Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 85

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Il 14LTN2.,It BARGAEJN VACANT SLI.QING, (;IiAVEI. Y, WOODED LOT, 60 foot frýo1tage, 1,8,00 fe et* froi sta- tion. Only .$2,É,50 foi' quic'k sale.' NORT1H SHORJ.ýE ALTx 523- Wiimntka A ve. Winrietka 81 114LTN2.îtý .Unusual O prt u ni ty FOR YOU TO OWN A FINE LARGE lot ln Glencoe overlookîng the Skokle Country Club at a real bargain. 71x182.........$5.000 82X175.........*,0 10OX176 .............6,500 SMART &.GOLEE, Imc. 1564 Sherman A ve., Evan.s. ý il. 2486 Il14LTN2-î t4 BEAUTIFUI 2/ ACRE WOOD)EI, LOT near schools & transp., resti et4.d area. Ont' of - the ýfe»w ehoic'e building sites available ii) inek.For fliith.>' iii ~ Eh> ~r. inn. 715 RIPARAN H(MST 65X342, HI<;H gfLUFF.' WIDE SANXO beachi. Theu lowest -prieeàd lakeU lot on the nfori4i shorke. Price onily $1 0,7 50. SýMART & G(O1,E*, JN C. WELL, LOCATED, EAST OF 1'IDGE, amnong modern houses, 7 ' x240. Al assessnients paid. A bargain at $2.750. See this today. ,ýR. M, Joh.nston & Co. 340 Linden Ave. Wilmnette 444 Il 41TN2-1tc, Nl('i:i.Y~vtaul>E I . i'f oOxI4tO IN tlt'-j ihId, H ulhard \Vmds loca tion. iri(,,-(] ar $5 o pr fooct. M ight dîvide. Mr'. K~. SA.UWVY K k> 1 ITH1 I i41TN2-ltc Choice northeast location. No assess- ments. Only $120 per foot. R. M.-,Johniston& Co. 340 LindFn Ave. Wilmette- 444 ]~6 (ente St Large bas manufactt T ~c... *Reid & Co. Winn, 1492, Wil. « ~~liYcaion uWntown 'Wlimette.. Pili. Wilmette. 2399. or wijimette 2427. 122LT.N52-4tp. ACAEAGE AND EtiATrEs BARRIfNGTON HELoENE LEDERE R Village ..Properties C, Çountry Propet'lies For Interior -DIecoî-ator and 'Tea Room iîn Bar- riî n g' t o n ounnt Sho Op-î.liîg posite Thleatre on Cotîn- tv Uine Roa-d. :12O, ACRES (OIN(; l)AIH'i' ANti) g ra inr farmn. 40 a r t i lb r.' A îaing pcropositioun t bat 4tfr yoll thu best s.'t'urit y andi return'is. Iî' 7ýwares, 4 mjIes S. \V. o l Bar- r inton, h iglily podct h iaiir farmn. 14 rooiniIos urcndi by o1<1 trets.*sti'eainîand mal l ak4:. 11- o3arssf roling, biglîly produc- tivet land. Ecigu of ('rystal ,a-ke,, on the. main bhiglîwaly. 90 cre h1>gb ly productive diairy farin; lovuly old bouse. 4 nmiles S. WV. 1E;uipmiiert optional; lake 40 acî'e>t, 4 miles S. W. of Bar- rington. Modurn homne, and out- buildings, attractively~ priced. Priv- tela ke. 2 miles to Chicago. 2 beautiful acreages, 12 and 15, ln Barrit tonV'Estate District with- in mile ofvilge olling" land, fine old trees, privat c lake, winding stream, near Barrington Hills C'ountry Club and Country Day 10 acres, 6 miles west of Barring- over the weekend and let us givF you full particulars. H ENRY G. ZA -ND ER &-C) i110, S., Dearbo,,rn St. Randi. 2300 ]Barrington office: County Line Roadi 1 mile.west of Barrinfgton-Plione 623 1 24LTN2-ltc 175 ACRES SOUýTH 0F B1ARRINGTON WOODS - SPRINGA-FFI-),PONT) Farm, buildingsirt poor condition but can be 'remodeled at reasonable .