4 Su'nday lm a. special day for. this ehurcli. It le te be "Dedîcation Day of Self and Substance." At the morning worship service we are earnestly expeet- Ing every member and frlend oetheii chOrch to be present. Ifl>. miniffter wll! 8peak on "The Vine and Branches." Pledges will b. received teward the cur.. tount expenses, the bonevolences, and the Building fund for the coming 'year. A special service- of dedication et thene offerinfre, and aconsecratlon of the can- vassers >will b. held. In, the. ft.riieon the canvassers will cali on these who eould not b. -present at the. morning service. TIi. service will b. at1il The rmusic forthe. service will b. as follows: Prelude, "Berceuse" (Jocelyn),. Goddard; antheni "Incline Thine Bar," Humel-; solo, 'i'ii. Geod Shepherd,"e Barri. Edward Otts, sollt: postinde, 4-To the Spring," Torjussen. Mimg Erma Rounds la director. Our Sunday Bible sehool *i11 meet at 9:30 'clock in.-aIl departmentÉ. Our Adult Bible clans, meets for study î o "The Lite and Letters «of Paul" at 10 o'clock, under the. direction of the a- tor. -Me pllttors'icags for those *-ho wl to Join the ciiurch at Baster nieetq at 9:30 ln~ the church office. Aduits wiilh. wolcemed to this clans. -Our Junior churcir will care for your lttUe folks while you are atthe meorning church service at il o'clock. The cailvassers for the. Every Menuber. canvass are requested to report at the chapel at 2:30 o'clock before visiting the, * Our church wIl J61n. wlth the. other eiitrches of.Wilmlette lu a union Lenten P.vening service at the Baptist chureh at .7:30 o'cleck.' The. ey. John G. Hindley, padter oethte Congregational church, wtll preach the sermon on the theme, "~The Challenge et Lent." We cordlally invite aIl eut members and friends te at- tend thus service. The Wemen's department et the, Chii- ragro Ciiurcii. tederatioft cordially invites althiewomen te attend an Inner d4evo- The Forum wlll meet Bunday at the. honietfHelen and Margaret Stafford, 526 Melro. avenue, Kenilworth. À di- cusslon of -The, Moral Value Approach te JIeligieu" will lb. led by Balph Mor- ris. Election of officere Wll!be held. TeaL will b. served et 5:30. .English Lutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf S"A House of Worsiiip" ' The Rev. David . Kàbele,,pastor. alUIEAT SERVICES Church scliool .... 9:45 a. Mu. Morning wership ...... Il».1a. mi. ýLuther league.......... 5:30 .. Mllb-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE WednesdaYý evening ......... 8:00 p. mi. The. Woman's society wili meet tues * afternoon (Thursday): at, the home of Mrs.. G. Buehholi, 226 Central avenue, at 2 o'clock. Senior choir ýrehearsal FrIday evening lat 7:30 o'cloek. Junior choir rehearsal Saturday inorn- Ing at 10 o'clock. A t theserviceof twrhi: ex~t uelay rnorning. the third Sunday ln Lent, the pastor. Wl!! preach on thie Gospel lesson foi, the. day, Luke il1:14-28. The Luther league wl! meet Sundrjv evening at 5:30 o'clock. We Invite, ail the. young people to meet with us. Confirmation -class will meet on lte~ day atternoon at 3:45 o'clock. Teachers' training class will -mneet on Tuesday 'evening at 8 o'cloek at lnity Lutheran church, Cheago. WL &you, 4 %ffpW Re%-. John G. Hindley, minister "Making Pull Use et Our ]Resources". Ie tii. nubject et the Bey. Mr. Hindley's sermuon for Sunday merning, Mardi 24, aM thelil o'clock service. The musical progranu for that service will be given by the Northland college a capella choir under thie direction of Sigvart J. Steen. Tiie organ numbere are as follows* Prelude: "Adagio" frorn "Sixth Ryni- phony"l ..... ............ .... Widor Postînde: "Passacaglia and Fugue, C Miner",....................... Bach The. Junior Camp Pire Girls meet on 'Tuesday ut 4:15 p. ni. Scout troep No. 1 meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p. ni. Thi. Brownles (Junior Girl Scouts> meet on Wednesday ut 3:30 p. m. Scout troop No. 2 meets on Wednesday, at 7-30 p.ni. Girls' choir rehearsal on Thursdav a, t 3 :30 P.nm.: Boys, choir rehearsal on Thuneda>? a' t 4 'P. ni. Senior choir nehearsai on Thursday at 7:-1& P. ni. Cuh Pack 63 on Saturday aut 9:-30 a. mi. Girls' choir rehearsi !on, Saturday at 10:380 a. ni. Boys' choir rehearsai on Saturday at il a.,ni. St.John's $Latheran, Wilmette and. Parýk avenues J. H. Gockel, pastor 9:15 a. nm-Firet service. 