the graduate division of the school of commerce, 20 service scholarships will bie awarded té recent college grad- uates for the next school terni start- ing ini Septembeir. The plan- was made, possi ble by the granting of the Advertising Foundation> Fund of ,Chicago, té Northwestern university with the approval of the. Bpard of Governors cf the Chicago Federated Advertising club. Each of the, cooperating fims bas agreed to ýgive part, time employment in its adverising departmnent to one or more students. While serving their interneships in this. manner,'the stu- dents will pursue 'graduate study in the, university towards a Master ýof Business Administration':degree.ý Students who show aptitude -and ability during their year cf interne- ship training will be given permanent positions with the companies with which they have been emploved. Each company will have the pivilege of selecting the student best adapted for work in its advertising départ- mxen t. Nearly 100 applications for the 20 service scholarships havé already been received by the university. SPORT TOGS iJameriu, n.s, iuii w . ia u - - -i ý selected for positions on the All- American teani. Miss Eileen Russell of Glencoe, Mrs. Robert Winkler and Miss Paula Kellogg of Winnetka, and Mrs. Er-. rett Grahami of Evanstoni, and, Miss Elizabeth Hlealy of, Evanston, an ini st ructor inW the athieties- department. at New Trier High school,' are leav- ing today (Thursday) r, and, the remaining memnbers, :Miss. jane, Adair of. Kenilworth and Miss Eleanor luf .and Miss Jean výanArs- dale.of'Evatston are going by train tomorrow. High School Staff Miss Adair, also a member 'of theý New Trier athletic 'staff, has been an All-Ameriéan- player .for three years. The north shore-oplayers vhile in the 'East will be entertained'b y andý stay ini homes of members of the LaCrosse association. LaCrôosse is a nevv ga.tie on the north shore. During the two years it has been played, however., it lias. gainied rapidly in popularity. Skokie Playfleld Sunday was the' scene of the final practice by the, eight north shore representatives *to the national tournament, at which tume the accômpanying picture wvas taken. Memibers of lower trio, reading left to riglit. in adJoining pictures, are : eth Healy, Evanston; Kellogg, Winnetka, and, Russel, Glencoe. Mis Miss Top, left to right , Miss Eleanor Huif and 'Miss jean vanArsdale, Fv-ý an stoil. Midget Auto Racers ,Compete at Riverview Some of the interest in the' 500 o'cloclc P nîcay evening, May 28 Salvi, winner of the National1 Roselyn Rensch of Evanston, formerly School Solo Contest of 1936, will of W iltnette, will play "Prayer" by Has- "Concerto (En do Minteur) .1 slans. Livia and Albert, Jr,t Mvmet yA.Zhl ,e The nine-event card will be featur- ir ed by a 40-lap contest. There will be ýh four elirnination tests at 12 laps éach, ýy a l5-lap handicap, a '15-lap popùlarity *d- race and a; consolation for' non- qualifiers a,15lps. jIN THE WANTr-ADS