*0e WILtAETE 420 Compare. Thesfe Prices SlTRAWBIERRIES. Poneyl:ulsana. 15C ASPARAnUS y Extra seeet.,37 RIIUBARS. an 2 1 I74 ]LogRROTS. .................... 2 lbnehles 11 C GREEN BhAN.S. Stringless...... .............2 tts. 21 é 1-Ab. cou TOMATOES 37c Faney Red Ripe pli oAf MP$3 BlETS NeW Sonthern 2 bunchesl~3c paRYuINGCfflCKENS. U1n... .f... IVEAL tOAST BIipae"a ~uo MEAT FOR LOAF. r'Bef ok LAMSPATTES.Tasty, eaey to serve, Serve aA te your, fauiiy or friends this week end and e»Joy the rieh mtss et a. Mainla lv av euert In- H-indiey wi give aJ message. The publi-c j9in in this worship. invited Mrs. Frank R. Young, 333 Cumnior road, Keni iworth, will be- hostess at lunlcheon ýto her i1it club F.riday. Your Faster Co iffu re. will be m ore Iast-, ing and beautiful with one of our new Automnatie- Permanent Wiives- which we recently demonstrated at Phoie, Wilmette 4917-: th oman's Club Spring Festiv. auty of aeaecing four persnsnu rom each of the thirteen voting precincts as mëm- bers of the convention. Trerme of one-I hait of the convention màembers expire each electIon year, the va.cancies being filled by a citisens' committee appoint- ed by varlous civlc organizations. Thus no oipportunlty la given for clique con- trol. Each ,convention, electa Its own officers, none.of who man aucceed them- selves. ~"he convention appoints from its memberéhlp a sNominating Comrnittee,1 compoed *cf- one 'member from 'each preclnct, to which -las delegated the duty of searchîing for suitabie candidates. Thia coniittee holds a weii-advertised public mass meeting, at which alilcit- izensi ndlividuals'as weil as 'groupe, are invited to present-the namea of persons whom they deaire.to put forward as candidates. The committee makes' no nominations at this meeting, and le flot bound to place on the ticket naines there presented. "The nomninattng commlttee reports Its findinga to the ful convention for final action. "The Jaarmoajyi.plan. also provides that, where a question of public poiicy on which there ls divided opinion, 'and upon which the laws do flot require a referendium, the convention shall place the question before the voters at the. next election, candidates being pledged to adhere to the decision of a majority of the votera voting upon the question." The "Independent Party," while nominating no candidate for Village president or Village clerk, presents six candidates for Village trustees, and one for Village treasurer to -op- pose Jlarry W. Miller. No Issue, Say& Candidate Asked for information on activities of the "Independent Party" Aider R. Tighie, one of its candidates for trus- tee, said: "There is flot mruch to say. There is no issue before the voters, and it is sjmply a niatter of candidates. We. have stated Our. position in Our advertising,. and to that there is nothý- ing to add." The poils will be open from 6'a. mi. until 5 p. ni., and citize-ns are being, urged to vote before going to their business. Mrs._C. _C. Bennett, 428 Cuninor Pimomes Wihnette 420.421,4Z2,423 521 - 4th Street I 1146 tiette 1907 and,