Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 May 1937, p. 14

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7114814.5160 PICN1C NEEDS) erplates, 'Spoon1:9 ( ý ý.kw etc. Y7urdcoice ~ P~.I9 Ris ROAST Of BEEF Rare hoNeDbeT fllyage ANrimebefros karT HoîAND 7TH RIBS STedANING ef os tat once juicy. tender aiiddeiicîouslxý sav&yr,. lb. 13 VEAL SPECIALS The choie 1est qùàltty. "td !frl young, tenpde, nilik-fd calves from Wisconlsin, the coulitry's finest dair'y Section. Leq of Veal. 5- to 6-lb. avg., lb. 24c Rump Vecil Roasf. Very ilavorab .......... lb. 29c Veal bost. Boneless rolled, lb. 24c POT ROAST Finest of prime beef. Tender, juicy, savury. Ail selectedj <uts IL.25C FRYING '1Il he )ultry s flnest mnilk-fed Wap1-) ,ie, \ txPluiiii) andItender- Fan,,x .dressed. 3-lb. l 5 STEWING HENS. Fjamjous Wapsie valley rilk-fed quality. Fine, too,' for fricas-seýb or sýalads. Fresh dressed. 4-lb. averagelb291/2c CAPONS Th çlliirht of the co)nnoi.s9eur. Th"e the rwas( a suc- cegs. The trail decided upon led the group through fields, over hbis, .and across ditches, whenever the occasion de- manded. Finally the group, reached Werner's -woods, an attractive. stop- ping pla ce.. in alm.os.t no time the wood was collected& the ire started and weiners. cheese bobs, and niarsh- mailows were roasting. Food ltasted, so delicious out.in the open, that the hikers hated to stop .Cooking and put ýout the fire. How!,ý- ever, the hikers'were invited to pick as maniv wild flowersas thev wished. and. soon there were two gorgeous bouquets. Before starting b)ack 'everv,- onie entered in to a gaine. of basebali. It.was lime to ,return al too soon! ninz May 28. This display is to in- clude ail the handiwork that has been conipleted at the center or in con- nection with the handicraft prograni of the center. Everyone is.invited to corne and see the lovely dispiay of knitted articles which include a wide, varietv of gar- mnents such as. sweaters,. skirts, gloves. purses and a number of other use fui articles of clothing. There *ill also be unusuai pieèes o1: metal craft, ieathercraft., and Wood-, "work, and plates and art glass pictures as weli as-many othe.r unique and as- toundingly' prâctical items made 'f rom discardeçd bottiles,,tin, dans,, boxes, and other apparently useiess material. Knitti ng Club Plans to' Close Seson WthPçrtv Sof Bal Lagus Ni1VThe evening knitting club is planning Soft all L aguesWill- to finish their uccessful and profit- Begin Play This W'eek able seasoni with a grand and glorious The \Vilinètti Playgrp.,und auad Rec- party, Thursday, May 27 (tonight). ruation soft bal leagues wili get under Ail s'ou kfitters Who have been enl- Way this wcek. The nen's leagulejoyi]ng the quiet Thursday evening garnes xiii be played at the village meetings shotid not fail to attend. green, M,,ond(ay. Tuesday, Wedniesday, Bring votir friends and corne and en- and Fridav evenings., Thuirsdav I. 3v Yourseives. There will be re- reserved for the girls' leaguie. freshments to conclud(e the Party. Re- .Several of the teains that xveru nmember this is vour last chance, knit- entercd Jast x'ear have entered teamý ters. Don't miss it. again ti' ,,,ear. Thiere hias b)een coni- ~siderabiy more demiand for slovw- pitch SI4ELTER HOUSE ingý, this *yar than for the fast pitch- The sheiter house at the xia ing and the b)oard plans on ,çlie(lulini,, green xiii be open ,tartlngtl_,d slow iitching thruec nightsý a week lune 1, frona 9 a. m. to '12. noon an d HM.ISUT STEAlbK.9 Fresh ...: . ----, - lb 29 IONELESS PIKE. Fresit No Bone-No Waste.. lb. 29e LAKE SUPERIOR WHITE FISH. Fresh, Genuifle l.39c i4-lb). average 11b. 1 9e BEAN S. dIreen or Wax. Stiringles. and tender 2qs 9 U. S. No. 1 Grade, New, Large Size Red, POTATOESSpiat 10 Ibs. 37c See, Truck Danger in Bill Pending 3e fore House in Springfield Danger thiat buis now p)endinig-in' the state legislattire would, if enacted alloxvý trucks' to operate withiout re- strictions on the residentiai streets of north shore communities. was pointed 1 to .4 p. M. The Ilavgroundi( wiil alo 1), sumýrvise.d bv recreationalintu- tors iiese hour. bill from the standpoint of the mnici- palities are the provisions of Section 5 andm( Section 8 whlcb seek in a mandato'ry manner to authorize the issuanrce of certificates of convenience and necessity to ail common carriers by niotor vehicle, who were in operation as such on Janu- ary 1, 1937 without requiring further proof that the public convenience anËd necessity will be served by their oper- tien. In addition, the sections provide that the application for such certifi- ,çates maY be made any tlne -within 120 day after, the act. shAl. take effeet. SCOT TISSUE USoft a&s 01<1 Linen" ' 1,r011s69c Bron LbelGren Lbelclearance Sale Black Japam Tremendous Values! ~ 3c Ii~ 1cShoreline Music & Radio. w.U.141U UI peritLed twtravel. " There are. other features of the bill1 which .we belleve can be amended tto more fully protect the rights of the citi-" zens of the municipalities through1 whie h the rnotor, carriers are to operate and whlch wili flot destroy -.the purpose or Intent of the bill, but we have liiiutyl- dlent irne. now to elgborate."l @nom%"

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