Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Mar 1935, p. 60

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from the Bidwell BIoosters and 'are stillinl second place only one gaine behind the grocery team. The Edelweiss boys won the odil gamne from the, Bungalow, Tavern1 and crept up into fourth place, dropping the Tavern boys ho flfth place. Lynam's Texaco won two Out of three games from the Kuss Jewelers, but were not. able ho climb above sixtb place. The Bleser brothers are always. in the limelight. :Two Weeks- ago Phil shot a 603' series, while last week Brother Eddie bowled ganes of 224. VO0 and. 175 for a 609 series. Eddie also had bigh game. with 224 pins in bis first game. Phil Bleser .bowled second high gaine with 219 pins. Other 20 games were: Paul, Weiler, 209; Frank Shopen, 208, "Doc" Genster, 206. John Selzeér bowled bis- highesb gaine for this season with 185 pins, and it was bis high game that beat the Kuss Jewelers in tbe last game. ý tandings of -the ems-, ineluding games of Match 21:- G3eorge Wht es Groceeî WeIler's Nursery KusJewelers Edelweiss Teain Bungalow Tavern Lynam's Teixacos BIdwell Boosters Wliealatn Boosterm. WVon 48 47. 43 40 39 32 28 25 Lost 27 C8 32 36 43 17 IN A. B. C. TrOURNEY Phil Bleser and his cousin, George tBleser, bowling in singles at the Anierican Bowling congress tourna- ment at Syrac use, N. Y., on Monday1 titrned in scores of 584 and 574 re-. spechively. It is expecbvd that both Phil and George will be .isted among the prize winners. UNION LEAGUE St. John's Lutheran teai cliînbed. into first place in the Union Bowling league last week by winning- three games from the Mehhodist. No. 2 teai, while the Congregahionalists, who hadf been holding the league lea for sev- eral weeks, were able to win only onie out of. three gaines wihh the Meth- oit ~ N-1tem 'Captain Lindberg's team No. 2' un- proved its percentage considerably by winning three sraigbt fromn Captain Drewes' teani No. 4. The scores were 835 to 737, 844 to 815 and 844 to 831. ITeami No. 2's victory enabled the Lindberg %boys to move into.a third lace tie. with the Drewes, outfit, or,, putting it another waýy. Teai No. 4 slipped into a tie for the cellair spot. The team standings: Teamts IWon Los4t pet. Teain 1-BassIer, capt. 20 1là .606 Team 3-F!entye, capt., 18 15 .545 Tearn4-Drewes, eýàlt. >14 19'.424 Teani 2-Lindberg, û4apt. 14 19 .424 GO TO :NEWYORK Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Elias, 1222 Cbestnut avenue, left Moniday for thei east. Mr. Elias goes to New York1 and Boston on business while M.rs.. Elias visits ber daughter, M'%abel, in Buffalo. Miss Trew Ross returnied to lher hone at 1 133 Cetitral avenue Iast week after a sojourn of ben weeks in Miami, Fia. She niobored down and back. $ue R. Lake of Evanston, who has charge of the Junior recital at Lion and Healy's this Saturday will bave two pupils ont the prograni-Beverly Cole and Barbara Williams. HowardJ avenue, Kei Brown unii R. I., is rel ,spring vacali la. 320 Cumberlai Miss Florenvce Sellery, 908 Ashland avenue. returned Monday from New London, N. H., wbere she attends Colby Junior colle ge. She, stopped to visit frienids lin Rocliester, N. Y. Mr.* and Mrs. Roy Crumimer, 227 Sheridan road, Kenilwortb, returned Monday. of 'last week f rom a six weeks'. visit at Palm Beach and Mfianii, FIa. Miss Brenna Hawley, daughter of, Mr. and. Mrs. Melvin Hawl ey of 515 'Warwick road, Kenilwortb, returned froin Cotnnecticut .College for Women Friday' for ber spr in g vacation. Col. -and Mrs. Howard W. Hodg- kins. 431 Abbotsford. road, Keùil- wordî, left last Tuesday by niotor 'for Elkbart, Ild., wbere Mr. .Hodgkiîns ~went1 on business.- -- -o- .Nr. andl Mrs. Andrew K. Snith, 1036 Forest avenue, announce the birth )f their son, Wiliam KirbY Kibtoe, Wednesday, 'March 20, ah the Evanston hospihal. Mrs. Harry Weese, 141 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilwortli, enterhainied at al sinall luncheoil Tuesday of last week. ijý Mr. and Mrs. Josephi B. Kleckner, 637 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth re- turnied Wedniesday of last week, moboring from southern Illinois where. Mr. Klecknier went on business. NE W TIER"WNHI CO Miss Kawin confined ber talk to the four following subjects: Habit training; b e h a vi o r - personality, scbool adjustments, constructive lise of leisure turne. The term "prob-lem child" is con- sidered a most. unfortunate one by M iss. Kawin.. With, the .experience that daily contact> brings to one, Miss Kawin advanced many helpful suggestions and those of our mein- bers unable to attend',theç meeting_ i1ssedý an outstanding speaker of 'tit- tisual charm and personality. Staté Con feréki-Ce. Tý;rhe çtate conferenceof parent and teacher org anizations. will be held at Peoria, Ap.ril 10, Il- and 12. Mr%. George Quisnlan, MNrs. C.. G. Shearon, Mrs. George Evans, and Mrs: Theo- dore Barrett will go as delegates, from the association. P. 7*. A.1 Lupicheon The Sprinjz bridge lunthWeôn for al mnemibers of the association with the teachers as guests to be beld at Shawnee Country club Marchi.29, hia.s beeni postponed until early in 'May. The date wiII bc announc ed sbortly. Mrs. Seyxnour Jones, hospitality chairmnan ii charge of reservations. hopes the association will turt out, iii large numbers on this occasion. like.it downj r, how do you herep" o I*gion league last week by winning i J16 three shraighh. gaines froni Harry 8 àM~.~ WIu± Fientye's Teani No. 3, whicb had la ise held the league lead for several weeks. a feu AUl of the Teain No. 1 victories were WiLmIE 32 UNIVT 7317 &cored Xgood margins-884 to 82Q, Phone Wilmette 831 PHii, H. BRAUýN RowR. F. DOEPE-i, CARI, L~ BRAUIN Use OiI'. 'I il

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