anid Iinishiuag tourhe's Spring flowers -for1 Doyi.You'II' want buttercups, corn-, flowers or'violets jprincipIes on*.Easter' 3 9cso Or a trirrit tarsd.T , iiity in.sof calf with. qilt ..motel. freme, superbly fitfed Or a new pouch' or envolope -Wi±h zip. Per festening. Franchette ho se r Y. ringless end sheer. yet v er y dureble!' Tea dance. graycJusk for bues. Trop ce, ..San- tone for -brown. $275 95C Slpon gloves in. real kicd wîth neat bu0tton s and p ip ngc' on the generous cufs. Bleck, white, beige, gray. 6 ta A gay, polke -dotted handi- kerchief for -a. last, brght fël-' ip--or a floreil print in your favorite çolor sche me. Fine linen. 9 c, And the Zrowning qio- ry - Lucien Lelong's Opening Nght. $5 $j 0. Dra m, i n çut crystel bottie. To Look Your Best for EASTER 1 B eauty Salon-Second )Ploor w STORE HOUNS: 0 A. M. TOS6 P. M.,, SATURDAYS TO B P. M WIL.MBTTE LIFEB I