Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 87

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OUR ADVERTISERS Root'Photo Mlise lac qleliinc Loupry of Clii- (< J, nior at Mallinckrodt 'iiglz .çclol, wlllead the grandd march A th tut' Mallinc-,kr.odt Senior Prom> to. 14,ield -at the' Evanston Counvif club T usday night, Vaj 2.5. Gives Lecture on Christian Science. iidiu,',r4 note: Apperided Is an excerpt fir,,l a Wcý(ture on Christianu Science de- Ife'êd'uesday evcnirig, Mfay 11, ln Pir.4 ('hurch of Chri.st, Scientist, tri Wiimette, hy Colin Rueker Eddison of Ldo,.England. His subject was ('h ritian zcienice: The Science of Chrisýt-HIe:iing." MNr. Eddisori is a menu- ber of the Board of Lectureship of The m othi, C<hurch, The Ftrst Cburch of t'h,'ist, s,.eii.tist, iri Boston, Ma . Our Master satd, It il, the' spirit that quickeneth; thé flesh (that is, 'matter> profiteth nothing." 'Mbeni he heaied, a woman whoIW described as haVing been bowed together for eighteen years, he sald that Satan, the devil, had bouind her-.a-nd. elsewhere he satd of the devii, or evil, that "Ihe was a. murderer from the1 beginning. and abode flot in. the truth, because there là ho truth.In hlm.". That whtch has no truth tln It canriot lac real. Christian Science. therefore teaches that cvii and.ail Its manilfesta-. tioris .are untrue. unreai; anid the 'de- s-truction by Christ Jesus,0f siri, disease8, death-aiî manifestations 0f evli-con- firmes that conclusion. We read iln the'first chapter of Geneste that IGod éc.reated-mari lni is own Image, in. the: image of God created He hlm." It fo1ioW~s, theri, that as we dIscover the tritc nature 0f,ÇGod wediscover also the true nature of mari To, express the absolute untty of God andari, His image, Christian 'Scienice uses the term- *reietio."It, teaches us that mari re- flects, and therefore expresses, the in- telligence, resourcefulness .and poise of eMirid, the frecdom of SpIrIt, the gentie- nt,." and kinlines ofLove, the strength? and unwa.nlig vigor of Life. Just as he abandons old tai.se beltefs' itbout Cod, 80 the Christiani Scientist abandons wrong concepts of man, and ,s~t rives to tdentify hixuscif and others always with the spiritual reflection. of lus NMaker. The thought o! mari as expressing' the perfection of God, which at flrst znay seemi new arid strange, speedlly grow.sj natural. As the truie Idea of God and mian heaiing etaesheplace. This nsstr hecomes taishpae.,In This cinessin thought ne.ed not be complete before it cari hein us. AB soon as' It beains tr ADVERTISER A& P Foodi Stores.....2 Act motor Sales.....ovej I »avaria. .................. 7 B ernstiein,, Sam 8 B r hDr.' ......40 Book Nogl, 'The ......1 .d Bowman Datiy oà ... 5: Braueb'ssunhr hp....7 Brauan Bros. 011 Ce.. ..... i Broux Inn .................. 78 Cheek A Himes.......210 Christian Science ùhnrcIî. Comminunlty Theatre,....... ý7 Consuim er's C....... 'over IV Davis Furniture Coi...... Dewitt.,J. R . c. ....... Diegirieh, Edyth .........25 Iloinino Slkga.r..... ........ ])-X Service stations.......29 Eriekson, Ben....... Es;ther Beauty S$hop....... .1. Evanston Aeademy of' Fine'Airt......... Fvit*a4onaBusiîecss ' {kHpe -..$ Fassett, Btosalle Roitd.t Feltman,& Curme Foley Motor -'ales FrenchJ, u'lr ..4. .0 s; Ut,1eenie.al Beauty Sile,.i lHahn, C. for Stamips Ai6 Hoiner's Sweet. Sho)p......0 Iltih Theo........t , '2, 3.1, 31, 3.- Huck's. Weillng Service Co. .1 PAGE .ADVERTISER Mellody Faris fair> 3 ilbara9ik....... ... ..94 monteello Co...ge4t .u...e.Co...62 North Shore Lace Cairtan Cleaniers..............s 011 Well, The............ 12 .014Dominion oom ........ f Olsen & Ebaun ..... .. 12 Packard Motor car Coe..... Pglarulo,D.. Palace,,F0048 ....... Patty Shop . . . ..... Pearock Ice Creani S.., PersonalI Loan *Savlngà,aaxk 40 Pool &.Piper 4 Renseh Warehouso 8 shoreine Radio ~Music . .. . ,ýb6ety's,Ê rber Shop .... 1s Smnyth, John M. Co..... 8s, .39 Snider-Cazèi Drag CO. ), 11 Spaudng-Gorha.m .... C Stidiu-m 1Theatre . . ....... - Stevens, Edga.r A., luc........... Standard (onlCo. di.. TUYlor's Dept.. Store£ Thai, Elsie .... .... n....... Bible that Mary Balcr .Lddy, thie is- coverer and Founider --f Christian Science, discernied the truths she after-wards set out. In the Christian Scienc(e t e x t 1) o e k, "Science and Health %vithi Key to the Scriptures,"' and lier, foIIom'crs find that the Bible grow,%s more and more important to theni in their daily lives as thev studv its pages in the, lighit thrown tipoti thenu bv Chiristian Science. :rcsuit of lier, deep' anud per-.ý h "h ea~nof mind,. riaith,-in the] buI'isiesheaith ti their relations wit thuir feiiow men. Mrs., Eddy beautiful expresses tht8 tri her poem, "Christ an ('hrstms",(P.53): F*orever prescrit, bouriteous, free, Christ cornes i gloomn; And aye, with grace towards you anld me, For health niakes room."l In fact, the ilnderstanding of the trut] about God anid mari brings the kingdon Keefer's Standard Service 7 Kuss, Josepkh........ 46 Lakevlew QuaJit.y iarket..18S Lindley, Helen...... ...58 Lincoln Zephyr Cover 111 Lymali Pharmacies ..... 7,s Marshall Field &-Co.. 36., S,6 ,,AletoltJu . ........., Cover Il Wilimette IBàttery& Ignitlin servie Cover I M'limette Coal & MoaterilaYrd. ..... IVilMette ConfectUonéry... 1 Wilimette Ice Co. ......784 se Wiimctte Theatre . #9 Wilm.ette State Ba,,ki, The , ;.. 2 W Ilson & Co ............... W lutelr", eo. B ., f i . . . .I 1 and Real Estate Directory-1 PAGE ADVERTISER PAGE I remains .forçver as ri rau- rmaiicue I Christian' living. Hie is the Way- ». shower, in wbose foo.tsteps Christianl It is importanrt to sel Scietitists erideavor humbly to follow. gist with the sanie judj It is impossible to exaggerate the debt choose your family do( which the world owes to the ýFounder of Christianity. lHe went about doing This is the terth of a -goo-hehealed the sick, fed the thrisap derteameck. Stons a ertem erits hungry, raised the~ dead. J What wvas it that* enabled hini to do ek ... . .. . Wood .. . ..2 mokwa 24 wmi*c y. .23 ýWankee Y . ... . . . . . 8 , s of Edi- ýearing ini ,opyright) HasUJng Y. M. C. A. Canip. 27 misuipn Mill Golf Club ... .24 Owakoume la Canada....... 2s Standard Fruit & Steamship Lime.........2& I PAGÉ l - 1 '

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