B.kery Sale The third division of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church wiIl have a bakery sale 4on Saturday morning, April ý13, ai, Van Deusen's, the pro- ceeds going to the cburch. The sale, wbich will open àt 9 o'clock,' is in charge of Mrs. William C. Reinhold, chairmnin Mrs. H., Guy Taylor of Kenilworth, and Mrs. C.' Rollin:Smith. Exhibition Swim a+ Club The swimming pool at. the Woman's Atbletic Club of Chicago will be--open f rom 5 to 7 o'clock. Friday,' April 5., for members, their husbands and gu ests, and at' 8:30 Eleanor Holm Jarrett, Olympic champion, will give an exhibition of swimming. A buffet ý,"9¶Wper will be sernved. Mr. and M rs. Thomas C." Clàrk, 315-Leicester road,, Kenilworth, are moving May 1, to 528 Warwick road. mthers fo Ente rlain Alpha Xi Delta Mothers' club of Northwestern university is having a "mothers' and dads'ý social .evening" Saturday, April 6, -at 8 o'clotk. 'The regular nmonthly imeeting of the. club occurs Monday, April 8, at 1:15. Both events take -place at the .Ciapter bouse, 710. Erson s treet, Evanston. Mr.,andMrs.. Robert H. Irvine and their son, Alexander, returned, by motor on Wednesday, of last week f romn a six weeks' sojourn in Miamni, Fia. Ur.O W. Lowry of Holland, Mich., is the guest this week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguen- ini, 506 Lake avenue. James F. Miller of the state of Washington is spending, several motswith his sister'sfamily, the Ernest A.. Goulds, 922 Forest avenue. IN T~irmOu È WOMIW s SHOF. ISk hg hyUinkelmfrl Wink.lmGfl's si.rm eud Chr4mh.~IVANSTON