Throughout Summer Ther Wilmette comrnittee of the Chicago Plant,. Flower and Fruit guild extends ýits. grati-. tude to those. residents xho re- îi.enib-)ered Lilac, Day on' TueýS- day, May 25, and donated Hlo%%- ers and plants to be - sent Cicçago on tha-t,occasioni. Con-- tributions of jelly and, fruit %vere also receivý1ed, according- to the comùmittee. Al lilacs, even now are not i bloom along the north shore, .>o it is Suggested that those who did not make donations this Nveek do so for Plant, Flower and Fruit Day, ncxt Tusa,or on any of.the succeed- ing Tuesdays througholut the suInnier moniths.. Plants are as acceptable as flowers, and s~o are small bouqutst, nosegays. or corsages made up of small-stemmned blossoms. On Tuesdays, which is col- lection day for Wilmette, Winvetka and Kenilworth, donations go to the following institutions: the Visiting Nurses association, the House of Happiness, the University of Chicago settlernent, the Martba Washingtoil Home for Crippled Children, and the Women's Municipal Home. The committee miakes the further suggestion that those wvlo are picking for Garden Club The "Little Flower Showý-," and a trip to the W'aukegau L)tIns are'on -the progra-m of the In\ lette'.Garden club forte cotuing %veek. Fridav, lune 4, is the annumal, June Flower show of the club at the. hotie of Mvrs., A. E. Gebert., 1526, Green- wood.avenue-. Each meml)er. is, re- quested to bring ati artistic arrange-: ment or a* specimieni bloom for. the show and hav-e'itin place by 2 o'cjock. the hour of, starting the regular meet- ing. - A meeting of the board is called for 1 o'clock.. Mr.Charles Normiati,, civics i- provement chairmanl, will talk upon "Conservation,." After the meeting A1 members will act as judges' of the show. _Mrs. J. Benton Schauib and Mrs. T. E. M\cElroy, are assisting Mrs. Gebert. W\edinesday. Junle 2. the club is tak- ing a tour to the Waukegail Dunes. .Nembers. advised to dress for hiikinig. %vill meet at the homne of MNrs. Charles Van Deursen. 1101 Forest avenue, at 10 in~ the morning, where transporta- tion will 'be provided. Luncheon %vill 4) served at the î<archer hcitpl 2t mnoîsture to last several lhours. Contribtitors who cantiot deliver their oiwn flowers to tlie North \Vest- ern railroad station by 8:30 'o'clock Tuesdav mornings, may telephone a member of the committce to call for them. or may leave theni ini buckets oef water which will be plaIceçi Mondav , nights on the porcheq ol comnxiiittee niembers. Conimittee mernbers %who will ?en- der this service are: Mrs. -MariQli L. wvill sPeak twice eà&h da - . 1Thme morîipiq of June,e 3.sie zcill 'disicus;ç, "D)esi.guý in lw' Arranîgemuent.- T/rat ai ter>ioon site widl talk on "JaPiriese A-rranrgemients and Tlreir ieain ship to Other .Arranigements." 'On Jimre 4, lier i;tor;t"inql lecture wl/I conccru "erodanîd SIhow Arran-ge- iet, and t/at alternoon, for lier finlapro grai, she will discress 'Tallcs. Tlîeir -History and Decoration»- Tickets nmai be obta"ined f roni Ars. Hcirold Ti'demîan of J<i,lwoirjli Airs. Sidicv 1'. Bail of llinn'ietka, is elairnian inicarq of reserz',atioiils for livncheon i e/mi/rtl/ be seried at Ivdiavi 111,11 club ai rioGuz caci. daY. An invitation has been received f rom the Fox River Grover Garden club to a flower show at the Louis Crystal ballroom at Fox River Gi-ove, Ill., and arrangements are being nmade, fôr an exhibit lto be eritered b)v the Wilmet.te club. The Wilmétte Garden club iS in receipt of. an invitation to visit the Rockefeller center's Sky Gardens of New York, which are now open to the public. Flowers on varade in these Hostess at Tea Miss Phyllis, Wheelock of 919 Ash- land avenue gave a tea in her home Saturday afternoon. She is a, daugh- -ter of Mi-. and Mrs. R. A .Wheelock.. at this timie. The Kenilv ývaq iepieserted by eig at the. St. Louis 'session. a, lielci in present ed ,t Garden members The, next. meeting of the Women 's Catholic union will be hel-d at St. .Martin's Parish hall Wednesdav,. june 2, at 11-'o'cloc.k. .After the luncheon a business meeting will be held, with a social afternoon fol- 1oW;ing. SMi-s. F. R. Kiltrer, 430 Sheridan. road, Kenilwvorth,. will be hiostess to the mnembers of the Kenilworth Homie and Gardien club at a meeting to be held at her home on Mônday, june 7'. Mrs. Ilerman G, Seely will1 be the assisting hostess. The program-for the to be announced later.