BLINDS Lot our mon Cali to Malte Nothing qute so dresses up your home as. these attractive, prac- ticat Venetian blinds sa enthus iastically fashion-sponsored. And when you considler the elements of real, booùty. practicability and comfort the.y imparf.. tbey are economy as weIk. HoWu -T0 IUIýKE'Y O.UR ~a4dufi.,Gw.. Spring cornes to the. north shore. . . and with ih happy deys fo>r the. gardeneri Oui come. the shovels, and spades, the hoes ,and he.eed -. endepretol the wnso nd M*flowers forwyhich the north shore is justly femed. And did you Irnow that whatever you'Il need for your garden is *vailable et Wieboldt's... elways moderately priced? ARMOURS FERTILIZER HY-LIME FOR SOIL Ground bon. meel for lawn or gr- Sweetens saur soil. Aima for den. 50-1b. at $1.25, 25-1b. $ .98 whteas.50 Ibs.. 69c. 10 lbs.i at 89c and 100-1b. ..-.. GOLF CLUB SEED GROZ-IT FERTILIZER Famous mixture of grass see. Sheep fertilizer, pulverized, $ 1.7 4 teining clover .and - $ odorless, sun-ciared, 100 Ibs blue grass,........ lb. PREPAIR5D VIGORO BLUE GRASS, Splendid plant food. 25 lbs., $LSO; For' luxsuious Iwns. Contei 50 lbs.. $Z.50; $4 other grasg 100 1b ...................... seed............ 5lbs. CREAM EARTM SOIL SHADY LAWN SEED Rch Humus so~i for window boxes. Grows where no other saig hot beds, etc. Yard,.%à grow beceuse of (21 bushels) et $6.75. bu... MCQ shacdo. lb ............... SPIREA OR PRIVET SHADE TREES For bih renhde.Caroline Papiers, 8-1 0-fi. ai 10 plants in a bundie ..59 o apeet4c PERSIAN LILAC catalpe bungeli et....... Or Josekea. Sure-to-bloom.29 GLORIOUS ROSES Sturciy, healthful ....29 Climbing and bush. Mostly ed con- $ 1.98 ,d con 39c; puy ULINOS WUTH TImi COMMUEINT WIIEUOLDT PLAN. ApýRIL.4,193 -j