PEACOCK*S., <CECREAN: 413 Linden Avenue WiImefte 4120 KATZ, EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY EASTER HATS interviewing Catholic men Iernment during and aller the war: Icomniunities had to be studied and, i analyzed quickly and accurate find- Iings presented. We ecspecially recoin- Emend this interesting program to our Jmembers and hope a large attendance will greet tbis keen observer and in- - erpreter of international afairs. S Miss Frances. Anderson will 'direct: a group' of New Trier students in a song. recital. Iietion-Board of Education Tbe Parent-Teacher organization of the Central-Laurel is making 9t de- termnined effort to armuse initerest in.~ the, elect ion, Saturda:y,,'April 13, -to. electmembers of the Boôard of Educa- tion". Mrs. Lois Finney, 833 Greenwood avernue, an active niember of the Par- et t-Teaeher organization, bas been nominated and is a candidate for re- election for tnembership on the Board of Education. Members of the Par- ent-Teacher organizations through- out tbe village are active 111 ber sup-, Issue Permits for 2 Golf Practice Links Priswere granted by the Village badTuesday for the operation of TJhe permits are for daylight play on'ly, no Iights to be installed. RESIDE IN LONDON -1r. and Mrs. Herbert D>. Seymour have gone. to housekeeping and have -taken an apartnient in London, Eng- landi, for a year. M1rs. Seymour is, the former Jane Geringer, daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. Miles' Geringer of Wilmette. The finish of the drive was origi- nally scheduled for Sunday,_ March 31. Howeyer, Mr. Con nor- received .Word last Saturday that the movement bad been extende d one week, or until midnight of .Sunday, April 1. This announcPfeflt proved welcome to the local organizationi as it had flnot beèen able to complet its1 work .in the origi- nal specified. time. Extemd a> umpai The Supreme board of directors- ex- plained the reasons for the. time extension, in a letter to Mr., Connor. A portion.-of the le"tter follows: "Reports from al parts of North- Arnerica are splendid. Our present membership has been aroused to greater actlvltY for church and country, and new members have been coming In at thé unprecedented rate of 1,500 a day, for a grand total ini two weeks of campIaigning of 20,000. 1 sa.y unprecedented advls- edîy, as 1 bell1-ve no. $ratcernal organiDza- doôn has evel' experlenced such a whole- sale enlistment 0f'new strength. Weatlier an Obstacle "«This belng the case, It would be a great rmistake to terminate this great effort 'on March 31 slmply because we had arbltrary closlng date. Not oply would It be a mistake, but It would be an Injustice bo-th to those councils4 that are xiow worklng at ful sýpeed and to those that have been delayed or han- dicapped for reasons over which. they have had no control. On the Pacific voast, for'exampie, our whole organiza- lion prograrn, becaiuse of distances In- andG of our own n'orthwest', are stili un- der !ce âian-- inow, inaking comnmunioa- tioîjs and lnter-commiunity' tearn-work .most difficuit. "For these reasons, the' Supreme. Bloard of Directors. bas d ecided to add another week to the intensive campaign ieriod. We, have sêt out t enlist 50,000 new mnemhe:rs, and on the basîs of re- ports now In 1iand I bélieve wc- t o ing ta' gettheni." Miss Isobel Zimmermanl. 219 Sixth street, arrived Thursday of last week f rom Delawvare. Ohio, where she at- I1607 Orrington Ave. 1 lI Evanston State Bank and Trust Company Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . La