Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1935, p. 1

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Large Vote on Tuesday County Co0lltec0to0 r Sweitzer Permits Local Oficiais to Make Collections Sanborn Hale, New Trier township tax collector,, announced this week that ýRobert M . Sweitzer, county collector, has agreed te alloW the town collecto rs teo collect the second instalîment of the 1933, real estate taxes during the month of April, with the distinct understanding, however, that ne payments will be accepted after May 1, which 'is the penaltyý date.. The township colkéctors, it is further' explained. are net permitted to collect the first instalînient on which, at the pirent time, rirerë Is a penalty of 4 per cent, which changes to 5 per cent after May 1. Explahs Procedure While Colector Hale is not per-- i*itted to collect firgt instalîment pay- ments, he announces that lie will dIo s0 for the conlvenience of those who wish him to handie such paynients, providinig the taxpayer will make one check for the amount of the first, installment, plus 4 per cent penalty, Bislop Ernest Lynn ;tWaldorf will preaci& at the Speciai Palm. Sunday service Sunday morniîîg, April 14, at Il o'clock ini the Wilniette Par-. ish M1et hodiçt Episcopai chuirch. Tihis service has been- plan ned os a -children's festival service.. Conduet Final 1Union I..Lent Service Suniday SThe last of the union, evening Lenten services will be beld Sunday evening, April 14, in the.Congregational church The, Rev. David Kabele of the 1Eng- lish Lutheran church will pieacb the sermon,. and the other' pastors w i 1.l participate,. Tbe choir of. the C on i g r e gatoa church will give the MUSIC. A nuffber of people -braved the -stormn of last Sun- day eveing and Rev. W. Kabele at 7:30 o'clock.1 heard the Rev. George, D. Allison preach on "Spiritual Gardening" at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Allison used the hints given by expert garderiers to novices as suggestions for spiritual cul- ture. "Prepare your soit well"; "Cul- tivate constantly"; "Choose the best seed'; "Plan the arrangement," etc. The participating churches will also Quiet Cimpaigu Nears Closeý With ,Leaders Uirging Bilg Turnout of Voters A- quiet Villageeeto apaign is * drawing to a. close, and on next Tuesday, April .16, the 1veters will go tothe poils and décide the personnel of the next Village administration. It is privilege which no.citizen ýný!etedz in - the welfare of the vilë ïol deny himself. Harry C. Kinine is -unoppesed as fthe Har.mony 1 party. candidate I for Village presi- 1 dent, as is also j Nicholas P. Miller~ For the, offices of V illa ge trustees and Village treas- urer there are two sets of can- didates. Efforts of party leaders have con- centrated on persc cept for a limited N.1 P. Migle onal solicitation, ex- damount of adver-- lector. S Inasmuch as the town collector is compelled to stand the entire expense of the second installment colleçtiony, Mr. Hale urges those makiug re- mittance te -enclose a self -adclressed stamped, envelope- for the return of, the receipt. The collector's office is at the State Bank of Winnetkâ and his hours are frorn 8:30 a. m. to 12 noon. and from 1 to 2:15 p. m. on week days, except Saturday, when they will be f rom paratory AMemDcrship. class ofbocys and girls f rom the Church school. Bishop Waldorf is the resident bishiop of the Chicago Area, and the Wilmette Par- ish church is particularly fortunate lu that the episcopal residence is in Wil- mette an-d the.niembers of the Bishop's f anily are members of the Wilme.tte' church. In keèeping with the day, Palm g will be provided. 60 NEW CONTAGION CASES Ne-v contagion in Wilmette for the week énding April 6 included the fol- lowing, cases: measles, 20;. chicken I pex, 13; German measles, :12;* whe.op- ing cough,. 9; miumps, 4, and,. scarlet fever, 2. This -made a total 'of 60 n ew cases reported for the, week by the Wilmette Health departnient. Harry B. Johnston,' 1320 Green- wood avenue, speaking for the "New Hlarmonv Party," expressed confidence in the s'iccess of its candidates, and reiterated the appeal to ail citizens to, not, neglect voting. "'The impartial and non-partisan manner in which the 'New Harinéony P arty' ticket was nominated," said Mr. Johnston, "iB appealing powerfully to those who are informed, and it is recognized as the only issue before the voters at this HEALTH BOARD MEETING The next meetingof the Wilmnette Health Center board will be held Fni- day afternoofl, April 12, at 2 :30J o'clock at the Health Center offce on Schiller street. 0

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