Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 54

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u Ipaein tuhemusicau preparatitoi the service. The mnaie for the service on Sunday morning wlll be as tellows:- Organ (10:45)- *'Ave-Maria"l (No. 2)........... Boom~ "Paads........... .Fibleh-Urbar Mies Marie Briel Iiitroit: "Grant Me 'Truie Courge, Loerd",........ -..........*'*...Bci Antbem by the choir: ..Show Me Thy Way, 40 Lord". -... ......*. Thempson Ofertory solo: 'lSheep and Lamb'- Homer Miss lilorence Farrar Organ pOBtiude': "Prelude.and Fugue". Seven-thirty o'ciock la the heur et the 'evening. servOice. The minister's sermon theme for thias unday evening will b.- "But We DO see Jeans." The munie for the seven-thirty oPélock service this week will be as follows: Organ prelude: 1Caillon". .Delamarter Introit: "Grant Me Truie Courage, Anulem by the choir: 'lBenedltus- Gounod Offertory solo-Organ: "Traumeret"-- Schuimann Miss Marie Briel Orngan Postiude: *'Preluide and Fugue" (G Minor)...................... Bach A service et Holy Communion is held' each Sunday morning. during Lent at 8 c'clock In the sanctua.ry. The nature et these services ie devotional and medita- tive;' they are purposetuliy planned for the more abundant lite. Those who at- ten d are finding' theni a comfort and a stimulation. An Baster play by our own younig People and special music by the que rtet et Illinois Wesleyan university, wil pro- vide a very special and inspiring pro- * gram Wednesday evening. April, 10, at 8 o'clock, in the assembby hall'Plhe play, "The fHaIt et My Goods" by alph P. Claggett. is a dramaticestory et the inftuence et Jesus' lite and teachings upon the home ot Zacehaeus and bis wayward son. The play le being di- rected by 'Mrs. Amnos Thomnburg, and the cast is as tollows: Zaecchaeus............... Gordon Wells Patricia, bis wife ..Jane Henderson. bAUleU t Ue a.puzea at tijat urne. - New members will be received into the rfellowship of this church on Easter day Those, having churrh letters elsewhere and wishing te transfor then te, this Schurch, are asked te- notify the pastor. The. reception ef probationerig wil take Il place on Palm Sunday morning. The HighSchool Epworth 'bague *111 ineet Sunday evening- at 5:30 o'clock. Truman W Potter la the sponsor ,for this group. *Theta 'Upsilon, Rho wil mreet Sunday evening t 15:90 o'clock, with, Robert Badride as the sponsor., The Junior Miss3ionary society là tait- ing orders for colered Easter eggs. Phone Wilmette 25. Eësrve the date ôfot May 17 for the banqut te h given by the Chicago mthodist Social union te the Board et Bishops of our church. Bishop Erneet Lynn' Waldorf wili be the host. Bishop Edwin Hoit Hughes la the 'active head of the Board of Blshops. The pmgram ef the venn wil b.incharge pofpoar own 'rhoms 9 'est who, as president ot the Social union, will be the toastmaster.' The 'toiiowing scout troops for' boys and girls are sponsered by this' church:' .Girl Scout Troop. 1-Thursdays at 7:*15 p, .m.-Miss Lillie Mae, Humphries, cap- tain. Girl Scout Troop 2-Th'ursdays at 3:4.5 p. m.-Mrs. L. P. Denoyet-, captain. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at 3 :45 p. m.-Miss Lublie Mae Humphries, cap- tain. SBrownie Pack 1-Wednosdays at 3 :30 p. m.-Mrs. M. E. Wells, Brown Owb. Boy Scout Treop 3-Thursdays at 7:30. P. m.-Chatrles Lundberg, Jr., Scoutmas- ter. gram are cordially iflvited te attend. First Presbyterialn Ninth street at Greenleat avenue James T. Veneklasen, xinister At the morning Woship at .11 e'clock the minister will preach on the 'theme, "The Untolding Christ," another iii the series et sermons on the great 'II Am'c;" et Christ. We cordially Invite you te worship with us. *Boy Scout Troop No. 5 wIll meet Mon- day evening at the church. ¶!he Woman's 'pociety~ will meet Tues- day. There wilI be the Installation of the new offilcers by' Mrs. Venekiasen, and e a review ofthte 'Auto-biography of. Dr. Albert Schweitzer," tolloWing his 1 book, "Out of My Lite and Thoùght," led 1by. Mrs. Harry Pine. Luncheon wIll be served by Spoce N.o. 9, Mrsé T. IL Lan- nen, chairman: seWing wili be ln "charge- of. Spoke No. 8. Mrs. M. C. Hoefer, ichairý- man. The annual meeting of the church and conggation wIil bq held Wednesday evenIng at 8 o'ciock at the church. ,The varlous official- boards and organizations oëf the cëhurch wiII make their annual rePorts.,. New ehurch officers will be electedto 1111 the vacancies. Plans for' the new year wl be made. AU the Wirembers and trlends are Iinvited. The choir will' meet for rehearsal Fr1- day evening at the church. Girl Scout T roop ýNo. 5 wiil méet Sat- urday. afternoon at the church.