Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 83

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v rN .NIElNUIL. N EW EARLY AMERW-AIN OF STON E -brick and frame - on :co rner, colnvenient to Kenlw'ortli Station. A. K.Smith. R.EMI£IKABJj. VALU'EAT -$1 2,500. 7 room house on large wooýded lot. Slendid location near stm and chools., Mr. Clarkson.- Greenleaf 1855, Hollycourti 18.5 4 INTErtli'ST1ýN(; MS AL MtODER YEATURES 2225 THORlNIWOOY> -6 omi,2 baths, Cape Codi colonial. $1,50 20315 GREENWOOD - 7 rooru lbrit k English Colonial. $14,î500.ý 2004 THORýNwoOD 7 roconi i-arly America n stone and frame. A b-a uty iriside and out; carp-ting 'iî<l Venetian blinds ineluded. 2S55.KENILvvcuI1TH -7 oorr brick Col onfIi'din beautitr--~woofd ispt- tlng nepar Indian Hi111 Club. Noiv comnilited. Shown by ippointnmunt <n3. ('ail B. Synith. brick and frain4e residenct-: 7 roa 2ý batha; in conven lent location. 1&ow up)ketep. Must s- Il inake offer. Shown by aýppt only. CaIl M. McLa ugh1i in, %Vin net ka 2 700, Briarg;ite 1855. -K ENIA IT EA ST SI1D E I- $1) 0 -E.B EIl, 1Oi, 3 bath hoint now being pût In per-. fect condition.' WeIlýinsuJaited; .75- ft. lot with large reý . Low taxes.. M.Pletsch, Wneta270 riar- gate 185"). Than Our North Shore A 1 A M 1 ElLIVIN(; RoM XNvvITH a (l) ireî>ace-a library-a beautiful dinfing roon-a break- faSt roomn - 4 goo) bedmis., 2. baths 2-car att. ga'rage- a, terraced porch, overlooks .a wonderful, garden and .other ,splendid gardens beyond. tis,ý will-be sold. WilI YOIJ bs the fortunate. pur chaser? Around thé, corner froni Skoke- wide deep) lot -.4 bedrms., 2 baths - recreation-, rooin, oil -heat -lInsulated --- 2 porches. Owner ready to. nove intà nemw house. Make an 'offer. Thé- price of this E-nglish brick- home: has been eut almost in half. Be.st of locations. Fou- bedrms., 2 bathsg, timber'ed liv-- ing roo M. Att. gar., 0fi heat. Ail the things You like. $1 7,00«. BRA.ND ,NEW -- ý.wl1taf a ril.that la. Five bedrmis., 3 baths, att. 2-car gar., game room; air cound. oil heat, copp)ier 'seree-ns. The laat word il) appointmtents. XVe Trv to Advertise WVhat YOU Want. We 'Caîi Do Retter by Tlaiking Direct to You. Try Us., iag-orerei fr % original cost. Sma lier house considered ln part payment. 'A real buy. Mr. Clarke. NORTHBROOK why fot inspect this cozy 3 bedrm. co06lonia home? Built ln 1930 on a heavilyv wooded private lane. Within easv walk- ing distance to transportation., H. W. -0., 2car, garage. Priced for immediate sale at $8,500. Mr. 'Walters. WINNETKA This attractive French-Norman home i beatiijlN.W. section Ia an excellent buy at $25.ý000. 4 large bedrooms, 2 tile bath-s, H. W. 0. heat., servants' quarters :iveýr garage. Mr. Ahrenis. Ju"T 'f OMPLETED !!This spaclous .white brick'colonial home ln Indian Hil1l section . 3 >large tile baths. Finished recreation -room iwith fire)lace. $25,000., Terns. rs.Colié.> ACREAGE 21-- a4l'es non Wa-grier Rad west 4,f \vii- m1ette. Smnall winding creek and trees. $3.125. Mr. Taylor. R. BWHJTIAKER CO.' 140()ete St. Rog. Pk. 7302, Winn. 3250 wv WlLN-t I<ýI r-l:!;AIIW'OR~TH AVE~NC'F , In the Yery midst of East Kenllwortli, with di rect paths to churches,, the', la ke-schools and t ransportàtion-ti s.