ret ail >usiness. HONORS -PRIESIDENT nrs. David J. Davis of. 721- Elm-, wood avenue entertained thirty guests Monday at, a dessert bridge in bonor of Mrs.-A. E. KluPden, retiring presi- dent of the Xoman's Club of Wil- mette. Fred Xorkmnan, , 222 Leiscester road, >Kenilworthi, a student at New Trier,,spentbis. spning vacation visit- ing Russeli Y. Cookce, of Charlotte, N. C.. fonmerly of Kenilworth.' 0o * isÉ Janet Wright of 1432, Forest avenue, wbo attends, DePauw, uini- versity at Greencastle, Ind., is re- tunning Wednesday. for the F.aster vacation. of the counitry, with their director, Samuel Vesley. A number of Chicago boys are in this group. The Sunday Evening club' choir of 125 will sing Gadsby's "Bèhold the King ,Cometh," "Thée Palms," andi "«Ride'on -in Majesty," by Scott atthe main service beginning at,8. Cliffoiffl W. -Barnes will preside, anid Horace W. Armstrong, a trustee of the club, wilI the program. Dr. Atkins, long a workerý in the' field of world peace, was awarded the. Cburchý Peace .Union Prize for bis essay on international peace.. I-He is the author of the,1935 "Fellowship. ofd Prayer" for the Lenten. season, pÙb- lished « by the Federal, Co.uncil c-,f Churcbes. M. %Vhitaker ,Baer,, 2115 Beeclivood aveiiue;, left Wednesday on a busi- niess trip to Oklahoma and Texas, to be away until -May 1. ÇDO4ord Qilothcsý For Gentlemen Ofren Imitated Rut Neyer AMY___ Orringtoa and Charch-EVÂNSTC. OPen Tues., Thers. and Sas. Rieeuings I LEAO III!H. ASTER PARJ P1ED'SEVANSTOIN S' AT 0o1 ati. Feurfli Foo,.. -q I