9:30 a. .--Sunday school and Junior and Intermediate Bible classes. 10 a..m>.-Senior Bible class. il a. .--Second service.. 8 P. ni., Wednesdayr-L.enten service. MEEINGS Open bouse tht. evening froni 7 tg) il O'clock. Adult confirmation clama, Monday, ut 8a. mL Choir rehearsal, MonidaY, 7:45 P. nm. Pastore and delegates of Circuit 10, Tuesday, 8 p. n.; Bev. P- Zapf, speaker. Sunday's sermon will b. based on the seventeenth chapter et the Gospel ot John, which centaine the Bo-alled sacerdotal or highpriestly. prayer et Christ. SubJect: "The Great Inter- cessor."1 We Invite you te meditate with us on the. rich contents of thie o'cIock, we are oeing guiued . y jia Testamnent texte ln tollowing the. Savior upon His "lway of sorrows.' You are Invited te Jein us. Kernlrvorth Union Dr. Herbert .L. Willett, uiec On *Sunday, March 24, Dr. Barris Frankln Raîl, professer ot theelogy it The church service ls at 11 o'cloek. Ward-Stepýhens àite ln C Miner" .... Bach Organ Seven-thirty1 o'clock le ti.he ur for the evening Lenten service beginning. thus. Sunday evening, and continuing un - tiI Éaster. AIl are lnvited te share lih tut. inepiring service. ITii. ninister's sermon theie. for thies, unday evening Wl!! be "The. lnquiring Greeks." Tii. mhusi. for the, 7:30 *service wlll be as toi-, lows: Organ prelude: "Peace, et Gd" 'Shure. Introit:- "Grant Me True, Courage. Lord" Bach AntheS.:*"0: Gladsorne Ltght" Sullivan Offrtory-Organ solo: "Pastoral"- Miss Marie Brie! Organ postlude: "Prelude and Fugue ln C major"... ........... ...... Bach, A servie et H oly Communion is held each Sunday niorning during Lent at 8 oclock. Those wiio have been attending, have' found thes. services te b.e very helpful., They are purposetully plannedW as a preparation tor the. more abun(lant lite. The Ciiurch school meets each Sunday niorning at 9:*30 o'cleck. There are tiREUe lot II gsfrôni the nùstery to the Adult department. Appointments for counsels ma:, ho, made for any Sunday ,î'ening during Lent, between thi. heurs ot 5 :30 and 7ý_ o'cloek. The, minister will welcom, an. oppertunity te discusa' any problenis or Dr. Horace G. Smith,, president et Garrett Biblical institut., 'and a former minister eft tus church, wi!! b. the ln'intnt fea*u,,.of.#the.'rI... Choir rehearsal lm being hld tach thursclay xight at the usual heur of S o'eloc-k sharp. It le veiry important tint' every member b. pre6ent and on tume for every rehearsal b.tween. now a n-d Baster as lier, e ni b tobe d'ne. The. High Sciioel Epwerth lea-gue wili meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 oý'rlock. Mr. T~rumian W. Potter Is the gpqnsor. tor this greup. Tiieta Upsilon Rho meets on eh-Su nday eveningat 5:30_'clock under. the- leader- MeràbergiPs ln the. Olivet Institut. aUXiliarY nMay b. secured frein'Mrs. W. IH. Ellis,823 Greenwood avenue, during Marci. On FIdsY. March 29, the second et the sert.. tetn addre.ses under thei. au~sss e th Wina'sboard of ii Pru* 'toeau hospitl iI b.given a.t il: o'cloclrahtii, hicago ÏWoinn lb,7 - .. ce, legins at 10:45 o'clock. - Everyone le Thrd-2 p. n.-Mts. H. p. Bittuier, 302 night. areh -Invlted te éahre ln the. entire service, Seventeent>., treet. ,igiMrh21, a birthday dinner beginning wth the organ prelude. Yith-iO :89 a. m.-Mrs..1-L W, Mens. b.- aerved tée i.uombers. and 157 Woodstook avenue, K.enilworth. dants efthti.e iiuYOlIYwvelve tables The. musile for the. Il o'cleck service b. decorated te, represent the tbis Sunqlay moraing wl!!b. ais followà: Infants w!!! b. baptized on Palm Sun- lis et the year, and these attending Orýan (10:45>:, day. During the next tew weeks nien- be seated according te the month in eCantUlene" bers and frIends.-are aeked: te givete tii. i thei ltiay@ coeur, lire. G. B. "Adagio"l (Third Sympheny).... Viorne minister the Damnes et babies te b. bap- la chaîrran thte diuer commit-, Mise Maie Briel tifed at that tume.