will conclude the program with the Ballade in G Miner by Chopin. HOME FROM ARIZONA Mr. and Mrs. Henry E Cutier, 407 Central avenue.. returned Tbursday of last week from atbree weeks' visit with, their son, Henry, Jr., in. Tucson, Ariz. Anothçr son, John Alden Cut- er, a student at Dartmouth, returned Friday, for bis spring vacation. Mr. and, Mrs. C. G. Litteli, 32Z Woodstock -avenue,. Kenil1worth,' en- tertained a smaii group of friends et; tea Sunday, March 24. VOIlE HOUSêEII<> Di (,OOI)W.! A Speci.I Spriag S.IIing of PURE DYE SILK PRINTS a* Field's Campus Striped T ub Sillcs, 36 inches wide, are also offered at yard .......... $ B'eautiful new Spring cee in brand new patterns and designs. The c olo r sof, course, are the newest andý most popular for Spring '(40 inches wide). These are -the finest values we've offered this season. "I personally amn very hap py we are able to present this high quality cloth - ing, and that we have such able men as Bob Williams and Ray NfacLen- nan te guide you in your selection." The. fermai epening begins Thurs- day, April 4, and continues al! this week. A cordial invitation is extenid- ed te all nortb shore mèh te inspect these.clothes at this time. CONTAGION, REDUCED -Thirty-three coùntagieus disease cases in Wiimette were reported for the .,week ending, March 30, compared, te 57--cases for the previous week, thé local Heaith-department rèicords shomw. The :33 cases reported for, last week were iisted:as follows:- chicken pox, 7; whoop'ing cough, 7; measies, 7; scarlet fever, 4; German measies, 5; tubercu- losis, 2, and niumps, 1. Trhomas Antrim arrived home F'ri- day on 'the Dartmouth special for his' spring vacation with bis parents, the E. M. Antrims of 1136 Asbland ave- nue. -0- iiworth, who attends the .Universitv of Michigan, is returning Friday ,ýfor bis spring vacation. township collectors ini Cook county the power to malce assessments, and te permit township collectors to re- ceive tax money ail year round. The Assessors' association votéd te en- dorse these measures. Harry Brundage, president of the assessor.s' group, explamned that these' measures were in line with the1 ad-* vanced pplicy of suburban townls.te preserve and improve local self gev- ernment. Henry1 R. Scbwarzell, assessor for Ccocbarged that the bis -now' before the legisiature.te abolish the offices of township assessor- and township colecter in Cook county were introduced te "satisfy a personal grudge of a certain member of the legislature aàgainst the present town collecter in Cicero.» A.* L, Lo6ng of Lombard, presideit of the State Association -of-,Town-. ship Assessors, promaised the sup- port of the state organization t'O the Cook county group. Mrs. Walter Doering, 1325 Chest- iiut avenue,. spent last week in St. Louis and- Springfield, MI., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Zelle and famnily in Springfield. The Goodwin Wilsons, 201 Cumber- land avenue, Keniiworthi, have leased the, W. B. Fitch homne at 416 Cum-nor road, which, they wili occupy Mav I., Originatot of the Ja .nus Meth od of Reducing and Rejiiveàn ating anftounces an INFORMAL RECEPTION FASHION SHOW and TEA 5 o'c.lock THE1 EVANSTON STOREI CHURCII AND SHERMANI MARSIIALL FIELD& COMPANYI (formnerly located at 708 Chu rch e e e e RtUG CLEANING DEPARTMENT Street)~ --"-l ý 1