Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 5

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Dishursement of Additional Quotas Voted by Assocation; Council Created- Wilinettc Commriunity Chest Asso- cation)Iinc., held its annual,meeting- MIotndav eveinig in. thé directors' room of Xilrnette State bank, attend- cd by most of ýthe. members'.of. the board of directors. Elmer D. Becker w~as,. tnanixnously choseiî president.ý The report . of the.treasurer à proved, after I wýhie.hiit was de- cided, to disburse another 29) p e r cent of, the quiotas to the bene6ici- aries.naling a total of 93pr c e n t distribtuted. 'M any of the Elmer D. Becker smle oain are i arrears, and cttforts are now being mad.e to collect thee amounits so that the full quota 'otC(1 each., beneficiary mffay be paid. Appoint Staver Mouldiâg 1'. . E. Grahiam, 2819 Iroquois, roa<, rsigned as memiber of h lboard of directors because of reinoval 1 rouii the village. Staver Moulding, (Continued on page 7) Mathew Francis Photo -Vs Iark E', Nolan, 920 IEl#ên wood avenue, is directin.g the Poppy day activities of the Amnericant Le- gion auxiliary, which wiIl coftduct the sale on behaif of the WVorld 7crar's living victinv, . the disabled veterans, their families, and the families of the dead. Man Wanted by U. S. Is Arrested Here Wilmette-police made an important arrest Friday of last week whefn th.ev. picked ùp Eart J. Johnson, 23,, who claimed Memphis, TÉenn.,'as his home. Q uestioned by local officers and fed- er al, ope .ratives, he. confess.ed> to. hav- ing stolen' clothing ýfrom companv headquarters at1 Fort Thomas,. Ky., and, Fort Sheridan, Ill. H-e alsoad- initted taking a letter from a mail box at * 2132 Haddeni avenue, Chicago, from whichi he took a -check for $92.' and :to burglary of a s .chool, building in Glencoe in which he 'took, $4.50. iftthus appears, that there are three federal charges1 ag ainst John son, and it is probable that on these he will be prosecuted. johnson is being held ini the local: police stationi ou a UJnited States warrant, awaiting a prelimnitaryý hear- ing which is scheduled for today (Tbursday). Tuesdav night hie was taken to Chicago for the weekly showup of suspects. However, no finger print record ý,%as found, and lie xas flot ideiîtified. Republican Women's GroupWil Oil Tlitrsday eveiîîg of next Iveek, Iiet.johnr's players wjll present a At23 'lcFrdyaenoi conic<lvdrama etitle(l "New Fires.' t2:0ocok rdyatron 'Hiv plavers have mnoved thei r place IMy 11heWmn' eubi- 1 presentation to the Hloward schcool, club of \Vinnetka with its affiliates in Spencur avenue. and SeventeenIIth Gleiicoe and Kenilworth will hold a ý,treet, in aan effort. to offer bettei- fa- verv important meeting at the Win-J cilitieS for their- public. et ka Womani's club. Dr. William The St.,Johni's players are îîow o mie tarr Myers, professor of politics at ot tîe ldet damate goup i ;,_I Princeton university, will speak on (ftho ette.maicgrup lt.Vdthe subject, 'Whither America." - P. Harrison on Sunday, May 30, it dQgs running loose throughout -the was announced this week by William village it is impossible to prevent \V. Sears, 556 Greenwood' avenue, ýome instances of dog bites that May presiden't. of the Kenilwotth club, prove serious. He asks the coopera- .whic h sponsors the annual metnorial tion of dog owners in .keepfing dogs observances. '.off the streets. that because -thi s is a subjéct that is beiniz widely discussed, the club rnay wish to take some position on it. Mrs. Edward B. Hall, president of the Woman's Republican club of Win- netka, has issued invitations to other -simnilar Republican clubs, and the meeting will be open to the-public. Mrs. John F. Manierre is chairman of the commjttee whicb . as made arrangemients for the meeting. Telephone your ads to- Wilmette 4300 Greenleaf 4300 or. Winnetka 500 Denies Attempt to Penalize. Residents of Towniship; Mis-, sing Ïax 'Roll StijliMystery A delegat ion cornposed- of repre- seîtat ive1 citizens of Glencoe, Win- netka, Keni*ôvrth and Wilmette met Friday afternoon with 'Couhty ýAs-ý sessor John S. Clark, for a confe rence on the personal propert y tax assess- ment for 1936 in New Trier township. The discussion was of an amicable nature and ,lasted for more than two hours. -Mr. Clark opened -the conferen ce. by asýking what specific complaints hedelegation bad to.makea ,gainst the assessmients, which his office 'was charged witlh having*raised arbitrarilv albove the swor 1n returns mnade by. the taxpayers. A: spokesinan for. the. dele- gation replied -that it was not so mhuch the raising of assessments that distiirbed. the citizens, of New Trier- as the suspicion that had been creat.ed in many minds that the assessor was "after" the residents of this town- -ship, and the accompanying fear that his policies would Iead to a tax strike antd the consequent impairment ofal local taxing bodies. This led to a discussion of assessing and collecting of taxes, and the delegation assured 11r. Clark that their major interest was to assist i collection rather than 1!;xpWII ncrea.s Mr. Cl'ark then went into a tech- nical explanation of bis method of arriving at the assessments which ba.d been raised by bis office.. Calling tipon subordinates for statistical reports which were evidently prepared for the occasion, he went over the assess- ments of approximateîy nineftr tax- payers of New Trier township, wbich lie asser ted comprised the entire nurn.- ber w hicb .had been raised. Stating that ini arriving at the assessments he An application. of the Federated Charities organization of Chicago, for permission to çondut a. tag day on Monday, September 13, was granted. It was explained that this is. one. of thé recognized charities whicb have for, years.enjoyed the tagging privilege..

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