N A HANNA suifs Coots -Dresses o27 p 57Spomisi C@omrl'-WIUmefte 46d7 *National Rifle association matches are now in progress, anld the club is aýnxious to quali'fy men Ïi these meets. Those jterested are urged to, turn ou.t Monday night, for -tbe important meeting. goverament floneuse tebar ol grIpatinmm mmd silver. Ne moee go.Iu.wbere--we 1wfIs pmryeno la essh or trase fer, .w Jewelry. M. PAGLIAULO nuS WIi.tt. Ave. WiL 1l161 HE'D USEA NEW Dad knows the vaue of -doinq thinqs mIGHT. JI his office or factor, machiny la replacd at once wh.É a nov and bot- ter way Is Iound. That'. why Dad would insist on a nov Spiralator- EASY Waser or.heuprinq houa.. burg, maister ot the Wllmette i'arish Mr. Potter is now completing bisý educational training at Garrett 'Bib- lical-Institute. His previou ,s training includes work at, Sterling9 college, Sterling, .Kas., and Asbury colleg at* Wjlmore, KY., from which he grad- uated with the, A.'B. degree,. He bas pursued graduate Work at Drew, uni- versity at Madison, N. J.,1 and South-" western. college- Inu 1929 Mr. Potter was admitted on trial in tbe. Southwest Kansas, Conference of the Methodist -Epis-. copal cburcb. His first ordination- that of Deacon-to. ok place in 1932, Bisbop Meade being tbhe ordaining Bishop. Mr. Potter bas beld two pastorate - one at Burrton, Kas., (192941l). and the other at Rolla, Kas. (1932-34).' .His wife, Genevieve McGuire Pot- ter, is a native of Lexington, Ky., amid. received the A.B. degree from Asbury and the M.A. degree from Wilmore. The public is invited to attend this special service of ordination. Prominent Men to Judge Boy Scout Hobb.y Show Judges at Wilmette's annual Boy Scout hobby show at -Stolp aud- itorium Saturday, April 20, will be Henry Fowler, president of the North Shore Arèa -council, J. B. Jackson, area commissioner, and Paul Muzik, commissioner of tbe, Highwood dis- trict, it was announced this week. Two.awards will be made, one for the. best display of hobbies, and the other,, for, the best <'act of scouting.'" The hobby exhibit will be oe between 2 and 4 o'clock in the after- noon and at 6:30 in the evening. The diacts of scouting," dramatization-sof tvypical cou at 1160 WiIm.ft. Avenue Phone Wilmtte 3020 Suzanne TI avenue, was hi at her parent Browns lake, vacation. ,1136 Chestnut at a house party mimer cottage at Iuring her spring