pression at the Immigrant rortectxvv League." Saturday of this weèlc, April 13, the club is having a luncheon bridge at 12:-30'ëlock,. and Sunday, at - 5:30, the Library Coffee House.wiflpresent Arthur Meeker, jr., who wviII ciscuss his éexperiences as a, writêr. O.of .M. jo Meef St çrnis Ho usehold, Ordr-o Martha, will meet with, Mrs. Frank Meter, 114 Fourth street, for 1:30 se wing; on-Monday, April 15. Mrs. P. J. Joyce will be the assisting ihostess.- mences. It will be t prize poems, short stoi In Ch rge ofExhibils The, committein charge of the. Kenilworth Junior. Garden ý club ex- hibits at the. State Fiower, showb Navy p'ier, .*as comüpos-ed.,of !s.1 Harold McKenzie and. Mrs. John, Cory, flower-s'of yester-year on a, -table with accesso ries; Mrs.: Robert Olmsted, Jr., plant stand, and Mrs. eTbert Lucas, seed pod.' Edward Skillen of 1019 Sixth street, a senior at Dartmouth,' spent. his spring,-vacation in the east, visiting friends and' fraternity brothers in Boston, Philadelphia, and: New York. He was, the guest most of the time Sin. New York, of Mr. and Mrs, Spencer, Earnshaw. His, brother, David, left Wednesday for Miami Beach. m If you rîfend .to lon aàcub *tk;s season, play -Artington es *our guest. The $49.50 féeemo bcomes effecfive - to b. qj sure of benincl cude nte ÎR. .00Spedal M.mb.ershlps et, $44, bring thitsanriauncement. ARLINGTON. COUNRY CLUS-1Dunde. Road 2mi. W. of WIeI à 89- -r I. LOO K -SMAR T IN .T'HE NE -P 0 WE L L 700NORH MICHIGAN AVENUE I