*event, and lier long list of commitee members includes Mrs. Purcell Smith of Hubbard Woods, in charge of mu- sic and entertaitiment; Mrs. John Merrinlan of Evanston, in charge of tickets, assisted by M rs. Fred Schroeder of Wilmette and Mts. ,Ar- thur Moulding of Chicago;- and Mrs. Willard Grimm. of -Kenilworth ,ani Mrs. Randali E. Poindexter of Win- nietka, in, charge of arranging. the place. of the party and making plan-, for the, supper. At,àa business meeting of the.Mater- nity center on Tue.sda.y, April 2&, at thebhorne of Mrs. Burt J. Demnan in Wilmette aill plans and arrangements for the party will be put before the metmnbers. T he meeting will be fol- lowed by a ýtea and fashion show, the latter to-be. put on by Mrs. Walter B. Wolf'of Winnetka and Mrs. Barrett Wendell, Jr., who will display spring fashions from their shop on East Walton place. _,have entertairied tcorasitlatsref cently to talk over plans. Mrs. NIc- Dermid gave a lunicheon for the chair- men on March 26, at the Cradie; Mrs. 'Ner riman entertaincd her ticket'com- mittee aàt a breakfast last' Saturday, anid Mrs, Purcell Snith gave a lunch- eon at Vera Megowen's on Tuesday of last week for hier entertainnient commiittee. Mrs. Smith is nowv in. Florida for two weeks and during lier absence -bas left things in charge of Mrs. jack Griffithis (Gven Heilinan). Mrs. Roger F. Sherman of Win- netka is social chairman of thfeNI -- ternity. center. April Birlhday Party Monday ai :Easte rn S+arý The bir ,thday table for,,members of Wilmette chapter, Order of Eastern Star, whose birthdays fali in the month of April, will be held at the next mneeting Monday. April 15, whichJ Susen. The meeting - Friday of last week was at the home of Mrs. joseph H. Pleck, in Glencoe. Broadeasts Garden, Talk Any former St. Mary's students who wish to join this group are asked Mrs. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex road, to notify Mrs. George' Sunderland of Kenilworth, broadcast Saturday over Hubbard Woods. The guild is now WGN for the Garden Club of Illinois, seigfor the Holy Cross, Tuber- ber subject being, "'And So-Let Us Be culosis sahitariumn at Deming, N. M.- Qreative." 1160 Chatfield road, WinnetICa. UIulu menibers are asked to notify Mrs. Lee's cohostess, Mrs. Walter Bachrachi of .Winnetka, of they can be present at this'meeting. Mrs. George.Van Buren is to> give a book review of Vincent Sheean's "Personal Histoy»." 1% lkm N.or Devis «L» Station lart Norà et PMU,$ 's PV $glet