I. To proniote safety- through cornmurflty coopération.L 2. To train children, by actual practice in the observance of safety. rules. 3. To reduce the,.likelihood opi n- juryto if e and property. Miss Jbhannseénhas chosen com- mittees- to go to the health, fire, police and coast guard departments for information. These, committees niake charts on- their 'subjects and tell the information they' gat hered. The pupils. are al.sô mnaking srp books on .'.safety.-Marjorie Ren- nacker, Central Oth grade. Spring Is Just So, Full of a Number of, Thin.gs! If you want to- know when spring is; coming ail you have to do- is to look for these things: robins, chil- dren on 'roller skates,. people' going Iwithotut coats, and AI kinds of birds chirping aild aIl other kinds of* thInj-ý that' oliI cant think of thein afl.- -auretta SclIier, Howvard 4th, grade. ....HEADACHES'NOW EASULY RELIIEVEDl WIT14I' EXIN. The next time you HExIN is 'less upsetting to the1 have a headache--be modern. Buy stomacb ihan some other anal-. a box of HEXIN-the modern pal- gesic* tablets in general use. Scii, iative for Headache,. Colds .and entific authorities state that Anti- Neuralgic Pain in the moder" pyrine acetyl salicylate '(HEXIN) blue and. white box. Was 35- passes through the stomaeh to the - ow onlv a quarter. '.intestinal tract unchanged-thus, at HIoward, gave a very easy test. rccenily to the fifth, sixth and seventh grades, To mnake ihe children work harder 'shle inspired. them by saying if tliey d(idf't get a hundred they'd 1.hettcr. keep plenty far froni bier be-, cause we have 'been . having this for three ycars. It ended Up that five childrcn missed one and one person missed tbree. The 'others were hun- dreds.-Clifford Johnson, Howard 7C Several girls in Howard eighth grades are ini a drama class that meets. every Saturday morning from Il :30 o'clock until almost 1 o'clock. The class is held at the Wilmetteý Masonic temple onCentral avenue. Mrs. Berniard Brown- is the in- structor. So far the girls have beeni working on smafll size plays anrd pQe try readings. There, is, another class of ,~ Stolp girls who- meet be- tween 9 :30 and 10:30 'o'clock Satur- day. mornings and a, high school. group that meets between 10 :30 and 11:;30- on the same day. 'Some of, the plays that the classes a re woprking ' on a re:1 "Murderer' at Laýrge," "Tickets. Pleas'e," Pink IRoses" and ".Alice Blue Gown."' The latter is the one our clasîs is' w%,orking on ' with Jacqueline XVil1is as. Alice, Sus an Reichman as Dodo, Don Her- huveaux as, Dizzyý, Nanette Her- buveaux as Patty, Darlene Follie 'as Celeste and, Jane 'Drucker as Jane. Thli 'play has a ~ve"y iterestig climax and is béing rapidly commit- ted to memory by al the cast. Anyone interestedi in the classes May commutnicate ,%itb Mrs. Brown at 716 EI'evelitih streët.-Jaine. ruck- er, Hlouard 8A. Several Grades Hel> Finance Indian Show The seventh and eighth grades were going.to have an Indian enter-. tainment that cost $25 but they could not pay it al themselves;, there fore they asked 'the sidh, lUfth and fourth grade s to help' pay' for the enter-* tainment, so .the sjxth, lUfth, fourth and third grades, can see the enter- tainiment too. The Indian's name' is Chief Evergreen Tree. The enter-_ tainnment will take place April 12, in the Howard school atiditoriumi.-Ellis Burgess, Howard 5A. Stolp Planning Assemblyý Program for Class Day, 6 HEXIL, ILNL., 8Soutnh MirhilgajI Av.,Cungo, 111 s uch ttngs. 'I. e players of th'ese 1!Please moud nme a gencrous FREE ,amp,1e o gXfi*objects are pupils who are to get in I the, orchestra next year. There 'is * m ........ .1........ ....... already one date when the orchestra *Street A ddress...................... ...... i i t play "Clock Store" at Nichols I Cty .............; ......State........m school in -Evanstori.- innifre'd Ijoif- an~~~~~~~~~ mm nmmnmmenmmmmmmm....man,, 'Howard 8A.ý 'The glee' clubs will' have to work pretty bard during the next f ew days to' get ready to sing for the Woman's club one week after spring vacation. Five numbers will, be sung, one by the girls' 'glee club, one by the boys, and the, other three- by -th e' combined clubs.-Betty, Crawjford, Howard 8A.