-ý, Beautiful 20 acres of Woods wth sinall .pond., Balance of farm cotnpietely pîleci with good productive' soli. Building',site, overlooks attractive rolling countryside. Must be sold before June 1. -At,$90 an acre this farm la the best buy btdw.ueen thé North, 54iore and the' Fox R%?i-r .WYATT &I COONS- 106Waukegan Rd., Glenvlew Ph. 8 1 124LT'N2-1 te SPECIAL APPROXIMATELY 12 ACRPS WITHl smiall pond on .paved Lake Avenu- near Forestý Preserve. PRICE $500 PER ACRE TIGHE REALTY CO. 521 Fourth St. Wiimette 9101 1241,TN2-1t(- FOR SALE-FARMS FOR SALE: 2 McHENRY COUJNTY dairy fari, forclosed by insurance con;»i.any. Bargain price. Caîl UNîver- sity 4469. 125L.TN2-ltp REAL. ESTATE lOANB Full details by inqulry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVING-S & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0FOPWILMETTE, Mr. Cllfton, Secretary, 1126 Central Ave- nue. Milmette 1623. 127A-LTN2-tfc- REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ARE IN THE MARKET2 FOR Viret Mertgage loans on North Shore property. Intereut- 4%% to 5%. *joseph C. Cormiack & Co. 1669 Sherman, Evanston Uni. U335 12 7A-LýT>2-ltc 129LTiN2-Itp SECRET ARY IN G OQU CONDI TION; .kitchen. base, lounge chair, child'sdesk and 'chair, end table, magazine rack, small s1deboard. Reasonable. Kenilworth 5294. 129LTNý2-Itip oCOIL.sPRINGS: for twin beds. Excelent condition. Glencoe 1798. UNCLÂAIMED RUGS 25--9x12. 8x10 and 6x9. 1000 yardà. e carpet. 1913 CHURCH ST. 129LTN6-2-4tp PORCU GLIDER AND PORCH .RUG Glencoe 1257 l2gL2-ltp GREEN DINING ROOM TABLE WITH gold trim and buffe4t tematch~, 6 chairs, $65, 2 ivory bedroom sets, double bed,$65. enllworth 4790. 129LTN2-Ite ANTIQUE SPOOL BED, DRESSER and commode to match. Electric refrig- erator. Other household goods. Call Sun- day, May 23. 215-5th St., Wilmiette 4515. 129LTN2-ltp 2 ROUND TABLE DINING SET. ,6 and 10 chairs: rocking chair, oak library table, porch chairs. Steel play- ground set. Wilmette 2163. 129LTN2-ltp) 3-PIECE BEDROOM SET, DOUBLE bed, spring mattre ss, glass top dress- er and chest. 2 pair lower drapes. Cal Wýlilinette 5017. 129 LTN2-Itp 3 ICEBOXES, 3* BEDS, 2 -MAT- tresses, nmangle, 2 end tables, dining room sket includlng buffet. 108 Slxteentlî St., Vrilmette. 129LTN2-ItP .ROUSEHIOLD FURNITURE, RUG S, New Westinghouse refrigerator, New Universal steve. 755 Greve street, Glencoe 1320. . 129L2-1tp ~~i'i te PADD-OCK LAKE', wooded lots. Foi' x'e Son, $100 a seasonc lilioli'v Wilinette 12,59. r "1,Ný-tIBarrington Is an Excellent Addre.,s." ORF'N HELENE LEDERER WISC. BEAUT. . EXCLUSIVE AGENT mit by month or sea- 250 E. Main St. Pbione 3 7 or $1,0week. Tele-, Barrington ICE Box 75 POITNDS PORCtLAIN LINED EXCELLENT CONDITION. WIL. 4053 MAHQG. TEA TABLE, $5, COXWELL, chair1. $3, porch rocker, $2, oak stand, $1.50,. bedrmr. rocker, $3, folding couch and, pad, $5. Phone Wihn»ette 205. 129LTN2-Itc c RO0ST - FUÙRNITUI Established 10O04-f; Enierson St., Evý WE BUY FURý RUO S, BRIC-A-BRAC: en's ClOthing, shoës,' .versity 0103. 9228 Chiea ton. 1 11. [TURE EN'S & WOM%- ixPhone u.ni- Ave. , Evarls-

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