-g- 1~~ w i~j ~fr-~ J (fi * * * * * PýRE.éEASTE SELLUNrw FOR 3 DAYS ONLY« New pring and Summer Silks 3988 ALL SILK, PRINTS ITROOP ITEMS TROOP 2 Tbursday Troop 2 had quite a typical March meeting. First - we ail joined in a singing gaine. The patrol leaders then attended court of honor while the sec- TRQQP 8S Troop 8 started the meeting Friday by playing a bean-bag game. Yvonne Nistiej read a. composition on Orion ;and Siius.. We sang "T.he Hikers' Sonig" and Dolores Scbwall was invested as a tenderfoot. We had patrol corners. The troop was divided intQ three groups, according. b what they were working dion and quality are in your favor. Choose from over 1,500 yards of ail siiic prima min a galaxy of colore and patterns with ligbt and dark back- grounds. otnea: ting witt scribe. $ss, Some girls were mnade scouts at the ow meeting Monday of. this wçek. The er. following girls . received their pins:- ing Catherine Biroad, Betty jtrne Wells, as Charlotte Kutten, -Patricia lEvers and ien Mary Wetterer. We also cbanged pa- >r- trois. We ended the meeting witb "Tap.!--Mary Wetterer.