urday of this week when there will be onstrations of theé favors for the wome Dr..J. F. Fonder, soil technolog- ist, is iiiiitng ,zorth ishore resa- dents 10 visit h:m aI the Calidtell Seed comt..panyýs,%store, 1502 Sher- mai: aeyre, Evanston, which opened -Saturday, to discuss their personal soit anzd garde:: -pro blents zvith hi,,:. 'fhe, seed storwe, a newly iormned con- pany. will handie a high grade stock of ail kinds of seeds and will feàture special f ertilizers adapted to individual growing conditions, A feature *of the company'ls service will be the analysis of soil and advisement as to thé proper seeds and fertilizers to use. This work Will he done by Dr. Fonder, who asks that local home gardeners bring soil gamples to hlm and corne prepared to discuss their various problems. Juùnior Garden Club to Hold Session Tomorrow The Junior Garden club w111 meet at. 4 o'clock this Friday .after noon at 1100 'Michigan avenuùe,*for the foliow- ing purposes: L. To discuss a week-end trip to. Michigan for fernis-arid wild fiowers., * .To give each inember some;sccds and a plot of ground overlooking L.ake. Michigan, for their individual garden. 3. To discuss plans for making .mouey by the sale of garden orna- ments andl miniature japanese rock gardens at 1199 Central steeWiI- :ofltintotis nmodities guests. N. T. Commercial Club En)joy s Spring Frolie îThe Commercial club of New Trier. High sehool held its sPring party..at the :home of Miss 'Virginia, Schmal. h olz, 1223 Washington 'avenue. Wil- mette, Friday evening, March '29. Games were playýed -and. a tap dance was given by three of the girl mem- bers of the club. Refreshments were, served l 1ater in the evening. More than one hundred members and guests enjoyed Miss Schnialholz's >hospitalit:. David -E.. Johnson is sponsor of the Commercial club. 'Miss. Henrietta Henningsen was chaperon. FRENCHII Cl The Home of Plut. Water "DUDN'T STOP WORK HEADACHU WENT SO QUUCKLY"F "Have you ever tried HEXIN for headaches? You ought to. Nothin g, else wiIl stop mine. l've tried almost everything on the mai *et." "Everybody and lus brother phoned me this aj£ernoon. I thpught id go mad. Then my head began £0 ache. Roy, how it throbbed! You T know-right above the eyes. .Ordnarily I just give up when one of those hits me but* that new secretary of mine is riglut on the job. She pulied a box of HEXIN ouit-of her purse ani brouglut me a glSss of water. 1 diln't even stop: w ork my headache -went se quickl . 0 HEXIN is non-habitforming.~ It contaifts no opiates, narcotieS or hypnotics. And it ýdoesn't ùpset modern palliative for City................... stat ........ Hamm KMU T, President T. D. u~..a I Headache,