Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 May 1937, p. 10

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SE~RVICES 9 :15 a.ni.-PFrst service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday sehool and Bible classes. il .tt-,Second service. MEETINGS Social circle, toda.y, 1 pan., with Mrs.- E.R. Matthews, 1312 .Maple avenue. Boardl of deacons, -today, 8 p.xn., ln the pastrs study. ,frie.ndship circe. Friday,- 8 p.ni., with Mrs. J. pi Jeangerard, 1520 Gregory avenue. Senior Walther.league, Fiday, 8 p.m. Martha guild, next Thursday, 3 p.m. The order of service at il o'ciock on Sunday wiill include the folowing: Prelude-Allegro 'con, brio, from Sonata No. 1....... Introit-"'Blessed Be.. the 1101y Rgr Trinity"..........Shac Anthemý-"Te Deumü" ... .....Rogers Offertory-Adagio ............. Rogers. tho Sermon-*"I Believe ln' the Holy Christian Church".IEphesi'ans-2 :19-22 postudeFug............Rogers On Tàhursday, May, 27, at 8 :15, the Drarnattc club wIii present "New Fires" Wr the Howard school auçditoiumi- at 17th and Spencer avnes. Just what Is meant b>' th'e Christian church lu the third article of the Apos- ties' Creed? Whbat constitutes rnember- uhip ln it? Wbat Is its cornerstône and foundation? Are you a ineniber of it? These and other pertinent questions wvll be discussed Sunday morning. We be- lieve that you should be and wili be In- terested ln the Scriptural answers. First Con gregational Lakce avenue att Wilmette Avenue The Rev. John G. Hindie>', iinister Ïieve." *Frie-nds who have inoved into our commfliiy are cordially Invited to wor- imhip with us. The music will. be as follows: Prelude Mditation a Saint Anthem-"The Soft Sabbath SCaîni" . ....:1 1 ... Bar-nby Offertoire Solo-"IJI WIl Ex toi, Thee O Lord" ('osta Beulgh Edwards Postlude-G-Cratnd Chorus in D Major..........Guilmant Parents, teachers. pupils, par.ish mcmn- Ineet ~V~d,~1~tV evC The board of-Religlous EducaItiotN, ilI hold its regular monthly meeting. next, Monda>' evening at, 7:30 ln.t he phurch offices. The Creseent circle, wl-Il hold - a pot iuck luncheon on May. 25 atý the home of Mrs. H. -C. Carroll, 509 Linden avenue. The North End circle will hold its reguùlar monthly me~eting, Mônda>', May 24, at the home of *Mrs. W. W. Kerr, 707 Forest avenue. The assisting host- esswlll be Mrs. W. J. 'King, Mrs. .W. J. Hannaâ and Mrs.* O., Townsend. Bring the Penny-ýA-Meal Boxes. The Rev. ýMr. H-infdley began a new sermon sequence last S'unday on the gen eral themne,."W1hat We Believe." This sei'ies *111 carry through tîli the union servie s in July. May' 30-"'We. Beleve'in the Soul."' June '6-"«We Bgelleve in Christ." June .13--"!We Believe ln Childhoo>d.' June 20-..We Belleve ln Youth." JTtne 27--We Believt. in the Ktngdili . of G od" July 4-"We Believe lin Our Country,.' July 18-"We. Belleve in Life." July 25-"We Believe in Lv. Aug. 1-"-We Belleve in Tru,,t2' Each wiil be a message in itself, at work of faith, a labor of. love.. AUl to-, gether they willl constitute the ivingý Credo of the Modern Christian. Our regular announceinents areA ttS follows: Tuesday- 7:30 P. M-Boy Scout Troop No. 1, Wednesday- earsal First Presbyterian .Ninth teet at fiîeenleaf a:t'flu( Jamies T. Veîîeklaserin mni'stce At the niorniing worshlî,seî 1,1.a i o'clo-ck the niinister wil. preach on the themne, "The Stewardship of the G.qe. Trhis will include reflections on twentyv- flve y ears In the *ministry. We Invite yýou to worshlp wlth us. The choir rehears,,ýes Friday. ev*Î-iing at the church. English'Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf "A House of Worship" 'T'he Rex'. David Ra.Knbeie, pastor SUNDAY, SERVICES Church school...........9 5a.m. Moi ning worship ....il11:00 a.m. Junior Luther league . ..3 :00 p.ni. The music for the service of worship next Sunday morning is .as foilows:- Prelude-By the Sea ..........chuÜbert Anthem-Grant Me True Courage, Lord..................Bach The ,Senior Choir Solo-Corne Jesuq>, Redeemer... Bartiett Edith Mittendorif P-ostind-Prelude and Fugue in G .. Bach Victoria MeLeod- M.