Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 50

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and Bride to Sail for Bermuda May 22 Af ter motoring to New York by way of the south, Mr. and Mrs. Ch~arles H. True, Jr., are continuing their wedding tnip by sailing Saturday.on a voyage to, bermuda. On their return, they wiIl live in an apartnient on Uni- versity avenue on the South side of Chicago. 'The bride' is the f or- mner Jane B a bcock of Evanston. Mr. True S. the son of Mn. anýd Mrs. Charles H. True of Chicago. Bouquets of white fl owers ýat the, altarand lining -the aisie down which the .Wedding.party wvalked, decorated the Winiletka* Conigregational church last Saturday afternoon for the mar- riage of Mis's Babcoek and Mr. Trt*e, at-.which the Rev. Samuel D. Ilark- niess offlciated. A period dress of white satin with a semni-train was worn by the bride with ber three-tiered tulle -veil wit:h its coronet of white lilacs. 11cr bon- quet was a showcr of white lilacs with a cluster of white orchids ini the center. Miss Babcock's attendants wvere gowncd alike ii -dresses of'peach niar- Attendants for Wedding on June 8 .Plans for the June w.edding of. miss Mary Lynch, daughter -of, Mr. and Mrùs. Bernard. W. Lynch, 135 Meirose avenue, Kenilworth,. and Richard D. Cagne y, son of Mr.andMrs. WilliamP.-Cg ney, of Evanston, are, nearing completion, -and. this wcek an- nounicement is made c>f those, who will beý in, the wedIding payty. .Miss Lynch wilI hbave four attend- ants and the bridegroom: will have six. Miss Helen Lynch is. to be er sister's «maid, of honor, and the brides- inaids WviI be Miss§'Wilma Harvey of XVilnet te, Miss Rosemary' Cagniey, sister of the brhdegrooin, and M,\iss Janet Von Brecht of St. Louis. Bill Cagney will serve his brother as best man, and the ushers~ are to 13e Josh D'Esposito, of Wilmette, Ed- ward Skillin. of> Wilmnette, Horace Tennes' of 'Chicago, and joseph and William*>Lyncth, brothers of the bride. The wedding is to take placé Tues- day, june 8, at 12 o'clock noon în St. Mary's churchi in Evanston, and. following the ceremony a réception wil e held at Shawiice Cointrvý club. the bridle's sister, Mrs. Auguste C2. Babize, Jr., of Evanston, hiad peri- * Winkle blue trinming the front and banding the skirt. Two of the four bridesrnaids, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles W. Babcock of Bevcrly Hilîs, Mrs. Herbert C. Virgin, Jr., of Mad- ison, Wis., sister of the bridegroomn.. Mrs. john Kirkpatiiick of Tulsa, Okia., and Miss Margaret Maw of New York, wore dresses trinimned in pale blule, two wore dresses trimmiied as, a hcaddress, Mliss Harriet,. IIamu was m#rried Mlay 8,- to H1arvey B. Stevens of C'hicagro. Pink orchids were file^ flozers in lier corsage, and a.ppie blossokm.s wcre thic decorations at the honte of her mnother, MIrs. Ed- ward F. Hamnm, 772 Lin coi avenue, w~hecftle service uas rcad 1>3'ftle Rcv." IIerbert IL'. iWillett. Mr- teen, hoi) i a son of AIr. and Airs. Charles A. ,Steve'ns o! Ciniclinna(tili as tkhis bride to Sea. Island, Ga.;, for several. zvecks, al ter w/udt ti lhcyv wki//1w at hionie, for teUiic sn mer in. irs. Ila>miuu 's Wintahouse, ed by the i<ev. ioix Burke <M >ants Faith, Hope, and Charitv pansui, and 1w' the Rcv. Francis MIagnetr of St. Mary's. Tracey-Klinge Weddinýg-- Takes -Place on June 5 Miss Mildrcd Tracey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Tracey of Evans- ton uzill 'he mairied to Ralïnh P. Ketcham and, Miss Joan Kctcham went to Bristol, Va., last week-end, to inspect a schoot that Miss Joan' has, considered attend'ng After a motor tri p throughi Tennes- sec 'and, North Carolina, Mr. Dierks. and bis bride will make their home at -7721 Yate.s avenue, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Allen of 1217 Maple avenue, who inoved to Wil- mette recently f rom Evanston, gave a houisewarming Saturday evening, inviting a group of-fricnds for bridge and supper. They have a snial daughter, Elizabeth. to J ack< Wallace of 1Evanston. Among the guests were Mrs. J. Thompson, Suzanne Thompson, Eleanor Wallace, Mrs. C. L. Feiske, Jean and Virginia Campbell, Betty Hatficld, Ruth Cook,iý Ruth Kooniz, Helen McCreary, Ethel Steingraber, and Mrs. F. 'T. Sen graber.

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