ý On Pridayr, April 12, the" iast in the series, et Lenten addressee under the auspices of the Woman's board of the Presbyterian hospital will be given at the Chicago Womaw's clb, 72' E. 1Ilt street, at 11 o'clock. T'he speaker will ho Mrs. Henry Tloyt Ijilton, on the theme, "Bible Dreams, and One of the Dreami- ors,," Our Easter services will be held Sun- day morning, April 21, at 1l e'clock. There wiIl be special Master music. New niembers will be welcomod Into the church. Frst on gregational.. John G. Hindiey, niinister> PrTeli«e: "Adagio ln A. Minr". ,Bach Anthein: <'Go to Park Gethsomane"- Noble Quartet : '"Prayer-" "Chadwick Postbu1de: "'Carillon Sortie"...Mulet On Suda(IY 'evening at 7:30 O'clock, the united comnîunity service will bo held at the First Preshyterian churceh. D r. George D.Alison will be the. preacher. The roscent cIrcle meets on1 Tuesday, AprIl 9, nt* the home ot mrs. K. D. Miller, 32 Crescent place. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock. Tonight, April 4, le Church night. The Mens club will serve' a dinner tii the. ChurCih scbool .... ......... 0:45 a. ým. MornIng worship am Luther league.............. 5 :30 P. M. f The "Woman's soéiety wtli meet on Thursday atternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the parsonage. The topie, *'Womon' In the, building of 'the, Lutheran Church ln Japan," -will be presented bir Mrs. George. Larson. Mme.. Arthur Stark ýwil have the, magazine quit. Seniorý choir rehearsal, FPriday evening, at 7:30o o'clock. Junior choir, rehearsai. Saturday, morn- !ng at 10 o'clock. At our service of wotship next Sunday. morninig, Passion Sunday,ý the pastor will preach on the Gospel lesson for. thé day, John 8: 46"69. The Luther league wIll meet Sti.nday evýening at 5:380 o'clock. The tople, ý"How the Holy Spirit Makes Christians, wiil ble presented by.Chester Jaeh ne. The Union Lenten service. w111 be held ln -the Preshytorian chumch, Dr. George D. Allison preaching, Sunday .evening at 7:30 o'clock. Invite youm trIends3. The Confirmation cla.qs wlll meet Tues- dqaifternoon, atg3:45 o'ciock. The Chut-ch council will nicet Tuesdayý evening at 8 o'clock. The, MId-Week Lenten servhiee; vill ho heid on Wednesday evering at 8 p'ciork. The Womian'ig socitywil 1 April1 work meeting at -the homýe of M Arthur Stark, 200S Isabelia, Evanstonn on Thursday attemnoon, Apr:;i1, rit 2 o'clock. The rnen's erganization wili. mee-t n Thtirs-day-evoning, April 11, a t Rý o'c'lock. An. Intemosting Prograrn ba, ýbeen ar- rangod. Corneand bring your friend,. The members ef the Confirmation clas will bo confIrtned on*Palm Sunclay, April' New'meniber swill be received 'into the church on Holy Thuritsda-v ovening. at the service at 8 o'ebock. TÈhe pastor will be glad te conter with those wishfing te unite with the churcb rit your con-ý venience. Our HolyV Week and Erister services are scheduled as, follows: Sunday, April 14, Palm Suniday, Con- firmnation, il a. m. Thursday, AprIl IR,. Hoty Th'ursday,' Hoby Commrunion, 8 p. mi. Wriday, April '19, Good Friday Sýervice*, 8 P. Mi. Sunday,- April. 21, Easter service il Choir rehearsal will ho held o'clock sharp tonight (Thuraday)J 'Junior rooni. Tii. Woman's Aid society Io n this attemnoon (Thuruday, April 1:30 o'clock tor a business meetini Pgrarn. The executtve com: mets at 1 o'clock. > Tii. Fitth divis W'i, Mrss .Francis .Brown, 723 Cental13:30' '""p onTInayatînl e h hsad a wvs avn. There wIll ho a discuss ion on 'Bbù, choir rehearsal on Thursday at On Sunday morning, the Church sehool ,he the question, '"What le toe eOur Atti-4P.m anhsotunte pigQ re. tudeTowad làuor" le by iss era Senior choir rehearsal on 7thursdsy at New courses et study begin ln nearly all Johnson. The Exeçutive Conurittee will 7 15 P. 'm. . classes, and this la an opportune time for ng meet at 5 o'clock. Tea wll b.e erved Cub Peck 63 on Saturday at 9:30. a. m. now members te Join and to particîpate nte 53 'cok Girls, choir rehearsal on Saturday at ln regular Bible reading and'discussion. id '10:30 a. mi The Adult clansInvites the parents et. îe The Union Evening Lenten service wIll BOYS' chioir réhearsal on Saturday et church sehool boys and glmlg te come la be. held In ti churoh at 7:80 o'clock. il a. M. 'wlth their childmen te the Chumch sehool,

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