%iistry o Musip The Wunian's society wlll meet at -the Children's Home in Maywood on Thurs- dayof this week. Tht, day wiil be spent in mnending and sewing. This will alsd' buthal.r Annui al Bundle.day.. ~f u canned and dried fruits will l>e brought to the home. Senior choir rehearsai, Thursdaiy ive- iiing at 7:30 o'clock. Thu Sunday' school teachers will mieet on Friday evenlng at the home of Wil- liami Lindberg, 50ff7 Orchard lane, Win- netka, at 8 o'clock. The Junior choir wiii rehearse on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock., M ffltlée. esson for the 0ev, aonia ts l13~.P.We invite yoù to woirship ith. 'I'h,.Sno Luther league wilmeen(t t u Tu,-sdai«v iei- lug, NMay 25, lit thé, chur(ch ;tt 8 ocok Tht J-rowi,'1Pack No. 5 *iIimet 1 \lndafter noon at oc0. Attend chut ch regularly! Methodist Church The followiiig boys and girls were re- ceived into the-full membership of the chu rch lnst , Sunday mnorning. These young peoiple were received 'as prepara- tory members on Palm Sunda>' and since then have been studyifng concern-. ing the meaning' and responsibilit>' of membership. Froni the Intermediate de- partment: Oscar Bec~k, .Stephen Berg- cîuist,. Dean Doose, Eugène Fuessie, Richard Fuessle, Frances Gardiner, Rob- ert' Maeser, and Suzanne Sutherland. From the Junior department: Robert Hammoénd, Betty Lou Koli, Heleni Koîl, Robert Snyder, Richard Thornbyurg, Rob- ert Thornburg, Dean Tubbs,- and Bar- bava Jean VanWinkle. The Goodwill truck, cornes to Wilmnette on Fridays.' Notify. the church oiffice, Wilmette 2348, if youwod like 'to have it caul at your home. The First. division w.111 meet 'Murs- day, May' 27, at 12:30 o'clock foi, lunch- eon at the homne of Mrs. W. N. Waliner, 1046 Greýenwood avenue. <The 4rhird division 'wilî meet Tuesday, M ay 25, at 12 :30 o'clock for luncheonl at the home of Mrs. W. J. Chapmain, 2214 Chestflut avenue. The Sixth division -wiil meet Tuesday, M4a> 25 at 12 :30 *o'clock for luncheon at the home' of Mrs. W. L. Aistrip, 628.- Brier street, Kenilworth. The Second division will nieet Thurs-ý day, Nlay 27, for lunc(heon at the home of ILs R K. Lake, 2615 Beechwood avenue.C-hsee: Mesdaines A. L. Fuller and B3. F. Leýwis, Jr. The followlng ';(Out troolps for 'boys and girls are sponsored by this church: Girl Scout Troop 1-Thursdays at 7 :15 e iîi scout Troop 2-ThursdaYs at 3 :45 Girl Scout Troop .4-Tuesdays a't3 :45 Pr'wn e uk 1---Wdnesdays at 3 :30 oySco4ut Trb<p 3-Thur-sdays at. 7:30 p. m. The sumnmer ,zession of Illinohs Wes-. Ieyan universit>' to be held at the 'Metho- dist Camp grounids at Des PMines will open June 21 and continue until Jul>' 30. commIuUnty t> v.1;iL LIVJJ. L58 ZnfhJKinaer- lonnflhZtiAtt, 3oKeir.. eneUZt tt[U, phel1- Itai PUplon o, for.young people gartnero meet at il a. mi. ln the church ton, -Mrs. John Tiplady co-hostese. above hlgh school age, wiIl meet Sun- part or.- Atday evening at 5:30 o'cloek in the Wo- -Atthe last idweek service of thle man's room. Ilh e World Friendshlp group, ln season, the Rev. Arthur J. (D." charge of Miss Jean Gordon, meets tr Elliott wili speak for us, bringing a The Chorus choirineets, for» rehearsal the Bertha Wheelock hall after the dis- message of Impressions of bis rec'ent TIhursdlay evening a t 8o'cl c(k ln th-e mîssal of'the Junior- chureh. ThîIq t131ý- trip -around -the worM.. The mneeting I .s .Junior' roomi under the directo:. ofN Miss Somle of our boys are planlning to go t(> Camp Houihteling at Twin Lakes, IMielh., during the. vacation. Iiiforination

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