e, o for Youung Leidies of PsiI. 1. A lovely briglit plaid tuck-in skirt in sizes 12 to 16. One of a new ship-' nient...*.557 1. Theé twin sweater set, sizes :12 to 16, cornes in *aqua, jockey red o rý *white ........ $395 2. The smart waffle clotb wash dress has laced. Sturdy 'Apparel to, Standthe Vacation Strain' 3. Bi-swing and new beit- cd models are the order of ',the day. This -suit has a pair of shorts.and a.pair ofkickers, in sizes,6 to -x~ ~ o 10........,. (7Mothers-=-don't miss this opportunity to get the children outfitted for / Spring,(and don't forget that £aster is but a few short weeks away).. It's fun for children to'shop here*aitd it'.s easy for mothers-handy to, park and handy becauise everythinig's on one. floor.. i *1 I 1~ r~ 1! 4. A, sample of the new f atterns and. colors to be ound arnong the new- , knicker suits for boys f rom 8 to 16. In tbe choic- est. wooIens, tweeds and cheviots......8. $ 5J up 5.' Andl forthe high school man, is a grand as- sortment of the new patterns and styles (in- cluding shirred backs). hIsizes $17.511, $24 t' {4~ Juvenile Foshieus for "the Iridie Poa .. A smnart brimmed riding hat with a perky feather ii the side is made of feit .......9U The high-low rid- ing shirt, in si2es ( 10 to 16, cornes in natural, white or green,..... TIhis gabardine Jodhpur is-for the > girl 8to 16. In rust or green .$J And the tic is only........ $1 ~fl o -J Y TrePerf ect SI.. for Offlor W»r...4 The Yodler Peasant shoe is the ncwest fashion for girls.> It's'a brand neW 2-eyelet tie of white shu-.buck with brown leather trim and heel ...........$3M. The moccasini toc scout oxford in stn~oed elic or white wfth rubber sole or brown with leath- er sole. 3y2to 9............$ The white or yel- iow turtie neck sweater is ..$9 The little begin- ner bas on a whip- cord jodhpur (sizes 7 to 16, natural or navy or .brown) . ... $105 'i a p. <1 beels are guaranteý ýr On*e year ..... .8 Others $1 and $1JS I ~ ~ M ID COPA'NY' AL LINO .Co-captain of Northwestern's 1935 Football Team will be in, the High School Room Saturday Morning .April 6 1 I N-tf-ý -Ira iý *