Dr. Mackenzie Are Married Saturcloy A long sleeved, high necked white* satin coat coveéredý the wvhite satin wedding glown wvorn Saturdày evening by Miss Betty, Gillies of Hubbard Woods at ber marriage t 1o. Dr. Wallace Dundas Mackenzie of ]Evanstoni. Whi*te satin alIsofaýsbioned the braided, headband fromI which. fel the bride's tulle veil. lier, floweîs wvere calla files. The flower girls, Ruth. Gillies and Katrina Wolcott, wore peach% crepe frocks with peach poke bonnets, and carried little. old-fashioned 'bou quets. gown being fashioned of chiffon, as were thaose of the Jbridesmaaids, two of whom wore pale green and the other two, turquoise bine. Miss Mira Lee Benoist, Miss Helen Macdonald, Miss Frances Bell, and Miss Patricia. Nash were the bridesmaids. The mna- tron of honor and bridesmaids carried: large bouquets of spring flowers with ribbons matching. their dresses. Mrs. James P. Gillies, mother of the bride, wore powder bine chiffon with three dark erchids, *Spring floWers and. candles decer- ated the Winnetka. Congregatienal churcli, wliere Dr. SamnuelHarkness read the service before a large num- ber of guests. A smaller number at- tended the reception Mr. and Mrs . Gillies gave afterward at tlieir home,, 1148 Oakley avenue. ,Dr. Mackenzie, who ia the son cf Dr. and. Mrs. Henry Dundas Mac- Mrs. Haroldi L. iBrown, 1229 Lake avenue, Wilmette, recently was re- elected president of the Chicago A- unxnae Chapter of Gamma Phi Beta. Serving with; Mrs. Brown will be, Mrs. Floyd 9Treat'of Chicago, vice-presi- dent and. social chairman,, Mis. Francis -Brown of Chicago, cor- responding secretaryý, Mrs., Theodore Riddiford of -Oak' Park, recording secretary, and Mrs. Donald. B. Cl houn of Evanston, treasurer. Mis. G. L. jacobi, 1435 Tower road,. Winnetka, was, elected chairman of the. North Shore Alumnae ,group.. Mrs. Jacobi is maleng plans for a shower te: be held in May for the new cam p beinglopened by the sor-. erity. This will be the third- Gammia Beta Phi camp . for- underprivileged chidren and will be located on Cape Henry, just outside of Virginia Beach,' Va. The North Shore. alumnae 'vili doat4e 4oys anld toilet articles for the chiidren who will be given vacations there this summer. Edücalion SituaoHon Subject of Nexi Forum. "The Illinois Educational -Situ ito bc the uirhcrt <of the Fo'rt dean of education :at theUniversity of Illinois, and Mrs. B. É. Lang- wortliy, the only woman niember of. tlie Illinois Education commission,, are te becteguest spaksi The crazy quiît cf scliool districts, in Cook ceunty, which was fashioned. by the members of the League's de- *partment cf government and educa- tien, will be explained by Mrs. Laura Charity sewing, ini which ail woinen of the village are in'vited to partiel- pate, wull benefit the -crippled chidren of the Martha Washington home this VF1riday at the Womngn's Club of Wil- mette., The Wilmnette Health tenter is cooperaing with the philanthropy departmen t of the club in -this event. Mrs. WiilimM C. Pôst, superinten- dent of the*childrern's home will'corne te the club to be the luncheon hour speaker. She wiIl describe lieractivi- ties and. experiences in the home' which provides for the children's care, traininig,,.,and developàent. The.chairman.of work, is Mrs. H. A. -Stôrrns and Mrs'. J. Nye Mac- aister- is lunchee chairman. Others on t *he committee for the day are Mrs. Edward Walk., Mirs, R. B. De-. Vinney, Mrs. O. W. Schreiber, Mrs. F. W. Anhalt, Mrs. P. J. Joyce, Mrs. Leroy McCaffrey, and Mrs. Lloyd Yost. Arthur Meeker, Jr. Collego -Club'Speaker The Library *Coftfee lieuse of the Chicago College club will present Artliur Meeker, Jr., Sunday after- inoon, April 14, at 5:30. Mr. Meeker f wîll discuss his experiences as a morning, April 10. The ai thor;s h lias selected are Lloyd Douglas, Arn- old Gingricli, G.. B. Stern, Helena Carus, Vicki Baum, Edna Ferber,. Enid Bagneld, and Ethel Cook Elliot.. The club's monthly luncheon and bridge party for members and tlieir, guests will be. held Saturday, April 13. Luncheon will be served at 12:30, and play wilI begin at 2 o'clock. To Be in City, for Niolyoke Club Rally President Mary E. Woolley of,ý Mount,.Holyoke college, South' Hadleyj, Mass., iternational fig- ure in the world movement for peace, and noted educator.and religious, leader, will be, in Chi- cago for the Mid-west'Rally and annual meeting of the Chicago .Mount Holyoke ,Cehlege ,club. next week and will be the prin- cipal;speaker fo6r that gathering,. Gordon K. Chalmers, prof essor of Englislv-at-ikMount Holyoke untif iast fali w*hen he wýas inaugurated presi- dent of Rockford coliege, bas accept- ed an invitation to attend and -to in- troduce President Wôolley. -T*Rally will bc a dinner for mern- bers and flhïftsat thie Union Legue club on Tluesýday evening, April 9, at 6:30 o'clock, and will bc preceded by the annual meeting with election cf officers, for members, at 5:30 o'clock. Mrs. Phiip Will, Jr., of Chicago, is the social chairman for the dinner, and Miss Florence Huth of Chicago, the chairman of the nominating com- mittee choosing candidates for the election. Invitations for the affair have been during the spring vacation perioci. Presi dent Woolley, while in the city, wilI make twe other public ap-. pearances. Sunday evening, April 7, she will address the Chicago Sunday Evening club and, Tuesday afternoon, April.9. is to be the main speaker for the..Rally of the seven eastern wom-, én's colleges te take place at the Girls Latin School in Chicago. The preparatory achools. »articipating in !ing held at. the homne * Clarke, 2603 Sheri- ton, and is for the icago Junior sehool H. A. Gould of 1130 Lake avenue, returned hast Tliursday fromn Los Gatos, Galif., where. he lias been spending the winiter. Mrs. James Raîpli Starr, 320 Rai- eigli'road, Icenilworth, was hostes at luncheon te lier bridge club Tues- day. yfor ten aiternon, benefit, of at 919gin.