townlship higllway commissioner sal they would attend. Highway Repiwt The report of Comnissioner Ayres follows: "Durlng the 1934-35. township fiscal year $9,182.07 was pald Into the road and bridge fund.1 The total- experiditures amounted to $4,053.31. A balance of $6,- 128.76 remalned. ID the treasury., There are no unpaid bills. or Judgments.. "O0perating ekpenses were increaued eightly: by the necessltY of frequently mùowlng and scythlng the excessive growth of rank vegetation on the. park-' ways durlng the past summer, the extra amount of snow plowîng. and road Inter- section cîndering 'during the witer and the more extensive roadl patching and crack flling owîng to the ageý of the road surfaces. A levy of à cents per .$100 asseused valuation han been flxed for the 1934 tax year. The at levy for road and bridge purposes ln the township was for thé 1929. tax year-8 cents, per, 100 asuessed valuation. lu as much as one-half of the rmailand bridge t"x collectedlnl thîs township la pal4dlrectly to the v.arions finareshÉ ."a Ànntv enflator.. the ana gK der % land. thet ago, groui area, the 1 exneI 1cidenht and Miss Hoiioway died at the Evanston hospital about 'an hour later. The car in which> they were, riding was drivenby Jamtes Goetz, 19, of 1989 Chcerry street, Winnetka. .Goetz is in the Evanston hospital with'. ,serions scalp wounds and a possible skull frac- ture. According to teIl ierpoto the accident,'the smnalI roe ,dster in which the:young people were east- bound when tht crash occurrecl.'Tht driver apparently failed- to set h Iowered gates and ' ither to sec or hear the approachtng train.. The south-gate on the west side of the tracks was broken., The engine of the 1li-car'traiti struck the rigbt rear wheel c.f the roadster, which was demolished. Ail of the young people in, the rar were eitlaer students or formeî< students at New Trier High school. Miss Holloway transferred f rom New Trier to the. Frances Shimer. school, Mt. Carroll, Ill., at the beginning of this semester. McEldowney was a junior at the high schoeol. Goetz also a New. Trier student, is a senior. Funeral services for. Miss Holloway are 'being held this afternoon (Thurs- da)at 2 n'cnak nt thbe. Cbnruh of the The Illinois Wesleyan university quartet is regarded as one of the finest musical group>s of its'type.. 4 1213 WI.nbtt. Avenu. Phono US AD VA NCED..STYLE. NOTES ini our SPRINGiCOLLECTION" Dresse in Printed and, Plain Fabrics - Redingotes Jacket Frocks - Wool Suits -- Dinner and Eormal.#àu4ms NlSSES' AND WOMEN'S SIZES $10.75 to ",4500 MARINETTE KNIT .WEARt Excallant A5ur~N.. Sanic. 1147 WILMETI'E AVENUE, ROLLINS RUNSTOP. HOSIERY PHONE WILMETrE 3MO Hlarry C. Kinne, Village trustee and WeII known attorne v, will be the speaker at the next meeting of the college group of the Wilmette Meth- odist Episcopal church, Sunday, April 7. Mr. Kinne gave a very interesting address to this group last year. His subject will be "ýChristian Citizen- ship." The meeting. starts at 5:30. O'Clock. Ail young people of, the village are invited to be present to hear Mr. His, parents, Mr' and J* E. McElclowney, and three sisters sur- vive the McEldowney boy. The sis- ters are Mrs. Laurence Meyering of Highland Park, Mrs. John G. Witt- bold of Winnetka and Mrs. John M. Brushirigham of.,Milwaukee. . The, funeraI services were held this morn- ing (Thursday) at tht Graceland the Woman's Club. Plan yours now ... for Easter! AILSRICHT 1EA UTY SUI4 1167 Wilmtt.Avenue Phono Wilm4tte, coo 3b*O Phone