Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Apr 1935, p. 26

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Tonic for an inferiority complx- that's what. J. Austin Wicltum valus parachute jumping. Mfr. Wiokum, whose business it is to teach folks jh ow to parachute-jmp crcl believes there is, né better way to overconie that feeling oi inferîiority than to. jumip-but «first you. must knoôw just how- it's donc. Associated- with Mr. -Wiclai in training prospective parach ute. Jump- ers is 'Lieut.. E. Verne Stewart. ai Elgin. Lieutenant. Stewart was. the second tuanita jump at the United States àmy8strainin ch"o t el field. Helamoehn30 recorded juita his credit. Bath hie and Wickum are. licensed riggers. They are makinig their headquarters at Curtîss airpart, as they did last. year. Thorough training in-the theory of parachute jumping and instructions as ta how the 'chute is constructed and -how t is paked aee geen befor. anyone is encouraged ta attempt a jump. The ônly question af safety about parachute jumping is the human element, in Mr. Wickum's opinion. The device itself is fault- less, hie says, but the person planning to jump must have confidence not only in huiself but in the 'chute. To gain this confidence requires more time for soine persans than for otiiers. 2musug.qU». of Pa.v.lu. The aid idea that the, pilot who carries a parachute witli him is a "sissy" is passe. This is as it should be,- Mr. W ,iclwm believes. In fact, Wickum and Lieutenant Stewart en- courage the more general use of the ï safety device for student training and for cross country flying. Negotiations are now under way ta have groups ai students irom twa military academies, Culver and St. John's, came ta Curtis s f ield for instruction in parachute jumping. At present there is a group working at I Stan C. LindvIrons, Mgr. j 1 ~ TransPot-T 24.961 The Shore Towns Aviation club, at its Iast meeting took up the sub-' ject, "Thé. Elements .of Aviation Training," The next chapter of Studley's "Plight Training» is onthe subject "Personal. Qualifications."' SFlight training is highly iniadvisable for anyone 'undér eighteen, years .of age, it was painted out in -the lésson last week. On 'the- other band, no one. who is physically active is nec- essarily too: old to, fly.- Men have leardied to fly at the age. of . sixty. years, but a longer period.of dual in- struction. is. usually. necessary in cases of this kind. It is essential that a prospective student take a physical eÉamination by an appointed Department of Com- merce doctor before commencing flight training. It is diffictilt ~to détermine befor'e- hand a student's psychologicalquali- fications for flying, but an instructor will soon begin to form an opinion after several hours of dual work. The one fundamental requirement is na- tural abjlity or instinctive aptitude. Most people have this Patural ability, but without this ability it is useles to attempt to learn to fiy. Flying is an art, and a mani born wthout the inherent characteristic (natural ability) cannat acquire it. Its presence or. ab- sence can be determined only »by actisal trial. Mprtuets laIm uprativ. Alertness is impérative to one learning to fly. There are many things which may be vitally important, going on: at the samne time-readings of engine instruments, obstructions, approaching planes, shifts of wind. Constant attention is necessary and any tendency to absent-mindedness must be left on the.ground. Carelessness in an airplane is talces those who view it from lonîdaa through the West Indies and around South America, according ta Mrs. George Meyer ai Winnetka, who is secretary ai the Chicago. unit of* the women's aeronautical association. Flies to Indiana, Town 1n Belancéa Skyrocket Hubert Griggs: flew the- Gencral Household Utilities company's Bel- lanca Skyrocket iromn Curtiss airpart, where the ship is stared, ta Marion, Indiana, Tuesday ai last week, re- turning the samet day.1 One ai the General1 Household Utilities: plants is located.at the Indiana tawn. Radias for automobiles are manuiactured in this particular plant. Lunc h in Milwaukee, 1Dinner in Louisville Harry Brown ai the American Weekly magazine. had a busy sclied- uic on March 27. Mr. Brown who kceps his plane at the Curtiss airport hangar, took off in the morning for Milwaukee, had lunch with a brewery official. in the Wisconsin city, fiew back ta Curtiss i the aftcrneon, got, additiofial gas and then happed off for Louisville, Kentucky, for dinner. Cliff Condit IFies to Detroit and Milwaukee Cliii Condit, Pal-Waulcee airpart manager, made twa business trips by, plane lust week, On Monday he flew ta Detroit in J. L. Younghusband's Fairchild, returning ta Pal-Waukee the iollowing day. Hie made a trip ta Milwaukee Friday marning in a demanstrator. Pal-Waukee airpart is the Fairchild distributor for this area. Chinese Student Pilot Returns from New York Not anly is there an unusua.l inter- est being manifested by north shore golfers in this club this ycar, but the graunds cammittce reports the in- stallation ai a new pump which is now in aperatian ta pump 350 gallons of ,water perminute, augmenting the pr esent water system, ta thé extent oi being able ta caver tbe entire course, iairways and aIl. It is. reported that golifers firom vani-, ous clubs in the narth shore area are Iooking with a great deal af, interest an the manner in which, Illinois Country, club is caming tai the front. Illinois:has long been ane of the out- standing- private clubs on the north shore, but, starting under a, new plan* oi opération last year, the regular members have made, it anc af the Mo1 st playable and active clubs in the entire area. .Farty-one- -new m m- bers have been accepted and some fiity other applications have been presented, sbowiuig that there is something ai unusual interest being off ered ta loyers ai the pastime. Special provision lias been made for families and - a unique arrangement and plan for 'women golf crs ýis -in store this year. Mr. McEllhatton, manager ai the club, says that over a hundrcdgolf crs were out playing last Sunday, and al indications are that a seasan of great' activity is in progrcss. The- Illinois Country club year book will be'off the press shortly, which will include the playing sched- ule for the ycar, aIl tournaments, prizes, etc. And the announcement will soon be made on the grand open-'. ing party, which is ta, came early this year. SKOK IE HICHWAY CRASH An automobile collision at' Lake, avenue and .Skokie boulevard Sun.- day evening claimcd the attention ai local police. Two cars, anc driven by R. T. Olseti, Sbcboygan, Wis., the ,i*her v M. E.P Conrad. 111 Rrainarul fng ta fly boys are returning SauraytoEeli'n'g 28UÇ1 is taking PLIES TO MILWAUKEE school, driving back in Mr. WarnicVcs Tom Cliii M. C. Meigs aioftlie Ciicago car. Mrs. Thomas Jeiffries oi Ontario, ying field. Evening American made a business Caniada, arrived in the village last ania, plans trip from Curtiss airport ta Mil- Mn. and Mns. Frank W. Allen, 1100 week-end ' ta spend a month with lien StrY whcm waukee last Tliunsday in Dean Ows- Ramona road, necently returned, irons daugliter, Mns. William Holmes, 829 Pilot. ley's Stinàon.,amnhsvii t'am ecFia. Linden avenue. masa ais a becmne a

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