Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 47

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public attention is calléd to -th-e-1a's iin whicb the working, man bas been especially iii terested which the Cour.t lias hield, irvalid. The impression is thus 'created in the public mind that the Court alwavs ruies against the humnble citizen. One of the strikinig factsin the his- tory of the Suprerre Court is thaRt it has been attacked. on.other occasions for ë.xýact]y ,opposite reasons. The same .Court .which bas -,been 'con- demîied' for being too conservative bas been condemned for being, too lîberal. Sucb attacks on the samée n. for exactly opposite, reasons make it. clear' that it is a: special friend. to, neither capital or, labor, the rich or the poor. Rather it has- beeivb frieîid of ,ail wlho seek impart.ial justice at the bar of an independent Court. AProteets Minorities Amajority. is alvays able to' take. care, of its rights and interests. ht has political power. Minority groups mnust rely. uponi an independerit ju- diciary to tirôtect tlhem frorn thP abuses of that powver. Wealth cati usualIv take ca re of its intere.sts. It hias influence and can generally make-- that influence felt in political circles. But what defense does the common man he.ve in bis fun'damentaî rigbts' against wealtb and powerful mýajor.;- ties? He must find bis protection ni a Court which is not dependent lipon partisan issues, which is uninfluence<l bv Exectitive favor and which is un- ti ' ain s caseagainst the tate of Wa5hington but it appointed able cOunsel to represent the, Lin.dseys and"diiected that tbe- necessary briefs Ieprepared Out of the Court's *Owrj 'f un ds. The ar4Un(1t oii the pýart 'of the at torneys for tbe State of, Washington, and'on the part of-the Cotirt-appointj... ed attorney for tbe Lindseys bas been heard. Probably tbe decision will b- handcd down this coming Monday- Whatever the decision, two facts stand out. *There is nio a1id fo.undatiôn' f or the :Administration'% contention that, the Supreme Court dismisses peti- tions witbout ful consideration of tbeir, respective. merits. Here is' an instance wbere a petition of a poor man wa s granted.. It was not even printed as required by the rules, but the Couirt reviewed tadrecognized. its nierits. di n Secondly and most important, the Uindsey- case is a cOmplete réfuta- lion of- the "ricb man's" tribunal cbairges. It is an outstandinjz illusti-a- tion Of tbe protection given the hum- ble citizen bv our independent ju- diciary. If that independence should be destroyed i any way for a possi- ble immédiate advantage. it will be apermanent* loss to thé citizen witb- out wealth andi influence. It *111 hbe Stride Rite Shoes uphold our tradition of care and research in regard to children's shoes. In their constructioni every scientific feature contributing to con1fort, healthy growth and special correction of defects is emnbodied. You owe ifto your chiu- dren to huild tl-eir feet for permanent, healtb- in ý$tride Rite Shoes. A Fine Selection of (2hildren'S' Summer Socks-3 and 4 Paire $1 PoeL .i PIPER 160S Chicago Avenue Uni. 0973 I -merous cases could be ciÎed wbe-re-the Court b.as'- befriended the humble man, without money and influence, against the power of government and vested interests. One such case is .nom, pending witb the Supremne Court and rnay be decided this montb. The circumstances in this particular. case completely refute the wild statenients being made about the Court being a "rich man's" 'tribunal. Uet cugniuaou They diki not have the funds to have the petition printed as required by the rules of the Court, nor did they have the money to hire counsel. He &imply mailed his typewritten peti- tion 'to the Supreme Court and ad- vised.,them that they were unable tO PaY, the cost of the proceedings., W ztmette vwlagers w/w have Ienouit the popular young priest since baby- hood' Iistened uitk, keen interest to the- broadcast. SHORELII Hubbard, Woods, 111, 897 Linden Ave.' & eOiý Wipntke687 1

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