Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 3

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Lewis eral in hall at New TýrrHigh schooel. Mr. B3ernysisan boncrary member cf, the.Chicago6 Rctary tlub and crne cf the best known and most popular. digni- taries in Chicago consular circles. The Rev. E. Ashley, Gerliard, im- niediate past president cf the Winnetka Rotary club, will be. the toastmaster at the dinner which wilIl lie attended by members cf the Rotary clubs i Wilmette,. Wininetka, Glencoe, Deer- field and Highland Park. North 'shore mien whc are members of tbe Chicago Rotary club have aise beeninvited te attend the ýdinner. Peatùring the evening's prograni will lie a testimonial -ceremony in lionor cf-Jesse R. Gathercoal cf Wilmette, retiring member cf the New Trier' Higli school board, whc is terniinating 16 years cf service te the sclioel. Entertanmnent wilt nldé éec~ttuin by the New Trier Higli schooi orches- tra under the baten cof Mrs. Marian Cotton, supervisor of music at the sclicci; numbers by josephi Schumach- er, xylophonist and directer of the high school band, humerous reâdings by George Cogswell of Winnetka,,anid other features prcvided by the high school. Rev. Joseph Hayes to Address Local K. of C. The Rev. Father joseph Hayes, a rnember of thelaculty at the Quigley iw*Il be the guest speaker Moniday evening. at the regular meeting cf Ouilmette counicil, Knights cf Cclum- bus. His lecture, which wilI head the but important business sessien which' is scheduled te' begin promptly at 8:15. At 8:45 the doors willIlbe opened te nn-nembers f the or- ganization.. Plans are being made Dr. George D. Allisonet, mrsnitter of the Wilnsette &,>tist church, «'iiPreac h -the third -of a sert'es cfUnion Lenten servies Snnday evening in th e Fin 1 Presbytcrian c/turc/a, Ninth s tre'et and Green- 1a enus~,e. The servlie1 mifl be- gin ai 7:30 o 'dock, «'us minis- ters of the 'various Protestant churches participatin g. At the service last Sunday evening Dr. Hubert Carleton cf St. Augus- tine's Episcopal church preached on that interesting meniber cf the band of the twelve disciples cf Jesus, "An- drew." Dr. Carleton lias visited the catbedral in Jtaly. where the bones cf St. Andrew are buraed. Andrew's life was portrayed. in four settings: the first, when lie leaves lis fisliing for a day to visit the *wilderness preacher, John the Baptist; the second, when lie hurries home te tell bis brother, Pe'ter, cf the new religicus teadlier whcm he has met; the third, when' he brings te Jesus the boy and his lunch, with which Jesus f ed the, multitude; the fourtli, when he introduces a group cf Greeks te Jesus. Dr. Carleton spoke cf hi as the man cf eommonplace cliaracter who used common-sense methods ; as the mani wlo was always on the look- The report shows a $600 deficit for the season, part cf which was taken care cf by the regular Recreation funda, but $400 cf which is yet to be paid. Part cf this deficit, Mis. Leach. states, cani be attributed te perma-. nent eq 1uipm ent since it covers pay- ment for fencing in both rinks, an item that c an be left out cf, next'year's budget. This deficit, she. further states, makesý operation cf nekt year's rinks a grave, preblem for, the board- next. season and it will be impossible::te conduct :theni without admissien charge as the board 'hoped to do. Had there béeenén charge this year, there. could have been no skating and by charging this one seasen, the board had hoped te finance this year's skating.. This hope was obliterated, of course, by the -deficit incurred this year. The detailed report follews: Reesipts; Prom sale of tiCkets.....610.50 Promn single admissions. .... 316.00~ Total receIpt.....ý Expendltures: Preparlng groundes ..s94.60 Salaries for attend-,1 ants..............847-97 Purchase of tickets ... 10.37 Snow plows (3 times). 33.00 Welding... .........1 133 Cement ........ 2.88 Llghtlng ......... ...75.62 Repaire to lUghts ... 2.75 Repalrs-boilts, joints, et* ............ 10.19 LI.ghts and4 reflectors 1S.11 Hose........ ..55.3 Coal............40.68 Pne.......... 236.06 Î-826501 . ... . .. .. . . . . ..9 SHOWS MOVIES IN COLOR3 Alfred Herz will, give a sliowing of lis famous -mevies i natural colons follewing the. Men's club (Ladies' Night) dinner, at :the First Con- gregatienal ichurch this ev en in g (Thursday) at 6:45 e'clevk. These films include scenes cf Chicago and vicinity and the recent Century cf The regular program of aduli aw ards earned durinig the wrnter sea- son of' activities sponsored by the Wilmèette Recreatien board lias been combined wjth the grade school ath- letic *awards ceremony, scheduled to be heldý Thursday evenig,.,April 11,, at 7':30 o'clock, i the Howard school. auditorium. the cembination ceremeony is 'an innovation and. has been ýarranged te a veid-.conflicts in the dates foir-the two ceremonies. It is to be a festive occasion, Director of Recreation Daniel M. Davis announces. For the entertaifiment there wil l e a juvenile basketball gamie betWêUen4 Stolp lightweight teani, boys' weigh- ing 90 te 11O pounds, and the How- ard liglitweight teai,. in addition to the ambitiousý program of awarding. 1Superintendent, cf schools J. R. Harper, Harry C. Kinne, nominée for Village President and member of the Recreation. béard, and Frederick A. I-nd, mn..ber of the Wilmet board~ cf education, have been secured as speakers for the occasion and Mr. Davis will act as' master of cere- montes. Mr. Kinne and Mr.' Lind will present the àwards, Mr. Kinne po- senting them te the winflers in the aduit leagues. and Mr. Lind to the boys and girls of the public schools. The public is ivited te the .prograni. Admission is free. The candidates recommended by the Kenilwortli Citizens' Advisory committee for the positions on the joseph 'Sears schccl board becoming vacant this spring will be unopposed, it was indicated this week. The dead- line fer filing petitions for candidates lias expired. Walter H. Andersen, 127 Robsart road, Kenilwortli, whose terni as a ienmber cf the bocard expires, has as treasurer. I ibiersIneaDiIy Whole-Section af Bargains Start on Page 62 to serve a A'

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