Absence of Issues Seen. ai Rea. son for Uneven tful Search for Elusive Voters at iuesday Luncheon Election of officers will take place at the regular meeting of the Wil- mette Optinfist club Tuesday,- April 9. J. W.. Perry 'h as, been nominated fer. president. ..Other candidates on the ticket se- lected by the nominating conîmittee are: -,ames F. Magili Clarence 'Braun T1he canîpaigu.precedinig the Village. and E. R. Aldrich, for positions as elect ion to lie hçld on Tuesday, April v-preidents; rnlvck o 16. ii hic a resientandsixsecretary;. Marcus Mick, for treas- trutee. n th Vilag borda Vl trer;. Raymond Marshall, for -serge- lage clerk and Village. treasurer are to >eciise, i pogessngquitl~.ant-at-arms, and William H. Scott, T~his .sprobably due,ý it îs explained, t hstcei a eotdo to'the fact there is before the voters Tuetsay e, t abrprtdo itot a single issue (other thian the 'rel- ative merits of . candidates) tîpon. The" nominating committee 'whiclh wh ich opiiïon is divided, lhence no selected tbe candidates w~as.composed occasion'for excitemetit. .-At least, ano of A. C. Pearson, Jr., chairruan;. issue has cone into the open. so it is Philip J. Hoffmann, Frank Hlavacek, fair to assume that there is none. E. H. Kerr, and Walter Zibble. . Silnt CaluSguProgrsse*_ About two weeks afterthelicélection Reports are rufe that a lot of quiet of officers an installation party will \vork i being donc on both sides. but b) held, This is to be an evening the oidballyhoo that use d to make. affair, and further details coîîcerning the' %vlkin, ring i"s absenlt. To. date twlbeanucdaer thiere' have. beçu no1.0public meetinigs. i lb nnucdltr athough ài is runxored that'soie are plannied.' with, attendant sp)eech-inak-. ereLa addt ing and the cail to ail loyal itzniGereLa C nd ae to rallv 'rounld, for the Sehool Board The "Nw armnonv Party," spon1- Truhmsnesad rms ýl'rel >Y thie 1Harnion vconvent'oinmtionhou omiiinetaWindi- rm is- <rganized a few ears ago for theI ~ rhthWLETlîm annolncedptrpose of unîting l fac- Leal, 1719 Walnut, avenue. had witii- tions. and groups into one harmnoniouis. drawn as a candidate for the Wif- bodv. appear content to rest its case nette board of education. and that uipon the. sounld judgnient and ciVi: the nominating committee had se- Iciyalty 'of the voters. Its oly lattie lecteci Mrs. J. D. Kinnear, 2241 crV seis to lie "T.et's give. tle Chestnut, avenue. to f611 the vacanc-, harrnony idea a chanice."ý and let it causedb.y.M.La' ihrwl demnonstrate ini actual operation its Th b r.ieswidaal v~alue to the village. So far it h as Th facts are that Mr. Leal bas iîot put, out lit campaign literature be- witbdrawn froni the ticket, but con- vond a modes.t card bearing the tinues" as a candidate for reelection. names of' its candidates and a brief A petition for M %rs. Kinnear as an statement of its purposes. inclependent candidate wvas filed, and Refuse Information the nominating committee, composed Upon contacting a representative of of representatives of the three Wil- the "Indepeiideiit" group for niews of mette parent-teacher associations, enrlinterest Lin ~i'rEîa was the Chamber of Commerce, the Nominees Unopposed 1eniworth citizens' will vote at the uistal polling place, the Kenilworth As- secmly hall, vhen the annuai election of the Village is hieid on Tuesday, April 16., The polis ill. be open from 6' o'clpck iiithe morning, until 5 o'clock* iii. the afternoon. 'l'leé village president. vilage clerk aîid '.the -six Village trustees, ail of whose terms expire thissprinig, have been recoffnended for re-eleçt ion by the Keniiworth Citizens* Advisory coni- niittee. and there is' no opposition ticket. I 'Thie officiais Who will receive the C41,n1lmentary vote are Village Presi- dent Harry P. Harrison, Trustees Her- mani Seeiy, Porter Fox, Henry 0. Zander, Jr.. Richard C. jobuston, Har- (Ad F. Tideman! and Chase Love and Village Cierk Wendeil H. Clark. Pick PDIlisIg6 Places for H. S. Election Pollir3g places for the annisal elec- tion of the Nem "T'rier- High school, board of education on Satùrday, April 13, will be open ini the. various..villages f rom 12 o'clock nooni until '7 o'cloèk ini the evening. Ili Wimettie the voting wiil take place at the Byronl. Stolp schooi, in, Keniilworti a t th.eKenilworthi Memî- Petitions have been filed for Otto R. Barnett of Glencoe, wbose term as a niember of the high schooi board expires this spring and who has beeni recommended for reelection, and for John P. Ballman. 1524 Elniwood ave- inue, Wilmette, Mr. Balimnan bas. been recommended for the vacanicy, caused by the resignation of J. R. Gathlercoal of Wimette. who bas served on the board for sixteen years. Report ofSu'ervmor t'Town Meeting Shows .,Splendid, Fi- nancial Condition With the annual report of Mrs. Gertrude id.. Tburston, supervisor of New Trier township,. showing a bal-' ance on hand of .$19,336.22, the amusai tow n meeting, heldat the township, offices at the Winnetka Villagehalin' Win.nletka Tviesday afternoon vroted to witlidraw the 1934 levy of $4,000. It was estirnated that the amiount on han d,' together wi th what money the 'township wiil still receive ýfrom uncollected taxes of the 1933 and pre- vious levies, will be sufficient to run the township for perhaps two years. 1193 Leoy la$4» H owever, to be on the safe sie, it was voted to make a levy of $4,000 for the 1935, taxes, which, it was ex- plained, also mnay be canceled later, wb-len and if it is found the funds arc' ilot requircdl. Supervisor Thurston's r e po rt showed thàt the total annual receipts. ini the Town f und were $27,99&.96. The expenditures were $8,662.74, Ieav- The meeting, which was presided over by justice of. the Peace James K. Caihoun, as moderator, received the report of the highway co mmissioner, Or. Lloyd C. Ayres, and placed it on file. SBernard Schildgen attended the, meeting to protest against the higb- way commissioner. giving steady, employment to two men, a father and a son. whnni lie RDaid. re able to ij. .tfS 4 * fi l ..4* .b* - .Ol ialtgir lic hearing on the proposed ordinance the reinstatemeslt asked. arnending the zoning ordinance will be heid. in the Village hall Friday Nu indication was given by the evening, April 5, at 8 o'clock. T1he board as to whether a new chief is. public is invited to attend thîs meet- tO be appointed in the immediate fu- ing and make lcnown any objections~ ture. The department is now~ in charge or suggestions or additions to the or- Of Cloyd C. McGuire, recently ap- difiance. pointed* assistant Villagemanager. Cai WILmBm 430 Ask for AduTaker avenue to Elnawood avenue, and the Cttting back of some of the corners. Plans for the improvemient were or- dered prepared for subsuission ta the state highway departmme.