Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 11

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WLZIIt.te and iForest avenues Rev. George D. Allison, pastor, On Sunday.mornlng atil o'clock, this chiurch, observes Worid Service day with an unuMSUal prograin. Dr. Keith M. Jones of Garrett Bibîjeal Institute will *preside, and the,'speaker wlll be the Rev. Philip Lee',.a gifte-d Chinese Pastor. He will lhave a message for the Junior congrega- tion as well. as one for the m~en and, women of the church.. A produet of the Christian schools,- Mr. Lee bias made a de.e Impression on ail who have, heard 111,m sincecoming to America. The regu- lar chu rch seýhool classes wIll precede at 10 a.m., The. Young Peopîe's society will con- tinue Its Sunday evening 'meetings.at 6 o'celock. A fine group of htgh sehool youths invite others to join them. At 'the annual meeting of the church on Wednesday evening.,a healthy finan- cial and orzetnztionalset-up was dem- onstrated., The mortgage debt has been subistantially reduced und ail obligatins- met. Harvey A. Bush was reele-tped moderator, and W. 'A. Kendiîc1, trea- urer. The new deacons are Odel O. Rog- ers, E. P. Phelps, Mrs. J. H. Kaufman, * and 'Mr.s. Edward 'Meier. The new tris.,- tees ected are George S. Hendriekson. JohnM. Davis, Walter O. 1Haaq, and C.- E. Thompson. In the recent election o! the Woman's society, Mrs. J. M. Davis wats chosen as president, Mrs, Ray D. Stephens as secretary, and, Mrs. R. J. Tascelles as treasurer. Choir rehearsals continue op 'Phursday ,%-f-rlng.q for the seniors and on Saititrday' nl<'flng.atf9:30 for the Junior,;. 23, illb~ TheBesettlng God." The church service Is at il o'cloek. A cordial Invitation fs extended to> those flot attending chùrch elsewhere to core and worship wlth us. This Is a union church. Its membershlp Includes people from varlous denomînations. it prociaims the essential truths of tht., Christian taith. It desires to provide for the. community the service of worship, rellious educatIon, and social feliow- Ship. The music for the chiurch service will be as follows:< .JmsH O-r PHARMACY 901 Ridge Road, Cornerc SN IDE R.çA ZEL. Miss -Martha iüi o! Weilmette', a juniior at Stephens Collegeé, Colurn- bi.a, Mo., who was r.ecekit/y nained ncws editor of Ste pheus Lif e cam pus sicwspaper. Miss HillPs o/lier actit'i- !îçs ut, 5frpltis are .SIcpcPr;s Life board, Book club, and Secretarial club. Site is the daugliter of Vr. and .Ifrs. John E. Hi/I olf 1202 Lýake avenue. Show Art Work of Big Ten Students Jack Robertson, 1250 Judson ave- uîuîversity, .lowa .City. Hlis work is a charcoal sttudy eîtitled "Figure Com- .Positioni Other students and their works are: Betty English, "Firebird" (o1); Albert Gibas, "Steaùing into Hlar- bor" (ou).; Harvey Kittredge, "*Theo- retical and Applied Physics" (mural), and Lester Gorsline, "A. Travel Of-, fice" (Interior design), al. of Evans- top. Alva. Alegre of Chicag-o with _________________ I~I Chos se Saborn COFFEýE. Limnit 2 IFR1511 FISI Palace Qatalty- S TEAKS SURLOIN . * .Ibo 45t CLUB ....Ib55 ROUND ... b 9 MSWS 6..0.Ibo 19c MEAT LOAF 1Fresh Ground Rib Roast of Beef lIionelpsms rolled. An :all meat., Do boune, Do waste roa.st of the iliust of prime beef. You wi li id It lusclous and tendler .......... .-39c Standing Rib. Rouss of Seef An eXtreniely Juley and flai'orsome roagt e1 the finest of prime beef. an sd Ut ribs .................. l.£709 Large vaiWlty-Cice Quality FHALIBTJT STIEÂK. Fresh. Cut to order................ib.- 27c BO-NELIESS PIKE. Fresh. Boned to order .............. 9 DOG FOOD 3-"- 25c Dozen NL cans ,9 Case of $7 MA BROWN PIE MIX do.794 2 bcs.25c Wax, tender, 19C tis U G CO. Oînarch Vsry Tiny. No.- 2 cana... 3 for~ >narch Telephone or Sweet. No. z tius..... o 55e I -I CAIPONS Faney dressed.. mllk-fed. 39 1c 6- tO 7-1lb. average ......lb. FRYING CHICKENS Fanqçy dressed, Wapslo Valiqy,> milk-fed. 9-lb. average_. lb. 3 STEWING HENS Fresit dressed, Wapsle Valley, mlIk-fed 4to 5-lb. averge lb...... ASPARAGUS Home grown,, ait green, tender spears ....... 1 ý 1 ý ýý A V

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