* The Forum council of the North Shore Congregation Israel bas secur- * ed. as the final lecturer of the 1934-'35 * series Dr. Arthur Holly Compton wbo will speak on the subjec~, "Science and :the New Civilization": the :lecture wil be given Tuesday evenitng, April 16, at- the temple building, Lincoln and Vernon avenues, Glencoe. * Dr. Compton, wbo is the Charles H-. Swft Distinguishied Service -Proc fessor of Pbysics at the, University * of Chicago, is probabiy the foremost cxperimentaist in bis. field, wvich is the. analysis, of radiant energy from matter. The most noteworthy ýrecog- nition of bis work camne in 1927, wben he was declared co-wnner of the Nobel Prize in physics for that year, primarily on1 the, basis of bis dis-' covery of the "Compton effecT 'wicb-- proved that radiant energy is itself aa rdeod temfrd GHedMdalsoby aa frm of tefr. He bas alb% tiie Anierican Academiy of Arts ani Sciences and the Gold Medal ofthfe Radiological soriety of North Anier- ica. Makes Reauarkable Sry Duiring the spring and summer of 193-7 Dr. Compton directed wbat is l)elieved to bave been the most ex- * teiisive scientific survey ever utider- taken. in which observations were macle M iaIl parts of the world as toý ie strengtb and variations of cosmic rays. Dr. Compton himself traveled more than biaif way rounld the world0 operating parties worked in otiiergil regions. The Dr. Compton is returning this %veek m1it f romi an extended stay, aboard. He :Idh * attended the Congress of World Scienitists ili Viennia and theli went *to .Oxford, Englanid, br he was the George Eastmnan letcturer on scientific research, for the coming y ear. His address on the north shore is one of a very limited nuniber which will be given in this vicinity la Religious Leader Deeply interested ini religion, Dr. , put, into the drive for turids, and al the money given by generous Wil- mette citizens, are worth wbile, and, that those who, have flot yet made their, pledges may bave fil con- fidence that their dimes, or dollars will *.be used to tbe utrnost for the benefit'of wortby causes. - 0Of intense humant interest is the story of the blind and partially blind Boy Scouts wbo, in fair and open contest, with boys wbo bad tbe Pd- vantage1 of sigbt,. came within one point of tying -the score. The oc- casion, was the First Aid contests at the University of Chicago amnong 18 -winning :tea-ms of inter-council con- tests. Troop No. 7 of Lansing, Micb., Blind school, was represented by a team one member of wbicb was com- pletely blind and the, otlier four par- tially so. This team won second prize, its score being but one point below the winning team. The- Contests were conducted by the American. Red Cross, giving another glitnpse into the varied ac- tivities in which this outstanding charitable organization participates. The Girl Scouts. too, are. given vaubeaid. both.from the financial -1 ..- ÂV1I% . M ..1 the prescribe [e., whelsCI1 nl Scouit orggi ~11. are planning their big "get together" at a parents' dinner' on May 9. The place and namre of fhe speaker wIll ap- bear later. These, are only two of the chan- nels of welfare tbrougb wbicb funds fromn the Comimunity cbest flow.- and no citizen who tan spare even a modest sum ýsbould deprive himself of the, pleasure, of sbaring 'in the good work. L . p"u.r"n /u » ni TL' rt a MOVUNO? Let Af .st~ions t4@ve ?Ôar MRugi for Toui We wl pick up your rugs at your present home and deliver thern, fmly cleaned and bright as 50w, *ta your new home . . . no extra cost. Save time and trouble .. . fphone for free estimate. 11 ,m ~ - - -= * unls t CoAKcES2 KITCHEN AMMONIA-LITT 0z 9t21c TOILET SOAP Pinimnolve *3cAIUles SupeSud8 .344:2&. CRYSTAL WHfITE LAUNDRY SOAP *1~9 AmERicAN FAMILY Sooap 10 ',-0"55C TOILET SOAP Camnay .4 CAKES 17c FLAK~ES OR GRANULES OxydolOz21 Borax ....2 " -~27c Clinaten. WATER 3-O.1 gr Nei.SO E -PKGI I » S'o S.~ FRÉE TEA TOWEL 8-PAD 19 %~.FWITH2PKG.TOPS PKG.1c Brillo ****3 PKGs. 25c Clorox. . . . â0oW4¶&E2 3c Breons QUAUTY * * EACH 55C AOSORTEDSOLUP8 a é N. ýJ., ýcompa- them., Mr. and Mrs.,L. E. Mitten; 310 ,Cumnor road, Kenilwortb, entertained at a pot-luck dinner Saturday fol- lowed by bridge and keno. C130 00 . aLa. TO 10-LB. AVERAGE . e.., 1 , R jh 3 OUNCHESIocI -eý at -Abj&-.JM- .Au - -:-Abàk- -WIWI