ý dt.lightful 6 bedrm., 3 ýb., *2 pôhi., welt planned home offers comfort and dils- tinctive atrnosphere 'for rnany mrany years to corne. Price $30.000. WINN4ETKA B3ASICVALUE COUNTOSI Most, delightful, 7 room WhiteWashed brick on private road ln convenient t-ast location.. 4 bedrms., 2 b., ofi..ý Lovely garden.- GLENCOE ;)80 WASHINGTON X STREET Tastefully planned' for comfort ansi Years .0f enjoymrent wlth no expe nse spared l-n the building. There isa no, l(>elie r location" on the North Shore and no more delightful house for your permanent home. Cal Mis. 1pope., SEARS REALI ESTATE 421 Richnmond Rd. KeniiWorth15S * Wh- Pay High Rent?- Real Winîietka I3uys 600ii ASH STREET - $35,000.' ('harming English home, il sai Ous rooms, large recept ion hiall, butler's p antr.v, beautiful libr:t rv, ivith firep)lace, scr. porch wlth an ing, 6 bdrms., sitting rm., 3 baths. lâvt .; o one of lovellest wooded cor- 122 RIDGIE AVÉ.-$3o Beautiful, brick coi roof, -large rooms, tule floor, 4 bedrms., :, baths, deep woc enu. he n.-A lial i t s [n room v 1On 1ist flot WINNETKA ATTRACTIVE BRICK OoA. You.lî like Its convenit-at ea-at side location and large living room; suni roon: arèt-nesi porchtes; 6 bedrooms, :1 baths and he-ated sle ep- ing :porcî ; rfeQ(reatio)n .ro;oi heat. A. bn. .Mrs. Fleming. PLAWLES-S - 1)FAL ,Y LOCATED îf-in better section 0ýf IHuhb,,rd Woods: 8 roorn brick, 2I , tilt, baths; step- down living rooni, I7x2G hof vwate-r oil 2-car garage. Mr. Nle-hreri. 1-I4ILANJý:)-PARK~ HioIIycourt iou & NINNErKÂ 790 Elrn St R RWlnnetka 2700 ]RIGHLMAND PARK- 5 S. ST. JýrOHNS HiglIlafld Park 1855 MAiN O(FFICE,-I S. DEARBORN ST. .Central 18655 1 11tTN2..l'ýtc -date construction -à-a appolintmenjs" Ifyou are going to buy or to bulld it. FO"R 'A E $5 wouîd be Worth your while to see is FOR RENT -$3ffl -o use. At Burnhami Place and Lake FO R NT$3 e. Shore Drive, vnt. EXQUISITFE HOME'BLOCK TO LAKE Now coniltnmn pnfriseto an Winneotatiet clouse i ahQs at 502 Greenwood Avenue, Kenllworth, aindt ornpral~~ os f dis- a French bouse of whitepatdbrc tnion and charm both interlor and pai9rom,3,~-ah. xelntdloca- exterior - American Colonial design- .. oms 12bth.Eclen o,- brick 2-car garage attaohed tlreion, large lot. Price. $28 500.00. bedbos 3Modern baths on 2nd 2150 Central Park Avenue, Evanston. 110oor- 2 bedrooms and bath on 3rd Modernborne of Colonial desin,9 for Alrooasacou ndclvr!y rooms, 31 batiis. Good neighbor oci,, aragdfor cOnvenience and oirt1 I l . C 4 t V * * 5 4 i n e x e i e r t , - c c it iô . SHORE-TOWNS REALTY cash, 10-year, payment plan. Phone Ore. 700 Il. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 Davis 7632. I 11LTN52-4tp 111LTN2-ltc BEAUTIFUL 10 ROOM BRICK HOME IN DEERPIELD. 7 RM. HSE. LOT' in best section o4 Wilrnette., Large 70xl65. 3 bedroonis, :.tile'-bath, and ooded lot. $26,500, w*rth $35.000. Call haif, tule kitcheni. Garage. $12,000. Own- UNlversity 4469. * -11LN'-tD er. Deerfield 537J. 11lTN2,ltp ONEAND ONE-HALF 'ACRES 0N Fox Lane in exclusive section of * India n HiliClub gonj.Coc Frances J., Wilscot t EXCluSiv*F AGEj,,NT 902 SPruce Street Wvinnetka 1IL iLTN 1267- ý2-] te-. Wil.166 l1LTN24lto THE CORNER - STONE 0OP HAPPI- ness i& a borne that aUits your par- ticular .convenience In sBige-locatl.Qn- ÈurroIndngsq-wefheryou rent or buy Worth 5288.1 l TN -t

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