Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 3

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VICTIMS .0F. WAR' WILBE HELPED BY POPPY SALIES Volunteer, Workers- Will Sel Miemorial Flowers In Village Next Monday ,Le'gion Pés' Poppy Day1 Wilmette post of Legion,, through its James C. Leaton, a day chairman,> Howa 1616 Forest avenuýe,1 led attention to the g Poppy day next.M< -W fthe1 w \Motiday will be Poppy day in W\il - iary of t he post, uni inette and in thoùsands of other Cities tion o.f the presidej and . towns throughout the, United A 4 . Peterson, and auÈ States. Millionrs of b r ight red poppie tingent of New Trie ivill be worn in America's annual girls, will be statiône Aribute to the World war -dead. of important, points \Wonen of Wilmette unit -of the rsdCakNoan n1 .\reticanl Legion auxiliary will be 01 Poppy da acii the streets eariy Monday mornitig auxiliary. with baskets of the memorial flower, apars lewere i offering themi in exchange for con- of WiimlM-T Lin. tribuitions to aid the war's living vie: gested by Post Cote tiins the, disabled veterans, their .Laeihtt tainilies, and the families of the dead .'ketadvonaa Thcy will continue working through- dai out the day, giving everyone an op- )otuntiîytý to "honor the (lead and ali( the living" by wvearing a poppy. ,~ y lPie1aratiot1s for the observance ot ic&UoUUf L Ploppy day here have been comnpletcd of Auto Cras Program the American s commander, and its Poppy ird F., Dusham. ,this week cal- observance of :,nday. Vomen's auxîl- der the 'direc-. nt, Mrs. Carl jeéd by a con- 'r High ,school ed at a: number in the, village. sin charge of iies for the of Pocpy rday- n this edition It was sug- nmander James e poppies be i on Memorial Vict im, Last Concert of Series Mo Be Given o., lune 7 by Federal Symphony Final concert of the season by the Illinois Symiphonvy orchestra will- be: giwn at . ew Trier Township High jschool's auditorium on. Julie 7, it was announced this week. According to present Élans, Rudolph1 Ci-anz. noted pianist, will. be ýthieguest conductor, and Olga Dane, contralto, ai d Robert Walltenborti, pianiist,.-'vill he the soloists. Conicerts will be giveit both in the Jafternioon and evening, the former l)eing for, the, benefit -of the high ,school students, since the. student, counicil lias been active in promoting ithe series. ~S lectins from Wagner, tXorak, Grieg, and Brahms will be presen ted.. liTentative evening plans, as an- nounced by Albert Goldberg, director of the Illinois Symiphony orchestra, a federal music project, cal for a pro- * grain of.modern works. Rev. D. R. Kabele Heads IWORK MAY' START, WITHIN 30 DAYS,: PLANS INDICATE 1Wilniette Coast Guard, Yachts- men,. to Be Aided by $2Ô,Oý Grant; -Seek, Additionil Aid Lyndon Snmith, state director of the departnment of public wôrks and build-' înniý announced in Springfleld on Tues- day that $20.000 had heen allocated f rom available fun.lds for the dredg ing n improvenient of Wiimette harbor. ýThe 'work, accordinz to presûnt ini- pimntion, will get under wav witbin about 30 days and will take about a nionth thereafter to complete. Plans call for the credging of the harhor to an cight-foot depth, thus in- crcasing its inooring capacity f rom 160 to 275 boats. and dredging an ample channel ini front of the 1niouth, wvhichi is .now blocked by a huge sand bar. Federal governiment help for tfie bar- bor lias been sought for some tinte, and backers of the project. were confident that with the contribution of the state, fede ral aid iglt.be casier to oýbtàin. as Ui U 4fI(l . ýI *IV.'IV-Jy normng, wnen an automoble ac- foi- the fiowvers will be used to, help cident on' Sheridan road,south of the maintain the welfare work of the drainage canal bridge, resulted in the Legion and auxiliary among disabled death of Frank Unertz, 522 Center veterans and fatherless farniles durgjtreCcaotefrs'ftatyi the omîig Yer. .an automobile accident in the village True Sypbol iiM almost two years. -The little red poppy. warn) above Unert.z, his brother, Joe, and 'Mil- our hearts MNonday is the trues .t symn- ton Cross, 4943 Sheridan road, Chi-. bol. of our remnembrance for thiose cago, were passengers in a car driven (Continued on page 8) by RQbert Naughton,. 21, of 2015 _____ - , Cie veland avenue, Chicago. The party *.A - \ vas going iiorth. on Shierida~n road, has been elècted president -of the Alumini associa tioi olf the Chii- cago Lin t he ra n Tlieol>ogical Sein- inary., The Rev. Mr. Kabèle is, prommient ini de- nlomlinational cir- des in the Chica- go area. Prior to0 struction ot b.reakwaters which' would preveîit the c onstant' shifting of sand whiich would eventuiallv utndo ai! the dredging work. New Club House A third improvement at the harlior, is the lie\% cluib lbouse of the Sheridant Shore Yacht club, wvhich is .nomv under construction, mnany of whose members were prime niQvers in the planl to turn the harbo r, which wvas originally built as an intake basin for the nortla shore do tixeir gotiîng atm nun L club. Mr. Ridgway joined golfdome's imnortals by registering a hole-in- oîxe-on the .145 yard ninth hole Sun- day, May 9, white playing a a.four- somne with Edgar Stevens, Paul Chase, and George McContiell. able are asked to remçember that George Lea.oIy wy uZ. scaiuooa, Al.,to visit the s hop can thus aid many fellow Miniature bugles and drumis were .Mrs. Huggins's relatives. Mrs. Harry citizens.. presented to the members at the Kýerr o Wilmette, who is handling Marian Kremner, chairman meig n e b rm Mjrtereal estate departmei of M r. Economy shop is conducted by. the Herbert Gould, the members 15layed Hugins' contracting, busiùess, ac-, *Wm)nan's Club of Wilmrette. afvrt selection, WSmprFies" opanied them on' the trip.

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