lowing members wiIl present a group of songs: jeanette Farwell, jané Hen- derson, Marcia, Ennis, Betty Rosen, Dorothy Edwards, Marian Taylor, Pëg Parker, ant Eleanor Burpee., Miss FrancesAnderson will direct the trio from New Trier in a group of songs in which the following -,ment- bers will take part: Virginia Bu- chanan, Betty Burlingham, and Betty Faxon. Fred Atkins Mo ore, director, Aduit Education couticil, Chicago, wili be the :guest speaker. on this occasion. Mr. Moore is a well known observer and interpreter, of 'international af- fairs, and having traveied extensivelyý in Europe only récently, Will have mnany Worth while experiences and *significant social situations to discuss. This is a programi our menibers can- nlot wMeIl afford to miss and ail are. urged to attend. Then too, the dele- gates wl have returnèd fromi Peoria -where they have been attending the 11inois~ Congress of Parent and Teach-er convention and will bring reports of the accomplishments of. the organ.izatipon this year and plans for the comning year. LJiiecio;m-Board of Educalion With a president and two members 01- the WÀl-i"tt-e Board of Education. to be electedý at th aseilefction, Saturday, April 13ý, anlouncnent bas been made that the polligpaewl be-open fromn 12 noon, Untii 7 p. m. OnINy one polling place will be avail- able and the afternoon and cvening * hours for voting were selected so that every resident will have ýan opportun- itv Of casting a vote for the officers *who wiil play an important part ini directing the educational affairs of the village. The one poling>place wil be locaited at the Stolpschool, Tenthi and Central streets. The candidates on the regu lar. ticket Nwere,;selsgcted by a nominating coin- mnittee, composed of representatives of the three Parent-Teacher. associ-- ations of the village, the Woman 's clubs of the. village and the Chaznber of Commerce. These candidates are: Henry Cutler, for president.- Easter. And ours been suflicientIy en care of. every one mre lias to take tdelay. -r. v 'p Vi w i1and 2-Trouser SPRING SUITIS For Men and Young Men Featuring America's most famous elcJthe-Society IBrnd, Wortd-, tex, Charter House and Lytton Clothes. We challenge any man * or Young man, no inatter how, fastidious he may lie, flot to find *exactly what he: wants iIn this. huge collection.. Complete Une of Topcoczts, $25 to $75 MEN'S..F ASTER RIATS $5 Easter Sunday--so why not: get it today for I. fuller enjoynment.. Ah .thesmniat new colors in a wide variety. of shapes. MEN9S FU SHIRTS Mr. aç Mrs. Cedric Smith and their son, Burton, and small daugh- ter,' Patsy, 205 Essex road, Kenil- .worth, returned last Sunday by motor f rom Asheville, N. C. They stopped at . Frénch Lick ýSprings on their way home.. ,n and C YK