Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Apr 1935, p. 18

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COMIBINATION OlFIER -57Photographe 1-8x10 O~i Painting $Io*00 * Eugene L. ùay IM-OHGGO AV-Ep. vfnson UNvriy ,aa basement has been patterned closely after Field's Chicago store. The preparation for this new ventur e bas precipitated several other changes of no, less importance. The first of thesec is tbe removal tO the fifth floor of the. stocks that bave previously been Jo- cated on the Iower floor. To properly display tbis merchanidise it hias been ne.cessary to icomipletely.rearrange and redecorate tbe, fiftb floor. China, the sections which w'ill be. located on glassware, lamps, housebold utilities and appliances are, numbercd among the section which will bc located on this new floor. Ail these changes,-will be effective within> a few.days wvhen each of the new sections will 'be open and the stocks complete for business. When You Buy AUTOMOBILE, INSURANCE I meure your a Company, car Mn t hc*t: y' strong 3. Insures -preferred risks only 4., Hasa 7,000 agents to serve you, 5. Has over a million coverages ini force 6. Saves'you 30%/ to 40%0 At that establishment there bas just been fjnished a complete remodel- ing of the store lobby and display facilities, and the ensemble effect def- initely reflects the architectural in- fluence of the recent Century of Progress ýexposition, embodying the most nmodern details wbich effectively cmiethe utmnost. in attractiveness and, utility. 'The work was, designed'anid ca rried through to conipletioli by Kyennethb W. OIson, industrial designers. who executed'many of the more effective World's Fair display places. Now that the job ii. compl eted, Schultz an d Nord are'eager to have their. frîends corne in and make a thorough inspection. The formai oc- casion for sucb inspection1 is Satur- day, April 13, 'and everybody's in- Cawn~p 04iH+ Airnounces: Augmented 1935 Program "W.ben Camp 0-Ki-Hi, the Northi Shore Day ýcamp for cbildren., opens 'for the coming season, it will provide an, even more complete and varied prograni than heretofore,"âtaes Ifarry 1. Szymanski, director of the, camp. Mr. Szymanski, heading. a -staff of thirty, men and wornen' will open Camp O-Ki-HÎ around June 17. OThe regular activities' of the camp are swimnning, riding, creativeè dramatics anid speech reecîncation, nature study and camp craft, woodwork, .music, boxmn&. archery and specially super- vised play. Rïding classes will. par- ticipate in moonight rides, steak frys, an'd overnight camping trips. New enih asis is being placed on creative dramatics, camp craft ý.and riding. New horses and additional instructors are. being provided for, the riding. classes. Mr. Szymanski is recognized, as an aIl-round competent leader of -oth.. 14 c o 619 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON WILMETTE OFFICE 12019 WHlnette Avenue Winmette 6as PICT4-URES Halteupancs Photo Slrps 1145 Gr.n jetgA venue W I m t.1 7

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