill the demand of ail who wish to be forehanided i- their purchase of the convenient and The problem of'quieting the crunch- ing gravel Walks is also under con- Ssideration, and last but- not least, the. stage iself is being set in a new and Saccousticaîîl, correct setting under, 6 the . careful .supervision of experts.ý especially designed to enhance the or- *chestral tone and afford a plerasant (background for, the orchestra itself. Boti Douzates Seirvies The. gaiety that is the spec ial pro p- 4 erty of the. Ravinia Festival begins ag .ain on July 1, For the *first sumn- mer in ýseven years Lucrezia Born . Mario Chamlee and, Leon Rothier wýlll be singi ng. againi together fron the' *stage of thýe lanterni-lit pavilionta iight. From ' thenl on the Chicago Symphony orchestra, led by six brul- liant guest conductors, will take over the festival season. for sixweeks. The opening1 conceret is being given in honor of Louis Eckstein-, for years +he patron saint of Raviia.à For this special gala openihig, MiSs Bori fr waiving her usual fee and Gennaro Papi 15 postponing bis departure for rtaîy for, forty-five days to conduct that evening's concert. Howard Will, the program chair- mlan for the festival, made a speec& at luncheon for the executive coni- niittee rec'ently in the Arts club's bIne and silver dining roorn. Bursts rf. applause !-greeted his announcre- inents of the six guest conductors who- ... hý vacations it's the nearest thing to beaven! Glorious, milehigh Banff with its barônial-hotel,'magnificenti ballroomn, top-of- *the-woild golf 1 The colorful eharm of sapphire blue Lake, Louise, encircled by mountains and mighty glaciers ... Emerald Lake, dee~p i h e Wô f ret-è4peaks .. . with'iâ rustic, Swima-.lile chalet offering cozy coin- forts. Riding, hiking, swimmixng in fresh and warm suiphur pools. Tenni ... dancing.. plu the exhilarating Alpine air and sunahine. A Jaska, A-Expense Cruifs. rom .n et nlddeceta kgay. Ail$9 CorvruItYur TravlAgentor '17110S. J. WALL, Oeia.ral Agent 71 E. .leelcon Blvd., Chicago, Ill., Phone WABaâh 10 e 1 - r% r 1 -a LAKE LOUISE m,EMERALD LAKE LOWY COST ALLEXPENSE TOURS * 4 Colorful. Deys. -g mf Lake Louis. wità visit to EâmeraJd Lake. :PSom Bgasf or Feld $57 Walidi uDa s 2.da.s Banir and Lke Loioie, plus i day, optional at Banff or Lake Loins., and 1 day at Eeai ,.a e:l expenges. lrom Baffor .5 Field.... . . . ..$740 Tours begin ait Banff or Field Sua. 1?2. conclude Sept. 18 and lielud modern hotel accommodation, mal", M miles of Alpine mo4oriag. Add rail f are te Banff <or Field).. Banff Spngs Roteî, Chateau Lake.. Louis. ad EmeroM Lake. Chalet oje June.12 to Spt.iab.r 13. Loy round-trip aumnîer rail fares to Pacifie Coast points. Buiov the(,col date 1 tuî e sale on ui jy 5, tolnui rnan tinprepared for the stunmer's ileeds. The. towý%n chairmnen report a livel' resporîse and anticipate a greatly'lin creased sale this season. As last ,,ear,.couponi books sellirw& ýfo)r $10 Contalux 20 coupons. Each' fift' cent coupon is equivalent to a seventv five cent gate admission to the park (cash entrance price), or is exchange. able for a seventy-five cent reserved evenlitgs, of Juiy 2 and 3 and'the'aftèr-w nloon and evetninz of July 4. For that week of the, festival Jose Iturbi will he the piano soloist.' - Ernuest Ansermet will be makiev- ý-is only Americaui appearance of the I Vear during the second wee'k of the T'aviuiia Festival. Hans Kindler of the Washington Natiolal S-Vînnhn ',- bestra will be conducting during the ýhird week. with Mischa Mischakoff.i bions at Ravunia, thie F.estval corn- wniii ren L-'unn i sare¶.-m mfittee has not neglected the physica« given special release in *Jtly. iuprovements, of the park groundý Special shownanship handling also for the comfort and convenience o wilI be given Leo McCarey's widely- Patrons. praised drama of American family Parking facilities are beiîg greatly life, "Make Way foi Tomorrow," in iunProved, With enlarged space and which Victor Moore. and, Beulah new .entrancès and exits both for t-he Bondi are featured. GOLF CLUB Corner Sanders and Techny Rowa 1 I... f - I

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