Deadline fo.r 'Insertion-.;tdu to Tuesday 9 P. M. forCisiedaerimnt i ha* wiLMuZurE LIFU or, ail three papers;. Wenesday 9 P. IL for IVIUBTA TLKIandThuraday 6 P. 'M. for QLNNCOENEWS ITelephons: w-ilmette 43»0, WInnfetka 2M 0(Winnetk&t 500 after 6 P. IL>)@ Orenlef 300orSheidrakeU112171.I %jor f*ND LOST-pEDIeREmD J»LAOK COCKER 13paniel, white mharkins on breast. Anavers: to mne ODrooPYY ewar returned. No ijacationsE asked P.Wii- metie.140. aL9-ltp LOI-T - SCOTCHMWRRERiBLACK with blac harnes am bell. Child's pet. uiversity. 4704. 3LTN49-Itpý FOR QUICK DISPOSAL 1RéREOLD ]PI-BEIs 0FFURN.. PIC- turcs, silver, dishes and odd pieces from an interior dccorator's -home. Cal Winnetka 2067 for appolntmcflt. ILTN49-ltp FEMALE CANARIES, 50c; SINGÈXtS, $39;breediftg cages, 75e up. Com- piete Une of supplies. 1025 Davis St. Gre. 8832. 14LTN49-Itp UMILDiNO AAND UPAIRS AJAX SHINGI<E CO. * APPROVID .TOHNS-MANVILLE CON- * tractors. Money ioaned for improve- mpente at goverunient rates. 1137 Cen- tral avenue, Wilmette 1248. l5-ALTN49ltc GLENCOE HoIJSECLEANIERS -Window .washing. Floors waxed. Wall$, woodwork cieanèd., Garden work. GLENCOE 1411 CL@C PAmN CLOCK EXPERT, ClUE IULY antquedoc reairg.loairuetrade la Erop. ~oeriy wtli TmfaaL"d Ti*'.. Wl Fro esimate. avd ;201.4-t A PERSONAL STYLE SERVICE JRLenimr BLACK Dlit Sand - Sod - Humus Compare Qàality-ýConggder PrIces. 1A. F. VOLTZ Cali Northbrook 158-Reverse Charges BLACK SOIL 3 YARD LOAD .......5 A. J. e-HMITT -NORTHB]ROOK 39 flLOTN47-4tP LANDACAPE SERÎVICE-; YAR:D -'AND garden work eflIciently donc; rock gardens. plants, trees1 and shrubs; black dirt and fertilizer. Ph. ýWinnetka 3380:- GARDENING WORK DONES BY E«P. MA&N. ALSO ]HAU Ing, black dirt, Low rates. ýWil. 34 *RAYMOND] Black Dirt 1153 Fine Street Phone Gierview 21 Designs, m. gowns, wr; home. Ph. W aiter8 ri your >49-4tp * euf;in Skolnik-WiI. 3413 QUALITY DECORATING OLD IPLOORS REWF!NISIIED WITII .electrie machine, speciai *lnter rat«s. Wefinance your wotk throughtUic Fed- orali Houuing Act. Quaiity d cratint ltreeconomy. W. C. HUGGINS Painting-DecoraUng-Remlodeinfgý 100 1ath St.. Wilpiette Wilmette 3558 42LTN49-4tp Paintinig -Paper, Hanging VERY REASONABLE Phone, Winnetka 3328 42LTN448-tfc INTERIOR DECORATOR WITH 20> Yeaýrs' expo. paper .bang ing, paintig and calcimining. Price rea.q. Work guaranteed. Cal 0. E. Luiey, Glen- coe 73. 42LTN49-4tp PIANO TUNINO PIANOS TUNED A14D REGULÂTED- Work Guaranteed Faetory, Dealer, Acoustic Lab. expert-_ ence;- good referenc. E. I. Van Uariingeft. Ph. Wilmette 2744. EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. REPAIR work guaranteed. 22 years Factory Experience. H. C. Thomnas, 517 Fair- view Ave., Park Ridge 699-R 45LTN47-4tp ?08O Vernon Ave. B___ USINESS SERVICE VICTOIA'S TEXTILE WEAVING' Moth Holes. Cigarette Burns, Miss- ('nàes Cts. Tears. Spots, Button Holes IN moderat ice '1 FARN PRODUCE HEFARM HOUSE Bet*een Evanston and Wilmette. %~ Block West of Railroad Ave. STRICTLY FRESH VITAMIN EGGS, 5-DOZEN CASE $1.35 (No Case Deposit) rhefla,oVr. oegs denend on reshness; 1-and- knownr Tel. Winnetka 1549 or w îaz RIDINC SCHOOl4S nette 1172 il it rLTN49-ltp Ime 0-KI-HI'STABLES A Riding School PAUL STJERNI*OLM AND W. JIOMER Taylor. Expert Instruction for begl n- iers, intermediates and advanced riders. Enjoy_ breakfast, luncheon, moonlight rides. Low rates. For Information cali Wilmette 779. -30A-LTN49-2tp LAUN DRY >1< WIIEYMFTl 270 I w 27LTP447-6tpj THERI3'S A DIFFERENCEi W*EIN fiNEED OALL FRANK'S. W have satilfed 206 North Shore homes with reai doinestic empicyces this ycar.. 66LTN49-1te ±948 UNIN CO. îing~ NoM> nette