citcmyro t_ eekafte vaction _7The - negative team,. which rep- Stolp Assembly club was the arena1 The two glee clubs met twice in the Engish Stuents Fa infrm an st hew Morieron ahefhrmat- of an interesting and weflfought auditorium. 'Anyone who had flot EfmoaeusTe a orm poaiste Mrof af afirte baeetwentwadbain tam 0rcemriedh7.s g y Friday, On March 28, Miss Perring, the speaker; Bob Goodwin, second WenedyMac 2.March 22, was flot ta returù to the English teacher at Stolip that tespeakedr, The warriors on the affirmative giee club.',ad h eand Carence Lineberger, side were Richard Hirsch, Gertrude. pupils were going to take upa new third speaker. W~istckan FanesBikhm. The' boys' song are ËHop You formý of «theme work. it was themes T Wcintoc,, nd ranes ickam.Grasshopper" and "May Day Dance'» that are 'given on the spur of the aide regular affirmative team-Ger. .» ald Taber,'first speaker; Jack Leslie,. The girls' song is. "Heikh, Ho." The moment.. They are 'cailed extem-seod pakran SieyCig sns that they wil sngtgehr poraneous thenmes. Ailtht4 ppls third speaker-represented New Trier are The Linden Tree ' "'The were worried that they wiiibl aidalieo hi emwntedcso Heavens Are Deciaiming". and "The on bu it wiii be fun anywa.yon vrMroa i e re' * EenngBels. -Dick Penberthy, Woerner, Stoip lW. n ietam Howard 8C. ngtv em The question which the Big Tweive 8B GIVES FILM PROGRAM league teasarusnfothide Th o p1 si g id w s ep es nt d y A n n u al IIon test A p iril 13 pr ra fo t e H w rd s oo season's debatng by the N ational Tanda-Mrc 1 AncelwsForensic league, whose .membership Curtiss Wellborni, Ed Parks and SaudyApi 3th thran charged for :aimission to two shows, nldshg col o RcadFne.nual kite flying contest ivili. be held Laurel a nd Hardy in "DD etectiv es hihsh. fro i al sec- at Washington park. T*voy il, Thn? n ld oki Wn ions of the country: "Resoived, that The subject under discussion was: have a chance to make kites in mnu dering. Papas." Te auditorium was the fedeiyov eromizenshuaiaop Reovd Th tG a tw sagetr ai training under Mr. Bail. Gien W.- ildan B m d 1 .0cerp oi general during the Civil war than was W.fuidad Bmde$3 cerp ofit the noiy euaiizithng dctoa Lee." Everybody had an enjoyalble time.__oprunt hoghu h ation by Fredric trauh, Hward8B. means of annual grants to the sev- Fn ce Bo ickv~ heumseand Richard____Fin-_eral atates for putblic eiernentary and neais andgaved the mjudges apeîen 'TIS IlSP1 ING-VACATION! .secondary eclucation." eralsand ave he.jdgespleny toThe possibiiity of a tourn 'ament think about. ~ ~~Hurrayl Hurray! Spriîig vacation te ta s fnsi i fr General Grant's supporters were 4ea ac 9adwi .n pi mn gn s finaiy ive th verict - hares 8 Sping vaction is gr nd ime second, third and fourth places at 8. prig vcaton s agrad timethe close of the league season was Koib, Sti thefrvfrd.icv.ybodChsahaens arand being discussed Iast week. KolbStol IC.time, going to shows and parties.- New Trier's next Big Twelve match: H o w a r d E i g h t/z G r a d e r s ~ ~ ~ - M arjorie P earso n , H ow ard B . w l e w t h r t n T w s i Howard_____________________ High school of Harvey, Which is A> prove Rings and Pins Boys Hope for a Windy Day GYM BOYS GO OUTDOORS near the top in the. league stand- Friday, March 22, at 3:15 o'clock, Gthercoal, known, as "}Hap," will be The' Stolp IC -and 2C boys started ings. Ur. Todd cailed ail the eighth grades ini charge. There will bë iriz.q nron .March 29 havino. L-v ,nf LL......Jr .I e- 1---- . said that ail the chiidren wanting r iings or pins should come to the of- Parents See Stolp and fice i<onday, March 25, to sign for Howard Gym Show rings or pins and if they signed for The sevenith and eighth graders of them they would be delivered ini the Howard and, Stolp schools had aottwo wçeks. While they were their demionstration at Howard in the office they their rings schooi Tuesday evening, March 26. fitted.-Bob Heinrichs, Howard 8A. It was to show the work which is donc in gym. While the parents Boys'RGoir of Howard were enjoying the program, the par- ticipants were in their classrooms. Starts Out With Election Miss Dais. 7C,.% nd .rý TOM CARNEY REtURNS. Tom Carney came back to school at Howard on Marcb 190. As you know, Tom was in an accident., Ail Howard is glad to have him bà"ckin, school, safe and sound.-Winnifred Hoffman, Howard 8A. -"u"noLiAege at Bristol, Va.,isno returni ng to Wiimette for bier spring' vacation which starts today (Thurs-. day), but is accompanying her room- mate,, Mary jane Chaýpman, to her. homne in Eikins Park,, Pa. After two days, there, the kir-ls wIl motor to New. York City for' a day, and then. MissSundloff wiillg to West oint to celebrate her birthday with ber brother, William Sufidloff. Recently she was e!ected secretary-treasurer of ber class. 1 It deasis 1 like the storY of "Miss Tubbs" started o very znuch, because Beefsteak and ancient1 Onions was so funny and because and the1 Miss Tubbs was so funny lin parts- Itaiy to Ruth Gockei, Logan lst grade. Johnson, larch 18. This pato OETBETNI AC r. and Mrs. S. A. Wheelociç 822 ry is very interesting The . 1805 Elmwood Avenue Tabkt Central avenue, returned on Tueda s have made a map of Tennis club lost to the 141 Park Ave- of iast week from St. Petersburg, in their study.-~Raiph nue Table Tennnis club of Glencoe, 9 Fia., where they had been for the rard 6B. to 7,. WednesdaY night of iast.week.' past three months.