.ri PRIýNTSI wilth or without jackets. lovely under a coat now and later without a coat. :Shop you haves right at your- very door, a large selection of many types of Springý Clothes, atprices tfhat wiIt plé,ase you,?. SHEER and.CRP RESSES. wit.h hip length jackets. swagge:r and ý short, jaclcet suits that are so popuJar this season. BLOUSES ln Silk, Linen, Cotton Pied and pli~n fabrc. $1I.50 ta $4.95 MANNISHSHIRTS In SiI&. Pique, Broadcloth for .active sport or the +iored suit. ALLOVER LACE For. the dressy occasion. $8.50 HOSIERY-HANDBACS-CLOVES in smart styles to complete yor ensemble. UNIQUE COSTUME JEWELRY direct f rom shops., New York's smart 163 Wilmette Avenue Dne Wilmette 4406 APIRIL il, .1935 SUITS" Wool